{ "com.Accessdenied": "No permissions.", "com.AccountBruteForceWarning": "Brute force attack of the account.", "com.Enabled": "Enabled", "com.Disabled": "Disabled", "com.Add": "Add", "com.AddType": "Add Mode", "com.Alarm": "Alarm", "com.AlarmChannel": "Alarm Channel", "com.AllIpAdress": "All IP Addresses", "com.AllowIPConnectDeviceTip": "Only the corresponding source host of the listed IP addresses/MAC is allowed to access the corresponding port number of the device by network connection.", "com.Apply": "Apply", "com.Back": "Back", "com.BadlengtPassword8Tip": "The password cannot be less than 8 characters.", "com.BadstringServerNameTip": "Name can only include numbers, letters, underlines and hyphens.", "com.CAName": "CA CERTIFICATE", "com.CGIService": "CGI", "com.Cancel": "Cancel", "com.CertList": "Certificate List", "com.ChangeZoom": "Zoom", "com.Channel": "Channel", "com.CheckAll": "Select All", "com.CheckDetail": "View Details", "com.Cityname": "City Name", "com.ClearAll": "Clear", "com.ClickDownLoad": "Click here to download", "com.Close": "Close", "com.Comdefault": "Default", "com.ConfirmToClear": "Click OK and then clear.", "com.Copy": "Copy", "com.CopyXDayTo": "Copy X time plan to", "com.Country": "Country", "com.Custom": "Custom", "com.CustomName": "Custom Name", "com.CustomSchdulemodified": "Customized schedule cannot be deleted manually. It will be deleted automatically after another time is selected.", "com.DataOfNum": "%d records", "com.DefaultConfig": "Default", "com.Defaultsuccess": "Click Apply to take effect.", "com.DefenceName": "Account Lockout", "com.Delete": "Delete", "com.Description": "Security scanning can help you get a whole picture of device security status in real time and use the device in a much safer way.", "com.DetailTitleTips1": "Total", "com.DetailTitleTips2": "XX items must be optimized. You are recommended to optimize now.", "com.DevAllPort": "All Device Ports", "com.DevEndServerPort": "Device End Server Port", "com.DevStarServerPort": "Device Start Server Port", "com.Devicemanager": "Device Setting", "com.Download": "Download", "com.DrawRectTip": "Please draw a rectangle.", "com.DrawingIsCompletedTip": "Drawing is completed.", "com.Edit": "Edit", "com.Enable": "Enable", "com.EncryPassword": "Encryption Password", "com.EndAddress": "End Address", "com.ErrorAuthorizeReloginTip": "Authorization failed. Please log in again.", "com.EventLink": "Event Linkage", "com.EventType": "Event Type", "com.Exits": "Exit", "com.Export": "Export", "com.FileFormatDefaultTip": "File format is invalid.", "com.FireWall": "Firewall", "com.Focus": "Focus", "com.ForbidenIPConnectDeviceTip": "The listed corresponding source host of IP addresses/MAC is prohibited from visiting the corresponding ports of the device by network connection.", "com.ForcedEncryption": "Force Encryption", "com.Forgetsecret": "Forgot password?", "com.General": "General", "com.Hour": "hr", "com.ICMPFloodContent": "An attacker might send out an abnormally large number of ICMP packets to the device, which will use up all computing resources and thus make the device crash. When hit by an ICMP flood attack, the device will defend itself by using the ICMP message filtering tactic.", "com.IPAddress": "IP Address", "com.IPIllegality": "Invalid IP address.", "com.IRLight": "Illuminator", "com.Ignore": "Ignore", "com.IllegalExecutableProgram": "An invalid executable program tries to run.", "com.IllegalIPAccessAlert": "Access with invalid IP address.", "com.InSecuTesting": "Detecting...", "com.IncludeTpye6Tip": "Name can only include numbers, letters and underlines.", "com.InputPasswordAgain": "Enter the password again.", "com.InputRangeError": "Entry range error.", "com.InputSaveCodeTip": "Security code:", "com.Intensity": "Intensity", "com.InvalidIPSegement": "Start address cannot be greater than end address.", "com.InvalidInput": "Invalid entry. Please enter again.", "com.IpExiseTip": "IP address already exists.", "com.KeyManagementModel": "Key Management Mode", "com.KeyManagerSever": "As a professional key management server, Key Management Service (KMS) helps the device to effectively manage key.", "com.Language": "Language", "com.Skin": "Skin", "com.Lastchecktime": "The last scanning time: %s", "com.LogName": "Log Security", "com.Login": "Login", "com.LoginByPrevent": "Login prohibited.", "com.LoginErrorNo1": "Wrong username or password.", "com.LoginErrorNo10": "Exceeded maximum number of connections.", "com.LoginErrorNo2": "The account does not exist.", "com.LoginErrorNo4": "Already logged in to account.", "com.LoginErrorNo5": "The account is locked.", "com.LoginFailTip": "Login failed.", "com.LoginFailedPleaseRefresh": "Login failed. Please refresh the page and try again.", "com.LoginFailureTip": "Illegal Login", "com.LoginTimes": "XXXX attempts remaining.", "com.Logout": "Logout", "com.MaxLength": "Exceeded maximum length.", "com.Middle": "Medium", "com.Minute": "min", "com.Mode": "Mode", "com.MonitorEventSetup": "Configure Monitoring Event", "com.MotionDetect": "Motion", "com.Necessary": "Required", "com.NetworkConnectionSocket": "Run out of network connection Socket resource.", "com.NextStep": "Next", "com.NoPluginTip": "Please click here to download and install the plug-in.", "com.Non-setTimeRangeAccountLogin": "Login not in the specified time range.", "com.None": "None", "com.NullPwdTip": "Password required", "com.Numbers": "No.", "com.Ok": "OK", "com.Onebuttonoptimize": "One-click Optimization", "com.OnvifService": "ONVIF", "com.Operateingfailure": "Operation failed.", "com.Operateingsuccess": "Operation successful.", "com.Operation": "Operation", "com.Optimize": "Optimize", "com.Oragnization": "Organization", "com.Password": "Password", "com.PasswordTowWordTip": "Password must include at least two of the following categories: numbers, uppercase letters, lowercase letters and special characters.", "com.Period": "Period", "com.PlayTime": "Duration", "com.PleaseDrawLineTip": "Please draw an area.", "com.PleaseDrawRegionTip": "Please draw an area.", "com.PleaseDrawShapeTip": "Please draw graphics.", "com.PleaseEnterPassword": "Please enter password.", "com.PleaseEnterUsername": "Please enter username.", "com.PluginDownload": "To use this function, please download and install the plug-in.", "com.Previous": "Back", "com.Privatetitle": "Private Protocol", "com.Prompt": "Note", "com.Province": "Province", "com.PwdDifTip": "Passwords do not match.", "com.PwdResetFailRepirTip": "Failed to reset password.", "com.PwdResetSuccessTip": "Password is reset successfully.", "com.PwdTip1": "The password must consist of 8 to 32 non-blank characters and contain at least two types of characters among upper case, lower case, number, and special character (excluding ' \" ; : &).", "com.QuickFocus": "Hybrid Linkage", "com.Rate": "time(s)", "com.ReadonlyUserName": "Read-Only Username", "com.Refresh": "Refresh", "com.RefuseName": "File Anti-copy", "com.Rejoin": "Rejoin Detection", "com.Reqandimport": "CA Application and Import", "com.ResLimOpenVideoFailTip": "Limited resources. Failed to play videos.", "com.ResetPswTip": "In order to reset device password safely, we need to collect your email address, MAC address and device SN etc. All the collected info is only used for the purposes of verifying device validity and sending security code. Continue?", "com.Resetpwd": "Password Reset", "com.RiskTip": "Risk Warning", "com.SafeError": "Security Exception", "com.Scan": "Browse", "com.ScanQR": "Please scan QR code.", "com.SchduleMaxlength": "Exceeded maximum number of schedules.", "com.Schdulemodified": "The schedule is in use and cannot be deleted.", "com.Schedule": "Time Plan", "com.SecStateTitle": "Security Status", "com.SecWarnName": "Security Warning", "com.Second": "sec", "com.SecurityWarningSpecificFun": "Security warning can detect device security status in real time, and keep you informed of the security exception events immediately, so that you can deal with them timely and avoid security risks.", "com.SelectFile": "Select File", "com.SelfCreated": "Create Certificate", "com.SendEMail": "Send Email", "com.ServerUserTitleTips1": "According to account and service detection,", "com.ServerUserTitleTips2": "XX items must be optimized.", "com.SessionConnectionOverrun": "Session connection exceeds limit.", "com.SetKMSService": "Configure KMS Service", "com.SettingGetErrorTip": "Error getting configuration.", "com.SituationAwareness": "Situational Awareness and Report", "com.Snap": "Snapshot", "com.StAdd": "Start Address", "com.StartPortBigger": "The end port shall be larger than the start port.", "com.Strong": "Strong", "com.SyncFloodContent": "An attacker might send out repeated SYN messages to the device, leaving many half-open TCP connections on the device, which will make the device crash. When hit by an SYN flood attack, the device will defend itself by discarding the first message.", "com.Tday": "Days", "com.TimeSchedule": "Time Plan Table", "com.Total": "Total", "com.TrapAddressTip": "Trap Address format should be IPv4 or IPv6.", "com.TrustedCACertAlertMessage": "Use a trusted CA certificate to verify the validity of peer authentication server (switch or Radius server).", "com.Type": "Type", "com.Username": "Username", "com.UsernameOrPwdEmpty": "Username or password cannot be null.", "com.Validity": "Validity Period", "com.Version": "Version", "com.VideoStorageAlertMessage": "Video storage encryption shall be used with KMS server. Please make sure that KMS service configuration is feasible.", "com.WantToClear": "Are you sure you want to delete?", "com.Weak": "Weak", "com.WebPathBruteForceWarning": "Brute force attack of web path.", "com.addSchedule": "Add Schedule", "com.certImportType3": "Install Existing Certificate", "com.certImportTypeTip1": "Fill in certificate information, and the device will create and issue the certificate.", "com.certImportTypeTip2": "After you fill in certificate information, the device will generate a certificate request file. Please submit the file to a CA institute to apply for a signature and certificate, and then import them into the device.", "com.certImportTypeTip3": "If you already have a certificate and private key file, please import the certificate and private key file in this way.", "com.certNotComplete": "Incomplete", "com.checkRevoke": "Revocation Detection", "com.createAndDownloadCert": "Create and Download", "com.importAndInstallCert": "Import and Install", "com.importOtherTitle": "Step 2: Select certificate and private key.", "com.importSignedCertTitle": "Step 3: Import the signed certificate.", "com.installCert": "Install Device Certificate", "com.intoEditMode": "Enter Edit Mode", "com.jumpToLogin": "Go to login interface now", "com.loginMode": "Login Mode", "com.recreateCert": "Recreate", "com.resetlastPageMessage": "Automatically goes to the login window after %d seconds.", "com.sameSchduleName": "Schedule name already exists.", "com.sameSchedule": "Schedule already exists.", "com.savingAllRecord": "Saving configuration... Please wait.", "com.securityTitleTips1": "Security module scanning.", "com.securityTitleTips2": "XX items have been scanned.", "com.selectGetCertType": "Step 1: Select installation mode.", "com.writeCertInfoTitle": "Step 2: Fill in certificate information.", "ivs.IRLightDelay": "Illuminator Delay", "ivs.LightLink": "Light Linkage", "med.AlarmOutput": "Alarm-out Port", "med.AlwaysBright": "Always On", "med.AudioLink": "Audio Linkage", "med.AutoSwitchEncodeMode": "Switched to sub stream automatically for better experience.", "med.Iris": "Iris", "med.Ptzlink": "PTZ Linkage", "med.TwinkleFre": "Flicker Frequency", "med.Video": "Video", "med.VideoControl": "Record Control", "med.VideoDelayTime": "Post-Record", "net.1xContent": "802.1x is a network access control protocol which can effectively prevent access from unauthorized hosts.", "net.AES256-OFB": "AES256-OFB", "net.AuthenticationMode": "Authentication Mode", "net.AuthenticationPassword": "Authentication Password", "net.AuthenticationType": "Authentication Type", "net.Authmethod": "Authentication Mode", "net.BadFormatIPV6address": "Invalid IPv6 address, default gateway or DNS server.", "net.CACert": "CA Certificate", "net.CBC-DES": "CBC-DES", "net.CFB-AES": "CFB-AES", "net.CertManage": "Certificate Management", "net.CertSefialNum": "Certificate Serial Number", "net.CertState": "Certificate Status", "net.CertificatePath": "Certificate Path", "net.ClientKey": "Private Key", "net.ClientKeyPassword": "Private Key Password", "net.CreateAndInstallCert": "Create and install certificate", "net.DeviceCert": "Device Certificate", "net.Dfltgate": "Default Gateway", "net.EncryptionType": "Encryption Type", "net.EthDevName": "NIC Name", "net.EthernetCard": "NIC", "net.ForbiddenPing": "PING Prohibited", "net.ForcedEncryptionAlertMessage": "After force encryption function is enabled, the recorded video files cannot be downloaded in plaintext.", "net.Https": "HTTPS", "net.IPArea": "IP Segment", "net.IPDomainName": "IP/Domain Name", "net.IPaddrMAC": "IP Address/MAC Address", "net.IpNotNowTip": "IP address cannot be the same as the device address.", "net.KMS": "KMS", "net.LinkWork": "Linkage Operation", "net.MACHasExisted": "MAC address already exists.", "net.MD5": "MD5", "net.MacAddress": "MAC Address", "net.NetAccess": "Network Access", "net.NoteSend": "Send SMS", "net.OragnizationUnit": "Organization Unit", "net.PEAP": "PEAP", "net.Port": "Port", "net.PortEnd": "End Port", "net.PortStart": "Start Port", "net.RTSPModeName": "RTSP Login Mode", "net.RTSPTLSContent": "RTSP stream is encrypted by using TLS tunnel before transmission.", "net.ReadCommon": "Read Community", "net.RtspoverTLS": "RTSP over TLS", "net.SHA": "SHA", "net.SNMP12RiskTip": "SNMP V1 and V2 may be at risk. Continue?", "net.SNMP1RiskTip": "SNMP V1 may be at risk. Continue?", "net.SNMP2RiskTip": "SNMP V2 may be at risk. Continue?", "net.SNMPPort": "SNMP Port", "net.SNMPv1": "V1", "net.SNMPv2": "V2", "net.SNMPv3": "V3", "net.SSH": "SSH", "net.SameNetTip": "IP address does not match default gateway.", "net.SniffersrcAddress": "Host IP/MAC", "net.SnmpCommonRisk": "The community is at risk. Continue saving?", "net.StartUsingTLS": "TLSv1.0", "net.SubnetMask": "Subnet Mask", "net.TLS": "TLS", "net.TrapIP": "Trap Address", "net.TrapPort": "Trap Port", "net.UpnpSearch": "Multicast/Broadcast Search", "net.UsedTip": "MAC address cannot be the same as the device MAC.", "net.Wire8021x": "802.1x", "net.WriteCommon": "Write Community", "net.certNumber": "Certificate Number", "net.httpsAlertMessage": "HTTPS is a service entry based on Transport Layer Security (TLS). HTTPS provides web service, ONVIF access service and RTSP access service.", "net.requirePort": "Server port cannot be null.", "ivs.ActionList": "Detection List", "per.AlarmDelay": "Post-alarm", "per.Cruise": "Tour Group", "per.PTZMenu": "PTZ Menu", "per.Pattern": "Pattern", "per.Preset": "Preset", "pfm.SamePort": "Port is already occupied.", "pfm.SendKeepAlive": "Send Keep-alive Packet", "sys.AP": "AP Configuration Security", "sys.ARPDefense": "ARP Spoofing Attack Defense", "sys.AccessProtocol": "Access Protocol", "sys.AccountStat": "Account Status", "sys.AccountStatContent": "Detect whether a user password is as complicated as required.", "sys.AfreshPwdTip": "Incorrect password. Please enter again.", "sys.AnonLoginMode": "Anonymous Login Mode", "sys.AuthCodeError": "Security code error or invalid.", "sys.AuthCodeRefused": "Incorrect or invalid security code. Please try again in 5 minutes.", "sys.Basicservice": "Basic Services", "sys.BoardBackup": "Main and Sub Control", "sys.BruteWarn": "Invalid Access", "sys.Businessused": "Used by", "sys.CfgEncStore": "Encrypted Storage of Configuration", "sys.CfgExpEnc": "Encrypted Exporting of Configuration", "sys.CfgFileSecName": "Configuration Files Security", "sys.CfgImport": "Config Import", "sys.DOStitle": "Anti-DoS Attack", "sys.Devcerttip": "A device certificate is a proof of device legal status. For example, when the browser is visiting device via HTTPS, the device certificate shall be verified.", "sys.DownloadCertificate": "Download Root Certificate", "sys.FTP": "FTP Configuration Security", "sys.Failed": "Update failed.", "sys.FileVirtual": "File Virtualization", "sys.FirmEncName": "Firmware Encryption", "sys.FlashBackup": "System Partition Backup", "sys.HTTPS": "HTTPS Configuration Security", "sys.ICMPFlood": "ICMP Flood Attack Defense", "sys.ICMPFloodName": "ICMP Flood Attack Defense", "sys.IPVersion": "IP Version", "sys.ImportUpgrade": "Import Update File", "sys.InputSafecode": "Security Code", "sys.Installtrucert": "Install Trusted Certificate", "sys.KMS": "KMS Configuration Security", "sys.LockIpTime": "Lock the IP Address", "sys.LockedSecond": "Unlock in XXXX seconds.", "sys.LoginModeContent": "Detect whether the current login authentication mode conforms to the recommendation.", "sys.LoginModeName": "Login Authentication", "sys.LoginTimeoutName": "Auto Logout after Timeout", "sys.Machine": "Device Account", "sys.MobilePush": "Mobile Push Notifications", "sys.ModifyPwd": "Change Password", "sys.NewPwd": "New Password", "sys.NoContactBonud": "No email address was entered to reset the password. Please contact local dealer or technical support.", "sys.OldPwd": "Old Password", "sys.OnvifPwdStat": "ONVIF Account Status", "sys.OnvifUser": "ONVIF User", "sys.Owner": "User", "sys.PShell": "Safe Background Terminal", "sys.PhysicalBackup": "Physical Backup", "sys.PlayCount": "Play Count", "sys.PowerBackup": "Power Supply Backup", "sys.PriLoginMode": "Login Mode", "sys.PriPwdStat": "Device Account Status", "sys.ProtectName": "Trusted Protection", "sys.PswResetClosed": "The function of password reset is already disabled.", "sys.Pwdconfirm": "Confirm Password", "sys.ResetNote": "Note(For admin only):", "sys.Revoked": "Revoke", "sys.SNMP": "SNMP Configuration Security", "sys.SSH": "SSH Configuration Security", "sys.SafetyMonitorevent": "Event Monitoring", "sys.Saveconfig": "Save Config", "sys.ScanQrcodeTipEmailPrivate": "Note (For admin only): \n Option 1. Please download and use DMSS, go to More -> Reset Device Password and scan the left QR code.\nOption 2. Please use any APP with scanning and recognition function, scan the left QR code to get encryption strings. And then send the strings to support_rpwd@global.dahuatech.com.", "sys.SecBootName": "Trusted Boot", "sys.SecContent": "Detect whether the current %s configuration conforms to the recommendation.", "sys.SecDefenseName": "Attack Defense", "sys.SecName": "Configuration Security", "sys.SecureLog": "Security Log", "sys.Selectcert": "Select a device certificate", "sys.Selecttrucert": "Please select a trusted CA certificate.", "sys.SessionBruteName": "Brute-force Access Prevention", "sys.SessionHijackName": "Anti-hijacking", "sys.SessionName": "Session Security", "sys.Signagency": "Issued by", "sys.SleepWakeup": "Sleep Wakeup", "sys.SyncFloodName": "SYN Flood Attack Defense", "sys.Timing": "Scheduled", "sys.TrustEnvName": "Trusted Execute", "sys.TrustUpdateName": "Trusted Update", "sys.TrustedCAcert": "Trusted CA Certificates", "sys.Trustedcerttip": "A trusted CA certificate is used to verify the legal status of a host. For example, a switch CA certificate shall be installed for 802.1x authentication.", "sys.Updateperiod": "Update Period of Secret Key", "sys.UserID": "User ID", "sys.VideoEncDownload": "Encrypted Downloading of Recorded Videos", "sys.VideoEncStore": "Encrypted Storage of Recorded Videos", "sys.VideoEncTrans": "Encrypted Transmission of Stream", "sys.VideoEncTransContent": "Stream transmission is encrypted by using private protocol.", "sys.reDetect": "Redetect", "sys.sec35114Desc": "Immediately after detecting invalid login, the device sends a security warning to remind the user timely.", "sys.sec802.1xDesc": "Based on 802.1x technology, and build network access control system to effectively block unauthorized hosts from accessing the protected private network.", "sys.secARPDefenseDesc": "Protect the device from LAN ARP spoofing attack.", "sys.secARPPing": "ARPPing", "sys.secARPPingDesc": "When the device is just started or Ethernet cable is disconnected, ping and modify device IP address, without need for authentication.", "sys.secAccountLockDesc": "Restrict number of failed login attempts, and lock the invalid login duration to effectively stop brute force attack of password.", "sys.secAnonLoginModeDesc": "After anonymous login function is enabled, without entering the password, users can log in to the device for live views. This function shall be used with caution.", "sys.secBoardBackupDesc": "The device has two chip boards. When main board breaks down, the backup board will replace the main board at once, and ensure that the device continues to work normally.", "sys.secBruteWarnDesc": "Immediately after detecting invalid login, the device sends a security warning to remind the user timely.", "sys.secCfgEncStoreDesc": "The device makes encrypted storage of background configuration data to protect data security.", "sys.secCfgExpEncDesc": "The device can export configuration backup in an encrypted way by default.", "sys.secCfgFileSecDesc": "Encrypt the device configuration file with a safe key, and export it in an encrypted way.", "sys.secDefenseDesc": "Monitor cyber attacks in real-time, and take effective defending measures to protect device network security.", "sys.secFTPDesc": "As a network storage function, FTP extends data storage node of the device.", "sys.secFileVirtualDesc": "Integrate virtualization technology in system kernel, hide the real files, and build virtual file nodes to protect real file data.", "sys.secFirewallDesc": "Provide flexible access control strategy based on IP, MAC and port, and block invalid access.", "sys.secFlashBackupDesc": "If device firmware upgrading failed accidentally, when it is restarted, the device will automatically restore previous firmware data from backup partition, so that the device restores normal operation.", "sys.secHTTPSDesc": "After this function is enabled, device web service can be accessed through HTTPS safe channel by the browser.", "sys.secICMPFloodDesc": "Make use of unsymmetrical consumption of ICMP performance, use up the device computing resources through lots of ICMP requests.", "sys.secKMSDesc": "KMS function connects KMS server to obtain key security management.", "sys.secLoginTimeoutDesc": "If the client has no operation for a long time, the device will log out of this session automatically to avoid any security threats.", "sys.secOnvifPwdStatDesc": "ONVIF is a third-party standard protocol for device management, and its password is the only credential to log in to the device. A complicated and safe password can increase device security.", "sys.secPShellDesc": "Based on mutual authentication by device administrator and third-party service, provide multi-factor authentication to prevent background terminal from malicious operation.", "sys.secPhysicalBackupDesc": "Based on physical backup, in case of physical damages, the device switches to backup device, and thus effectively improves operation continuity and robustness.", "sys.secPowerBackupDesc": "The device supports multiple power supplies in different circuits. When one circuit powers off due to fault, the backup power supply replaces the faulty circuit, and ensure that the device continues to work normally.", "sys.secPriLoginModeDesc": "The device supports multiple login modes. Security mode is recommended to increase device security.", "sys.secPriPwdStatDesc": "User password is the only credential to log in to the device. A complicated and safe password can increase device security.", "sys.secPriVideoEncTransDesc": "Encrypt key frame data based on private protocol.", "sys.secRTSP-TLSDesc": "RTSP Protocol transmits stream through TLS encrypted channel.", "sys.secRTSPLoginModeDesc": "The device supports multiple RTSP login modes.Digest authentication mode is recommended to increase device security.", "sys.secRefuseCopyDesc": "Integrate anti-copy technology in system kernel, restrict file read-write, and thus prevent data leakage.", "sys.secSMTPDesc": "Configure email parameter and enable email linkage. The system sends email to the defined address when the corresponding alarm is triggered.", "sys.secSNMPDesc": "Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) can be used to enable software such as MIB Builder and MG-SOFT MIB Browser to connect to the device, manage and monitor your device through the software.", "sys.secSSHDesc": "SSH is device debugging service. It is recommended to disable this function during daily operation.", "sys.secSecWarnDesc": "Immediately after detecting security abnormal behaviors, the device sends a security warning to remind the user timely.", "sys.secSecureBootDesc": "During start, make signature verification of firmware data, and ensure operating code and data is valid and effective.", "sys.secSecureWarnDesc": "Immediately after detecting security abnormal behaviors, the device sends a security warning to remind the user timely.", "sys.secSessionBruteDesc": "When the device detects continuous attempted access with wrong session credentials, the follow-up access of this host will be blocked to avoid session leakage.", "sys.secSessionHijackDesc": "The device recognizes the binding between session credential and client host, rejects unmatched session requests and avoids session leakage.", "sys.secSessionSecDesc": "Monitor session interaction process in real-time, and recognize validity, authenticity and security of session credentials.", "sys.secSituationAwarenessDesc": "By integrating with information awareness technology, the device reports device status to situational awareness platform to analyze security situation.", "sys.secSyncFloodDesc": "Based on TCP half-open connection principle, occupy TCP file handle quantity, so a valid client cannot build a normal connection.", "sys.secTrustEnvDesc": "Monitor real-time operating status, recognize and reject execution of malicious programs, and protect the device from virus.", "sys.secTrustProtectDesc": "Based on trusted protection technology, ensure that the device runs in a trusted safe environment.", "sys.secTrustUpdateDesc": "Verify the upgrade firmware integrity and validity based on digital signature technology.", "sys.secVideoEncDownloadDesc": "Based on complicated password that is configured by the user, make encrypted downloading of the designated recorded videos.", "sys.secVideoEncStoreDesc": "Based on KMS system, encrypt recorded videos with a safe key, and then store them to the designated storage medium.", "sys.secVideoEncTransDesc": "Encrypt real-time live view and playback video streams during network transmission.", "sys.secWi-Fi": "Wi-Fi Configuration Security", "sys.secWi-FiDesc": "Connect the device to the Internet with wireless network, and then you can connect the device with other devices in the same network wirelessly.", "com.Normal": "Normal", "com.Recheck": "Rescan", "sys.secDosAttack": "Prevent DoS attacks from SYNFlood and ICMPFlood to guarantee normal operation and resource access of device service.", "com.selfCheckError9": "SSH is enabled. Please disable it.", "sys.secTaskConflict": "Global scan tasks conflict.", "net.ImportAgain": "Import Later", "com.ReqandimportRecommend": "Apply for CA Certificate and Import (Recommended)", "sys.certManagerErrorNotConfig": "Server certificate directory is not configured.", "sys.certManagerErrorNameInvalid": "Certificate name is invalid.", "sys.certManagerErrorExisted": "Certificate file already exists.", "sys.certManagerErrorTypeNotSupport": "Certificate type is not supported.", "sys.certManagerErrorInfoInvalid": "Certificate user information is invalid.", "sys.certManagerErrorHashNoSupport": "Certificate algorithm is not supported.", "sys.certManagerErrorExportNotSupport": "The exported certificate format is not supported.", "sys.certManagerErrorPubPriNotMatch": "When the certificate is imported, public key and private key do not match.", "sys.certManagerErrorPriKeyMissed": "When the certificate is imported, private key does not exist.", "sys.certManagerErrorPKCS12PwdWrong": "When the certificate is imported, password is incorrect for pkcs#12 certificate.", "sys.certManagerErrorImportNotSupport": "The imported certificate format is not supported.", "sys.certManagerErrorImportIllegal": "The imported certificate file is invalid.", "sys.certManagerErrorImportKeyFile": "Private key file cannot be imported.", "com.InsideError": "Internal error.", "sys.digitalCertificateErrorGetIdFail": "Failed to acquire device ID.", "net.CertFileInvalid": "Invalid certificate file.", "sys.digitalCertificateErrorSNError": "Certificate SN error and non-standard.", "sys.digitalCertificateErrorCommonName": "Certificate commonName is invalid.", "sys.digitalCertificateErrorNoRootCert": "Root certificate is not imported or does not exist.", "net.CertRevoked": "Certificate is revoked.", "sys.digitalCertificateErrorCertInvalid": "Certificate is unavailable, ineffective or expired.", "net.CertSignMismatch": "Certificate signature does not match.", "net.CertOverLimit": "Exceeds maximum import number of certificates.", "net.CErtFileNotFound": "Certificate file does not exist.", "sys.digitalCertificateErrorSNDuplicate": "Certificate SN is repeated. Different users' certificates cannot be repeated.", "sys.digitalCertificateErrorPubkeyTypeNoSpt": "Public key type is not supported.", "sys.digitalCertificateErrorCertReqNoSpt": "The request file type to generate certificate is not supported.", "sys.digitalCertificateErrorNoPriKey": "No private key file.", "sys.digitalCertificateErrorSuperiorCert": "Superior certificate is unavailable.", "sys.digitalCertificateErrorImportCRLs": "Revocation list file is invalid.", "sys.digitalCertificateErrorCreateCert": "Cannot create a new certificate.", "sys.digitalCertificateErrorServicesUnset": "Service list is not configured.", "sys.digitalCertificateErrorRmDefCACert": "Cannot delete default CA certificate.", "sys.digitalCertificateErrorCantGeneCert": "The designated certificate cannot be activated to be a general certificate. For example, if private key does not exist or private key is imported, the certificate is unsafe.", "sys.digitalCertificateErrorServiceNotActive": "The designated service is not activated.", "sys.digitalCertificateErrorCertDelDenyForSubCertExist": "The designated certificate cannot be deleted, because the child certificate must be deleted first.", "sys.CertStatusTip": "Please install superior certificate on the Trusted CA Certificate interface.", "sys.secCADesc": "Centralized management of CA certificate helps you to use the certificate more normatively.", "sys.secFirmwareEncDesc": "The officially released firmware is encrypted. After upgrade, it is encrypted for storage in system partition.", "com.LogContent": "Support recording logs by levels to ensure traceability of system operations and events.", "sys.SMTP": "Email Configuration Security", "com.VideoExport": "Encrypted Download", "com.VideoStorage": "Encrypted Storage", "com.VideoTransmission": "Encrypted Transmission", "sys.LoginFailTo": "Failed login attempts reached", "com.AllowErrorTimeForLogin": "Login Attempt", "com.LockTime": "Lock Time", "sys.UserState": "User Status", "sys.SecStatusSecuritywarnname": "Security Warning", "com.UserCheckAndServerCheck": "User & Service Detection (Detects whether the current configuration conforms to the recommendation.)", "com.DetailInfo": "Details", "com.SafeModuleScan": "Security modules Scanning(Scan the running status of security modules except whether they are enabled.)", "com.Recordplan": "Record", "ivs.PtzNumberStat": "People Counting", "med.Sounds": "Sound", "com.audio": "Audio", "com.NotNoneTip": "Value cannot be empty.", "com.Test": "Test", "net.TestSuccess": "Test successful.", "net.TestEmailFailed": "Test failed.", "com.Monday": "Mon", "com.Tuesday": "Tue", "com.Wednesday": "Wed", "com.Thursday": "Thu", "com.Friday": "Fri", "com.Saturday": "Sat", "com.Sunday": "Sun", "com.Holiday": "Holiday", "sys.BindMail": "Email Address", "com.NoInputChMarksSpaceTip": "Only supports characters except quotation marks, Chinese and spaces.", "com.expired": "Expired", "com.SchduleNotCustom": "Schedule name cannot be Custom.", "com.ConfirmToExit": "Are you sure you want to log out?", "med.AlarmEnable": "Enable Alarm", "net.802.1x_eth0": "802.1x Service Certificate", "net.802.1x_Trust_eth0": "802.1x CA Certificate", "net.802.1x_eth1": "802.1x Service Certificate", "net.802.1x_Trust_eth1": "802.1x CA Certificate", "net.KMSSERVER": "KMS Service Certificate", "net.KMSCA": "KMS CA Certificate", "com.NeedVideoOcx": "Please install video plug-in.", "sys.UserPasswordInvalidchar": "Password must be 8 to 32 characters, including at least two of the following categories: numbers, uppercase letters, lowercase letters and special characters (Characters like ' \" ; : & cannot be included in).", "com.Saving": "Saving now. Please do not leave the page or close the browser…", "com.MACInvalid": "Invalid MAC address.", "com.CertMaxNumTip": "Reached max number of certificates.", "sys.ScanQrcodeTipEmail": "Note (For admin only): \n Option 1. Please download and use EasyViewer, go to Me -> Password Security -> Reset Device Password and scan the left QR code.\nOption 2. Please use any APP with scanning and recognition function, scan the left QR code to get encryption strings. And then send the strings to support_gpwd@htmicrochip.com.", "com.PasswordLength": "Password must be 8 to 32 characters.", "com.NoInputChMarksSpaceSlash": "Does not support Chinese characters, spaces, quotation marks, and \\.", "com.Recommend": "(Recommended)", "net.SnmpRwUser": "Read/Write Username", "net.Emailset": "Email", "sys.AccountOrpasswordFailedTip": "Wrong username or password. %d attempts remaining.", "sys.ModifyPwdLockedSecond": "Account locked. Please restart or try again in XXX seconds.", "com.InputInfoError": "Data Error", "com.MediaEncrypt": "Audio/Video Transmission Encryption", "sys.PshellName": "Secure Shell", "net.StartUsingLowVersionTLS": "Compatible with TLSv1.1 and earlier versions", "sys.ExceptionProgramRun": "Invalid executable programs attempting to run", "sys.WebURLErrorOverLimit": "Web directory bruteforcing", "sys.SessionIDErrorOverLimit": "Session ID bruteforcing", "sys.SessionNumOverLimit": "Number of session connections exceeds limit", "com.ReservedMaskPwdTip": "****** is a reserved string and cannot be set as a password.", "ivs.ListRecords": "record(s)", "com.TempeAddMax": "Reached the adding limit.", "com.Flicker": "Flicker", "com.Yes": "Yes", "com.False": "No", "sys.SafecodeTipMobilePhone": "The security code will be delivered to %s.", "com.Need2Caps": "Two Uppercase Letters", "ivs.SnapSet": "Snapshot Setting", "ivs.GroupSnapShotMode": "Capture by Group", "ivs.LongestCaptureInterval": "Longest Snapshot Interval", "ivs.CarNumberFeature": "Plate Feature", "ivs.ZeroClearTime": "Reset after 24:00", "ivs.PrivatePicReplace": "Replace Private Picture", "ivs.PleaseGoFileParamReplacePrivatePicture": "Please configure the private pictures in \"File Parameter\".", "ivs.SinglePicPreUpload": "Single picture uploaded in advance", "ivs.Picture1": "Picture 1", "ivs.Picture2": "Picture 2", "ivs.Picture3": "Picture 3", "ivs.Picture4": "Picture 4", "ivs.Picture5": "Picture 5", "ivs.Picture6": "Picture 6", "ivs.SinglePicPreUploadTip1": "1. Prerequisites: The image must be a close shot or a license plate close-up shot.", "ivs.SinglePicPreUploadTip2": "2. Scene: After capturing, the system will report the event as an imminent illegal parking event to the platform, triggering early warning actions such as sending SMS.", "ivs.FeatureRatio": "Cutout Proportion", "ivs.MiddleViewRatio": "Medium View Ratio", "ivs.CaptureAmount": "Snapshot Quantity", "sys.SNMPUser": "SNMP User", "com.AccoutBlockTip": "Your computer IP address is not on the allowlist.", "com.BlockIPAuthMustEnableOne": "At least one trusted IP address is selected in the blocklist.", "com.BlockList": "Blocklist", "com.AllowIPAuthMustEnableOne": "At least one trusted IP address is selected in the allowlist.", "com.AllowName": "Allowlist", "net.AntiHalfConnet": "Anti Half Connection", "net.AllowNote": "Only source hosts whose IP/MAC are in the following list are allowed to access corresponding ports of the device.", "net.BlockNote": "Source hosts whose IP/MAC are in the following list are not allowed to access corresponding ports of the device. ", "com.Ipv4Range": "The first section of IP address ranges from 1 to 223.", "com.Ipv4127": "The first section of IPv4 address cannot be 127.", "com.Ipv4Range4": "The last section of IP address ranges from 1 to 254.", "sys.ScanQrcodeTipMobilePhone": "Note (for admin only): \nPlease use an app that can scan and identify QR codes to scan the QR code, and then send the results of the scan by SMS to 10690067124537.", "com.UseOfCert": "Certificate Usage", "net.UserCert": "User Certificate", "sys.SelectCertTip": "Please select an authentication certificate and an encryption certificate from the same certificate authority.", "com.PrivatetitleTLS": "Private Protocol TLS", "net.TLSPort": "TLS Port", "sys.PrivatetitleTLSTip": "*Before enabling private protocol TLS, make sure that the corresponding device or software supports this function.", "com.NotPrePhoneNumAttentionAppTip": "Dear customer, you have not set a reserved phone number. Please follow the official account of “Dahua Customer Service” on Wechat to reset the device password.", "com.PrePhoneFollowStepTips": "Dear customer, you have set the reserved phone number: %s. Please reset your password using the following steps: 1. Follow the official account of “Dahua Customer Service” on Wechat. 2. Go to Technical Support and Reset Device Password. Scan the QR code on the page. If you do not receive the security code after a long time, the reserved phone number you entered might be incorrect. You can go to the official account of “Dahua Customer Service” on Wechat for further instructions on resetting the device password.", "sys.PhoneNumChangedTip": "Did your phone number change? Or has the message not arrived as yet?", "sys.ResetPswWithWeChatTip": "Dear customer, please follow the official account of “Dahua Customer Service” on Wechat to reset the device password.", "sys.CustomService": "Dahua Customer Service", "net.CertType": "Certificate Type", "ivs.LibraryFilter": "Exclusion Database", "ivs.AuxiliaryLine": "Auxiliary Line", "com.ColorCorrection": "Color Cast Correction", "ivs.DirGuide": "Direction Setup Guide", "ivs.LongRangeMode": "Long Distance Mode", "ivs.CalibrateTips": "When calibrating floors, you must calibrate them sequentially from the lowest floor to the highest.", "ivs.CalibrateFail": "Floor calibration failed. Please try again.", "com.FileName2Long": "Filename too long.", "ivs.GroupsConflictTips": "Databases that are configured with different modes cannot be armed at the same time.", "ivs.DetectRegionOverTips": "The detection area is too large. Please redraw it.", "ivs.SwayAbnormal": "Shake Detection", "ivs.MoveOverTop": "Elevator Moves Up After Reaching the Top", "ivs.MoveUnderBottom": "Elevator Moves Down After Reaching the Bottom", "ivs.StopBetweenFloors": "Elevator Stops Between Floors", "ivs.OpenDoorMove": "Elevator Keeps Moving While Open", "web_tty_entranceGuard_levelNoLabel": "Number of Floors", "ivs.PeopleFilter": "Filtered People", "ivs.StaticPeopleFilter": "Filtered People Statistics", "com.AttrReport": "Upload Attributes", "ivs.FilterEnterNum": "Filtered People Entered", "ivs.FilterLeaveNum": "Filtered People Exited", "ivs.ElevatorInfo": "Elevator Info", "ivs.NumInElevator": "Number of People in Elevator", "ivs.DoorStateDetect": "Door Opening and Closing Detection", "ivs.CloseDoorAbnomal": "Abnormal Door Closing", "ivs.PersonTrappedDetect": "People Trapped Detection", "ivs.DoorOperateRepeat": "Repeated Opening and Closing", "ivs.PersonTrappedAndInAreaTip": "To enable People Trapped Detection, you must also enable Area People Counting.", "ivs.ProhibitedFloors": "Floors to Not Stop On", "ivs.StopToCalibration": "Elevator Stopped Calibration", "ivs.FloorCalibrate": "Floor Calibration", "ivs.Named": "Name", "ivs.FloorHeight": "Floor Height", "ivs.FloorHeightCalibrate": "Floor Height Calibration", "ivs.Calibration": "Calibrate", "ivs.CutoutPolicyTips": "Please deploy the same type of workwear databases (full body or half body).", "ivs.OverlapTimeTip": "The periods cannot overlap.", "ivs.ElevatorParams": "Elevator Config", "ivs.TemperConfigure": "Temperature Config", "ivs.TemperAnomalyDetect": "Abnormal Temperature Detection", "med.TemperatrueValue": "Temperature Threshold", "ivs.TempCalibration": "Temperature Calibration", "ivs.ElevatorAttitude": "Elevator Attitude", "ivs.ElevatorSpeedThreshold": "Elevator Speed Threshold", "ivs.ElevatorVerticalAccThreshold": "Vertical Acceleration Threshold of Elevator", "ivs.AbnormalPostureDetect": "Abnormal Attitude Detection", "ivs.LeftRightSwayThreshold": "Left and Right Shake Threshold", "ivs.FrontBackSwayThreshold": "Front and Rear Shake Threshold", "ivs.UpDownSwayThreshold": "Up and Down Shake Threshold", "ivs.SwaySensity": "Shake Sensitivity", "com.AllExport": "Export All", "ivs.AlarmThresholdA": "Threshold A", "ivs.AlarmThresholdB": "Threshold B", "com.MoreA&lessB": "More than Threshold A and Less than Threshold B", "com.LessAOrMoreB": "Less than Threshold A and More than Threshold B", "ivs.RangABTips": "Threshold A should be less than threshold B.", "com.Intelligence.QuickPick": "Quick Pick", "com.Diagram": "Diagram", "ivs.LineCrossAreaTip": "Please draw a direction line across the rule area.", "net.LockFreq": "Lock Frequency Point", "net.NoIPDomainTips": "The IP or domain must be filled in. ", "com.HeightFilter": "Filter Height\n", "med.VirtualIFrame": "Virtual I Frame", "med.VirtualIFrameTip": "Fast forward and rewind will be affected when the I Frame interval is greater than or equal to 4 seconds and Virtual I Frame is disabled.", "med.ABR": "ABR", "med.AverageBitRate": "Average Bit Rate", "med.ABRMaxTip": "Average bit rate cannot be higher than the stream limit.", "net.ANPTip": "Please contact your SIM card carrier to get information on the settings for dial-up.", "med.Trapezoid": "Keystone Correction", "com.EnableLDCTips": "Enabling LDC will cause all the AI functions to be automatically disabled. Are you sure you want to enable and apply it?", "ivs.InSquareArrayTip": "Please enter a floor name that is in the Floor Name Config list.", "ivs.UpFloor": "Upper Floors", "ivs.DownFloor": "Basement Floors", "ivs.SmartFill": "Autofill", "ivs.ModifyFloorName": "Floor Name Config", "ivs.Floor": "Floor(s)", "ivs.UpFloorNum": "Number of Upper Floors", "ivs.DownFloorNum": "Number of Basement Floors", "ivs.FloorConfig": "Floor Config", "ivs.CheckToSetForbiddenFloor": "Select the floors that mopeds are not allowed on. ", "ivs.FloorIdentification": "Floor Recognition", "ivs.CurrentFloor": "Current Floor:", "ivs.CrowdLevelLimitNullTip": "The number of people for crowd level must not be empty.", "ivs.OutPersonLimit": "Number of People On Duty", "ivs.LeaveDetection": "Leave Post Detection", "ivs.DuplicateRemoveDirTip": "When deduplication is enabled, you need to select at least one deduplication direction. ", "net.RealTimeFlow": "Real-time Data Traffic", "net.HistoricalFlow": "Historical Data Traffic", "com.PackageReminderSettings": "Settings for Data Plan Reminder", "net.PackaegModeTip": "After data plan mode is enabled, an SMS will be sent when the amount of data that has been used exceeds the threshold.", "com.Monthly": "Day %d of Each Month", "com.StartDate": "Start Date", "com.DataDuffNote": "The data statistics are for reference only. You can contact your carrier for more information. If the statistics contains errors, check the system time to see if it is correct.", "com.PackageReminder": "Data Plan Reminder", "ivs.DeteclineTip": "The lane line is intersecting the parking space area. Please try again.", "ivs.DulpRemoveDir": "Deduplication Direction", "ivs.RepeatEnter": "Repeatedly Enter", "ivs.RepeatLeave": "Repeatedly Exit", "ivs.RepeatEnterNum": "Repeatedly Enter No.", "ivs.RepeatLeaveNum": "Repeatedly Exit No.", "ivs.InAreaManNum": "In Area No.", "com.InRegion": "In Area", "com.Queue": "In Queue", "ivs.PassedNum": "Pass No.", "per.VeryStrong": "Very Strong", "OverLine": "Parking Over Line", "com.NormalMode": "General Mode", "ivs.MouseDetectionEvent": "Rat Detection Event", "ivs.MouseDetection": "Rat Detection", "com.EventNotifyTip": "These settings only take effect in the disarming status.", "ivs.IvsResolve": "Stream Overlay", "com.OSDOverlayMethod": "Intelligence Info Overlay", "ivs.ManualZero": "Manual Reset", "ivs.ClearZeroTime": "Auto Reset", "com.LowPowerFailedTip": "Failed to update the device. The battery is too low. ", "com.WakeupMode": "Wakeup Policy", "com.WakeupRegularly": "Scheduled Wakeup", "com.Verticaloffset": "Vertical Offset", "com.Horizentaloffset": "Horizontal Offset", "com.12HourStandard": "12-Hour", "com.1stWeek": "Week 1", "com.24HourStandard": "24-Hour", "com.2ndWeek": "Week 2", "com.3rdWeek": "Week 3", "com.4thWeek": "Week 4", "med.AppearEnable": "Report", "com.FirstWeek": "1st", "com.SecondWeek": "2nd", "com.ThirdWeek": "3rd", "com.FourthWeek": "4th", "ivs.ObjectPlacement": "Smart Abandoned Object", "ivs.ObjectRemoval": "Smart Missing Object", "ivs.Carton": "Luggage/Bag/Box", "ivs.ObjectFlowStatType": "Target Type", "ivs.ObjectAlarm": "Independent Object Alarm", "ivs.ObjectAlarmTip": "Triggers an alarm when an independent object is detected.", "ivs.FeatureDraw": "Extract Eigenvector", "ivs.FeaEnc": "Eigenvector Encryption", "ivs.TargetSpeedadAptation": "Target Speed Adaptation", "med.FlickerEliminate": "Flicker Removal", "com.IPv6FormatError": "IPV6 address format error.", "com.AIMessage": "Configure AI functions.", "com.AIReportMessage": "Search and view AI event and system reports.", "com.ALARMTITLE": "Alarm Subscription", "com.AbsoluteRelativeThresh": "Absolute/Relative Threshold", "com.AccessPlatform": "Platform Access", "com.Accomplished": "Completed", "com.AcquireFailed": "Failed to acquire.", "com.ActionNew": "Action", "com.AdaptedWindow": "Adaptive", "com.AddUserSuccessButAuthFial": "Added user successfully. Failed to save restricted login.", "com.EditUserSuccessButAuthFial": "Modified user successfully. Failed to save restricted login.", "com.AddPatternFirstTip": "Please add pattern first.", "com.AddPresetFirstTip": "Please add a preset first.", "com.AddPtzPattern": "Add Pattern", "com.AddPtzScan": "Add Scan", "com.AddPtzTour": "Add Tour Group", "com.AddScanFirstTip": "Please add scan first.", "com.AddTimedtask": "Add Scheduled Task", "com.AddTourFirstTip": "Please add tour first.", "com.Address": "Address", "com.AddressRepeat": "Repeated address.", "com.AdjustFluency": "Smoothness Adjustment", "com.AdvancedSet": "Advanced", "com.AfterTheConfigurationImportIsSuccessfulTheDeviceWilRestart": "The device will restart after the configurations are imported successfully. Continue?", "com.AlarmContent": "Alarm Content", "com.AlarmInfo": "Alarm Info", "com.AlarmLevel": "Alarm Level", "com.AlarmSet": "Alarm", "com.AlarmSubscription": "Subscribe Alarm", "com.AlarmTime": "Alarm Time", "com.AlarmType": "Alarm Type", "com.Alarmhyste": "Alarm Difference", "com.AlignRight": "Right", "com.All": "All", "com.AllNo": "Select None", "com.AllTypes": "All Types", "com.And": "and", "com.Anonymity": "Anonymous", "com.AnotherRecordDownloadingTip": "Failed to download. There is one video file being downloaded at the moment.", "com.Appear": "Appear", "com.April": "Apr", "com.Area": "Area", "com.AreaErrorTip": "Area is added.", "com.Attachment": "Attachment", "com.August": "Aug", "com.Authentication": "Authentication", "com.Auto": "Auto", "com.AutoCheckNote": "Notify me when updates are available. The system checks for updates daily.\nTo inform you of the latest firmware updates for your device, we need to collect device info such as IP address, device name, language preference, firmware version, device SN, etc. All collected info is used only for the purposes of verifying device validity and pushing update notifications. You can withdraw your consent at any time by opening MAINTAIN->Manager->Update on device interface.", "com.AutoFovCelibrate": "Field Angle Calibration", "com.AutoFovCelibrateFail": "Failed to calibrate field angle automatically.", "com.AutoFovCelibrating": "Field angle is being automatically calibrated. Please do not operate the device…", "com.Autohome": "Auto Home", "com.Bakeup": "Backup", "com.BaseStationName": "Base Station Name", "com.BasicSet": "Basic Settings", "com.BatchRegistration": "Batch Register", "com.BeginTLessThanEndTTip": "Start time must be earlier than end time.", "com.BetweenRulesTemperDiffAlarm": "Temperature Contrast", "com.BindPhoneOrMailTip": "For password reset. Recommended or improved in time.", "com.Birth": "Birthday", "com.Black": "Black", "com.BlackWhite": "B/W", "com.BlueColor": "Blue", "com.Bound": "Boundary", "com.BrowMessage": "For better user experience, please user the following versions of browser.", "com.BrowerLow": "Browser version is too low.", "com.BrowerLowMessage": "Your browser version is too low. For better experience, the following browsers are recommended.", "com.BrowerVersion": "version and later", "com.Brown": "Brown", "com.BrowserNotSupport": "The browser does not support plug-in and the image cannot be displayed properly. Please try earlier browser versions such as IE, Chrome 42 or below, and Firefox 52 or below.", "com.CameraSet": "Camera", "com.CanNotFilp": "The function cannot be supported by the resolution.", "com.Carcolor": "Color", "com.CfmFormatRebootTip": "Data will be cleared. Are you sure you want to continue formatting?", "com.Channel1": "CAM 1", "com.Channel2": "CAM 2", "com.Channel3": "CAM 3", "com.Channel4": "CAM 4", "com.ChannelInfo": "Channel Info", "com.ChannelTitle": "Channel Title", "com.Channelname": "Camera Name", "com.Channelstr": "Channel No.", "com.ChartReuse": "Yellow Green", "com.Child": "Child", "com.Chuan": "SIC", "com.City": "City", "com.ClearAllPattern": "Are you sure you want to clear all the patterns?", "com.ClearAllPtzTour": "Are you sure you want to clear all the tour groups?", "com.ClearAllScan": "Are you sure you want to clear all the scans?", "com.ClearAllTimedtask": "Are you sure you want to clear all the scheduled tasks?", "com.ClearAllTip": "Are you sure you want to clear?", "com.ColdSpotWarning": "Cold Spot", "com.CollectTime": "Collection Time", "com.CollectValue": "Collection Value", "com.Color": "Color", "com.Colorful": "Color", "com.ComfirmTo": "Apply to", "com.CompleteConfigure": "Global Config", "com.Connected": "Connected", "com.Content": "Contents", "com.Copyright": "Copyright 2020, all rights reserved.", "com.CorrPointValue": "Threshold Difference", "com.CpDDNS902Tip": "MAC ID invalid", "com.Cross": "Cross", "com.CrossFenceDetection": "Crossing Virtual Fence", "com.CrossLineDetection": "Tripwire", "com.CrossRegionDetection": "Intrusion", "com.CtrlUnlock": "Unlock", "com.CurrentDevOnlySupport4Polygon": "The device fails to draw pentagon and other higher polygons.", "com.CusColorTem": "Custom Color Temperature", "com.CustomAddress": "Custom Address", "com.CustomOsd": "Custom Title", "com.CustomosdDisableFlowrateTip": "People counting will be disabled when custom overlay is enabled.", "com.Cyan": "Cyan", "com.DarkOliveGreen": "Dark Olive Green", "com.DarkOrange": "Dark Orange", "com.DarkViolet": "Dark Violet", "com.Date": "Date", "com.DayMonthYear": "DD-MM-YYYY", "com.DayNightMode": "Day/Night", "com.DayToNight": "Day/Night Switch", "com.Dayago": "day(s) ago", "com.Daytime": "Day", "com.December": "Dec", "com.DecodeBuffer": "Decode Buffer Area", "com.DeepSkyBlue": "Dark Sky Blue", "com.DefConfirmConfigTip": "Are you sure you want to restore default settings?", "com.DelLog": "Delete Log", "com.Delay": "Delay", "com.Detail": "Details", "com.DevRegisterStatus": "Device Registration Status", "com.Device": "Device", "com.DeviceIP": "Device IP", "com.DeviceInitialize": "Device Initialization", "com.DeviceInitializeFail": "Initialization failed.", "com.DeviceModel": "Device Model", "com.DeviceName": "Device Name", "com.DeviceNo": "Device No.", "com.DiffValue": "Difference", "com.DimGray": "Dark Gray", "com.Direction1": "Direction", "com.Disable": "Disable", "com.Disclaimer": "Disclaimer", "com.Diskfull": "Disk Full", "com.DisplayValue": "Display Value", "com.Displayencode": "Encode", "com.DownLoadFormat": "Download Format", "com.DownloadTemplate": "Download Template", "com.DownloadTip": "Downloading continues after this window is closed. Here is downloading progress bar.", "com.Drawing": "Draw", "com.DsernameMustnotNullTip": "Username cannot be empty.", "com.Duration": "Duration", "com.E": "E", "com.Electron": "Electronic", "com.Email": "Email", "com.EmailFormatError": "Email Format Error", "com.EmptySet": "Clear", "com.End": "End", "com.EndTime": "End Time", "ivs.Both": "Both", "com.EnterIn": "Enter", "com.Error": "Error", "com.ErrorCode": "Error Code", "com.Event": "Event", "com.EventManage": "Event", "com.EventOpr": "Alarm Event", "com.Everyday": "Everyday", "com.Example": "Example", "com.Exception": "Exception", "com.ExceptionError": "Error", "com.Exit": "Log out", "com.ExportSuccessTip": "Exported successfully.", "com.FTPLoginFailure": "Failed to verify permission.", "com.FTPNoDeleteDirAuthTip": "Test failed. The user has no permission to delete directory.", "com.FTPNoDeleteFileAuthTip": "Test failed. The user has no permission to delete Files.", "com.FTPNoListAuthTip": "Test failed. The user has no permission to read list.", "com.FTPNotAcessTip": "Failed to connect to server.", "com.FTPReadOnlyTip": "Test failed. The user has no write permission.", "com.FaceDetectionChInfo": "Face Detection", "com.Factory": "Manufacturer", "com.FactoryDefault": "Factory Defaults", "com.FactoryInfo": "Manufacturer Information", "com.Fail": "Failed", "ivs.FarLight": "Far Light", "com.FastBack": "Fast", "com.FebruDay": "Feb", "com.File": "File", "com.FilePath": "Path", "com.FileDownloading": "Downloading files…", "com.FileName": "File Name", "com.FileNum": "File Quantity", "com.FileOperateErrorTip": "Failed to operate files.", "com.FileSizeLimitTip": "File oversized.", "com.FireAlarm": "Heat", "com.FlowrateDisableCustomosdTip": "Custom overlay function will be disabled when people counting is enabled.", "com.Fluency": "Fluent", "com.FocuStep": "Focus Speed", "com.Reset": "Reset", "com.FocusZoom": "Focus & Zoom", "com.FontAttr": "Font Properties", "com.FontSize": "Font Size", "com.ForceAlarm": "Force Alarm", "com.ForestGreen": "Forest Green", "com.ForifyPreset": "Add Preset", "com.Format": "Format", "com.FrontLight": "Front Light", "com.FullScreen": "Full Screen", "com.FullTime": "Full Time", "com.GAVICollectObject": "View Database Collection Object", "com.GAVIConfigInfo": "View Database Config Info", "com.GAVIPassword": "View Database Password", "com.GAVIUsername": "View Database Username", "com.GB28181": "GB28181", "com.GOTO": "Go to", "com.Gans": "GANS", "com.Ganz": "GANZ", "com.GeneralSet": "General", "com.GeoLocation": "Location", "com.GetLockLeftError": "Failed to acquire unlock time.", "com.Gold": "Gold", "com.GpsFrame": "GPS Coordinate", "com.Gray": "Gray", "com.GreenColor": "Green", "com.GreenYellow": "Green Yellow", "com.Group": "Group", "com.GroupNameSameTip": "Rule name cannot be the same.", "com.Guil": "GLIN", "com.Guiz": "GUIZ", "com.HealthEnable": "Health Mail", "com.HeartWeek": "Keep Alive Interval", "com.High": "High", "com.HighSpeed": "High Speed", "com.HignBlack": "Black", "com.HolidayConfig": "Holiday", "com.HolidayName": "Holiday Name", "com.HostName": "Host Name", "com.HotPullInsert": "Hot Swap", "com.HotSpotWarning": "Hot Spot", "com.Hu": "HU", "com.Human": "Human", "com.HumanTrait": "Human Body", "com.ID": "Credential No.", "com.IDType": "Credential Type", "com.IO": "External Input", "com.IPAndGatewayConflict": "IP and gateway conflict.", "com.IPOverRange": "The address is beyond the scope.", "com.IPconflict": "IP Conflict", "com.Image": "Image", "com.ImageAdjustment": "Image Adjustment", "com.ImageStabilization": "EIS", "com.Import": "Import", "com.InDenoise": "Noise Filter", "com.Infant": "Toddler", "com.InputNotValidTip": "Input info invalid.", "com.InputText": "Input Text", "com.InsRepetitonFailTip": "Operation failed. The name list already exists.", "com.Inside": "Inside", "com.Interval": "Interval", "com.InvalidParam": "Invalid Parameter", "com.IsAutopaningTip": "Some settings cannot be operated during PTZ horizontal rotation.", "com.IsEnableFacetectTip": "Face exposure will be valid after face detection is enabled. Continue?", "com.IsPatterningTip": "Some settings cannot be operated during pattern.", "com.IsScaningTip": "Some settings cannot be operated during scan.", "com.IsTouringTip": "Some settings cannot be operated during tour.", "com.January": "Jan", "com.Ji1": "JI", "com.Ji2": "JIL", "com.JinT": "TJIN", "com.JinZ": "JIN", "com.Jing": "JING", "com.July": "Jul", "com.June": "Jun", "com.Large": "Large", "com.LastWeek": "Last", "com.Lborder": "Left Limit", "com.Level": "Level", "com.Liao": "LIAO", "com.LimitStringInput": "The name cannot include characters such as |, ', \" or &.", "com.LineScan": "Scan", "com.Local": "Local", "com.LocalNoTip": "Please enter the correct number.", "com.LocalRange": "Digital Zoom", "com.LocalSet": "General", "com.LocationFunctionDisabledTip": "Location will be disabled when Picture Overlay is enabled.", "com.Lock": "Lock", "com.LogInSuccessTip": "Login succeeded.", "com.LoginRestriction": "Restricted Login", "com.Low": "Low", "com.LowPowerAlarm": "Low Battery Alarm", "com.LowerOrEqualThreshold": "≤Threshold", "com.Lu": "LU", "com.Lyu": "LYU", "com.MachineNameTip": "Invalid character.", "com.MachineNameTip1": "Name length exceeded the limit.", "com.MainResolusionChangedTip": "Main stream resolution is modified. Please save first.", "com.MainStream": "Main Stream", "com.Manual": "Manual", "com.ManualDatum": "Custom Area", "com.MappingErrorTip": "Mapping Error", "com.MappingFailTip": "Mapping Failed", "com.MappingSuccessTip": "Mapping Succeeded", "com.March": "Mar", "com.Maroon": "Chestnut", "com.MatchFail": "Stranger", "com.May": "May", "com.Meng": "MENG", "com.Meter": "m", "com.MiddleAged": "Middle-aged", "com.Min": "MIN", "com.MistyRose": "Light Rose", "com.Mobile": "Mobile Phone", "com.Modify": "Modify", "com.MonthDayYear": "MM-DD-YYYY", "com.MonthReportRangeTip": "The search range cannot exceed 1 month. ", "com.MoveDetection": "Fast Moving", "com.MultiFacesFound": "Several faces detected", "com.MustName": "Rule name cannot be empty.", "com.Name": "Name", "com.NetWorkError": "Network Exception", "com.Never": "Never", "com.NextOne": "Next", "com.NextOneFile": "Next", "com.Night": "Night", "com.Ning": "NING", "com.NoData": "No data available.", "com.NoDataTip": "No data exists in the period.", "com.NoInputMarksTip": "Does not support quotation marks.", "com.NoMorePatternTip": "Pattern amount has reached the threshold.", "com.NoMorePics": "Exceeded max number of pictures.", "com.NoMorePresetTip": "Reached the max number of presets.", "com.NoMoreScanTip": "Scan amount has reached the threshold.", "com.NoMoreTimedtaskTip": "Scheduled task amount has reached threshold.", "com.NoMoreTourTip": "Number of tours already reached upper limit.", "com.NoResolutionTip": "The resolution cannot be supported in flip mode.", "com.NoSupport": "Not supported.", "com.NotRecommended": "Not recommended for database", "com.Novermber": "Nov", "com.NumberValue": "No.", "com.NumeberSerial": "No.", "com.October": "Oct", "com.Off": "Off", "com.OldAged": "Elderly", "com.On": "On", "com.Once": "Once", "com.Onfresh": "Refreshing…", "com.Open": "Open", "com.OpenAlarm": "Alarm", "com.OpenVideoSound": "Play Alarm Tone", "com.Openall": "Open All", "com.OperateingSuccessTip": "Operation succeeded. Click Apply to take effect.", "com.OrPressButtonOfMouse": "(Or Right-click)", "com.OriginalVal": "Original Data", "com.OsdPictureOverlayDisabledTip": "Picture Overlay will be disabled when OSD Info is enabled.", "com.Other": "Other", "com.OuterPort": "External Port", "com.OverOrEqualEquThreshold": "≥Threshold", "com.OverlayPicture": "Overlay Images Upload", "com.PTZMessage": "PTZ Settings", "com.ParkingDetection": "Parking Detection", "com.PasswordNoTureTip2": "The allowed times of entering wrong password has reached limit. The unlock time is x seconds.", "com.Path": "Path", "com.PathErrorsTip": "Storage path format is error", "com.PathLongTip": "The path cannot exceed 200 characters.", "com.Pause": "Pause", "com.People": "People", "com.Peopleout": "Exit No.", "com.PersonName": "Name", "com.PhotolotyAnti": "Optical Dejittering", "com.PicDecodingError": "Picture Decoding Error", "com.PicFileTooLargeTip": "Picture size is too large.", "com.PicInfo": "Picture", "com.PicMessage": "Configure, search, and view pictures.", "com.PicTypeNotSupportTip": "Picture type not supported.", "com.Picture": "Picture", "com.Pixel": "Pixel", "com.Place": "Location", "com.PlateFirstWord": "42", "com.Play": "Play", "com.PlayBackMessage": "Configure, search, and play back recorded videos.", "com.PlayParams": "Play Parameter", "com.PleaseChooseChannel": "Please select channel.", "com.PleaseSelectFile": "Please select file.", "com.PortInUseTip": "Operation failed. Port is already occupied.", "com.PortInUseTipElse": "The port is occupied (Port 0–1024 is not recommended).", "com.PortNoSameTip": "Port Conflict", "com.PositionABS": "Go to", "com.Prerecord": "Pre-Record", "com.PresetTip1": "Related AI rules will be deleted too if smart preset is deleted, continue?", "com.PreviewDescription": "View live video.", "com.Previews": "Live", "com.PreviousOne": "Previous", "com.PrivacyMasking": "Privacy Mask", "com.Progress": "Progress", "com.Protocol": "Protocol", "com.Protocoltype": "Protocol Type", "com.PtzControl": "PTZ Control", "com.PtzMaintain": "PTZ Maintenance", "com.PtzManualLinkFail": "Motion detection linkage PTZ is invalid due to manual control.", "com.PtzResetTip": "Are you sure you want to restore PTZ to factory defaults?", "com.PtzRestartTip": "Are you sure you want to restart PTZ?", "com.PtzScanName": "Scan Name", "com.Purple": "Purple", "com.QrScanNote4Tip": "2. Please download Zhejiang Dahua After-sales Service App, go to My Service > Reset Password, and then scan the following QR code.", "com.QuantityLimit": "The maximum number of recipient addresses is 3.", "com.Query": "Search", "com.Reboot": "Restart", "com.RebootingTip": "Restarting device... Please wait.", "com.Recdown": "Download Video", "com.RecordDownloaded": "Downloaded.", "com.RedColor": "Red", "com.ReginFocus": "Area Focus", "com.RegionSet": "Region Setting", "com.RegistGap": "Registration Interval", "com.RegistPassword": "Registration Password", "com.Remark": "Remarks", "com.RepalceCycle": "Interval", "com.RequirementForPictureUpload1Tip": "1. Max size 16k.", "com.RequirementForPictureUpload2Tip": "2. Max resolution 128*128 pixels.", "com.RequirementForPictureUpload3Tip": "3. 256-color bitmap format.", "com.Reselect": "Reselect", "com.ResetConfirm": "The device will restart. Are you sure you want to operate?", "com.Result": "result(s)", "com.Results": "Results", "com.RioterDetection": "Crowd Gathering", "com.RorateresolutiongSavingFailureTip": "Operation failed. Encoding resources limited.", "com.Rule": "Rule", "com.RuleIsntEnableTip": "Rule is not enabled.", "com.SPic": "sec", "com.SDCardError": "SD Card Exception", "com.SafeMessage": "Check device security status, and set security functions.", "com.SameEmailTip": "The email is already added.", "com.SaveConfigFailTip": "Failed to save.", "com.SaveConfigSuccessTip": "Saved successfully.", "com.Savepath": "Storage Path", "com.ScaleAll": "Please draw a horizontal ruler and three vertical rulers.", "com.SceneCustomDesign": "Customized Scene", "com.Scenechange": "Scene Changing", "com.Search": "Search", "com.SelectMonth": "Select Month", "com.Selfadaption": "Self-adaptive", "com.Sensitivity": "Sensitivity", "com.SetPwd": "Set Password", "com.EnergyThreshold": "Energy Threshold", "com.Sep": "Sep", "com.SetLockDurationError": "Failed to set unlock time.", "com.Setting": "Setting", "com.ShadowGreen": "Green Gradient", "com.ShakeDetection": "Tampering Detection", "com.ShortSDCardAreaTip": "Low SD card space", "com.SignalName": "Signal Name", "com.SignalType": "Signal Type", "com.Silver": "Silver Gray", "com.Size": "Size", "com.SkyBlue": "Blue", "com.Slide": "Slide Show", "com.Small": "Small", "com.SmokeDetection": "Smoke Detection", "com.SoftwareLicenceContent": "DAHUA SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT1. PREAMBLEIMPORTANT NOTICE, PLEASE READ CAREFULLY:1.1 This Agreement is a Software License Agreement between you and Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co.,Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as \"Dahua\"). Please read this software license agreement (Agreement) carefully before using the Software. By using Dahua Software, you are deemed to agree to be bound by the terms of this Agreement. If you do not agree to the terms of this Agreement, please do not install or use the Software, and click the \"disagree\" button(If there is any provision for \"agree\" or \"disagree\"). If the Software you get is purchased as part of Dahua device, and you do not agree to the terms of this Agreement, you may return this device/Software within the return period to Dahua or authorized distributor where you purchased from for a refund, but it should be subject to the Dahua's return policy.1.2 Consent to use of dataYour personal information, including the name, phone number, IP address and email address of the user, m-ay be required in order to provide certain functions, such as on-line updates, P2P, and resetting password. When dealing with such information, Dahua will act in accordance with the data processing principles provided by law and using proper technological measures and management system to make sure that your personal information is securely used and your legal rights are well protected. If you are a child, please read this Agreement and other related documents with your guardian(s) and pay more attention to the child protection terms.Dahua stick on to personal information protection and has made the Product Privacy Policy to disclose the important information about the collection, usage, share, storage, and deletion of personal information. In all circumstance, your personal information will be handled according to the Product Privacy Policy. You can search for \"Dahua Product Privacy Policy\" or \"Product Privacy Policy\" on Dahua's official website. We recommend you to read the full text of the Product Privacy Policy for the sake of a better protection of your personal information. By opening or using these functions, you are deemed to agree to be bound by the terms of this Agreement.2. DEFINITIONS\"Software\" refers to information processing program(s) or supporting file(s) consisting of a number of modules or functions. Supporting file(s) includes all or part of the Software source codes, object codes, and the images, photographs, icons, animations, audio, video, music, words and codes incorporated therein. It also includes all relevant paper or electronic information and technical documentation which describe the functions, characteristics, contents, quality, tests, customer manuals, user agreements, etc. (hereinafter referred to as \"Software Products\" or \"Software\"). \"You\" refers to natural person or legal entity that has obtained the right to use the Software under the license of Dahua. Legal entities include company, enterprise, institution, organization or work unit.\"Probation period\" refers to a specific period before the official registration in which Dahua authorizes the internal use of users for evaluation purpose.3. SOFTWARE LICENSE Subject to your compliance with this Agreement, you are granted non-exclusive license including: 1) Probation licenseYou are granted to install the software on a single device controlled by you and use all the functions provided for evaluation purpose for free.2) Commercial licensea) Right of installation and use: You are granted to install and use the software on a single device you control, and use all the functions provided thereby.b) Back-up: You are granted to reproduce materials for archival purpose. Unless otherwise stated in this Agreement, you may not be permitted to copy the software or printed materials or electronic documentations accompanying for any other purposes and by any other means.4. PERMITTED LICENSE USES AND RESTRICTIONS1) Restrictions on single use This Agreement does not allow the software to exist on more than one device at a time, unless otherwise agreed by both parties.2) Restrictions on software sharing You may not use part or all of the software on multiple devices by sharing all or part of the Software.3) Restrictions on software decomposition You can not use different functionalities on different devices or embed different parts of the Software into other software system by decomposing the Software.4) Restrictions on integrity preserving You can not remove any copyright statement or notice in the Software, nor smear, modify or delete any trademarks or logos appearing in the Software.5) Restrictions on reverse engineering, decompile and disassemble You can not reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the Software.6)Abidance by the law:You agree to use the Software and/or the Services in compliance with all applicable laws, including local laws of the country or region in which you reside or in which you download or use the Software and Services. Functions and services of the Software may not be available in all languages in all regions. Internet connection is required for some functions of the Software and Services.7) Confidentiality restriction: You may not disclose the performance of the software, or any other assessment, test results, technical secrets or any such confidential information derived from the Software to any third party without the written consent of Dahua.8) Automatic updatesThe software will periodically check with Dahua for updates. The update will automatically download and install onto your device, if one is available. It is deemed to accept the automatic download and installation onto your device once you used the Dahua software. You can turn off the automatic updates at any time by changing the Automatic updates settings.5. DECLARATION ON INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY1) The Software is developed by Dahua. Dahua reserves all the lawful rights of the software which are not expressly granted to you .2) The Software is protected by laws of the People's Republic of China. Pursuant to this Agreement, You are only granted a nonexclusive license to use the Software, but not sell or transfer of the Software.3) Trademark: This Agreement does not grant to you any right related to any trademark(s) or service mark(s) of Dahua or its supplier(s).4) All intellectual property rights involved in the Software, including but not limited to patents, copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets and technical secrets, remain vested with their respective owners. Dahua reserves the right to profit from its intellectual properties. Furthermore, for any contents not contained in the Software but can be accessed by using the Software, its title and intellectual property rights remain vested with their respective owners and may be protected by applicable copyrights or other intellectual property laws and treaties.5)You further acknowledge and agree that all intellectual property rights regarding any improvements, modifications or adjustment to the software, arising directly or indirectly by using the software, shall vest in Dahua.6. TECHNICAL SUPPORT For any queries or problems arising in the Software installation and use, please contact Dahua for a prompt solution.7. TransferIf the Dahua Software you obtained is preinstalled on Dahua device , You may make a one-time permanent transfer of all of your license rights (in its original form) to a third party, provided that: (i) the Software transfer must be accompanied by your Dahua device; (ii) the transfer must include all of the Dahua Software, including all its component parts, printed materials and this Agreement; (iii) you can not retain any copies of the Software, including copies stored on the computer or other storage device; (iv) the party receiving the Software agrees to accept the terms and conditions of this Agreement. An updated version of Dahua Software is deemed to be part of Dahua Software, and can not be transferred separately from the previous version.8. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES8.1 You are responsible for the risks resulting from accessing to internet, including but not limited to, cyber-attacks, hacker attacks, computer virus and etc. Please protect your network, data and personal information by taking necessary actions, including but not limited to modifying the factory default password and using a strong password, periodically changing the password, updating the firmware to the latest version, and so on. Dahua do not bear any responsibility for any dysfunction, information leakage or other problems.8.2 If you are a consumer client (using the Software outside of your trade, business or profession), you may have legal rights in your country of residence which would prohibit the following limitations from applying to you, and if prohibited they will not apply to you. To find out more about rights, you should contact local consumer consulting organizations.8.2.1 You expressly acknowledge and agree that, to the extent permitted by applicable laws, the use of the Software and any Service performed by or accessed through the Software is at your sole risk and that the entire risk as to satisfactory quality, performance, accuracy and effort is with you.8.2.2 To the maximum extent permitted by applicable laws, the Software and Services are provided \"as is\" and \"as available\", with all faults and without warranty of any kind, and Dahua hereby disclaim all warranty and conditions with respect to the software and services, either express, implied or statutory, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties and/or conditions of merchantability, satisfactory quality, fitness for a particular purpose, accuracy, quiet enjoyment, and not-infringement of third party' rights.8.2.3 Dahua does not warrant against interference with your enjoyment of the Software and Services, that the functions contained in, or services performed or provided by the Software will meet your requirements, that the operation of the Software and Services will be uninterrupted and error-free, that any Service will continue to be made available, that defects in the Software or Services will be corrected, or that the Software will be compatible or work with any third party software, applications or third party services.8.2.4 No oral or written information or advice given by Dahua or an authorized representative of Dahua shall create a warranty. Should the Software or services prove defective, you assume the entire cost of all necessary servicing, repair or correction. Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion of implied warranties or limitations on applicable statutory rights of a consumer, so the above exclusion and limitations may not apply to you.9. LIMITATION OF LIABILITYTo the extent not prohibited by applicable laws, in no event shall Dahua, its affiliates, agents or principals be liable for personal injury, or any incidental, special, indirect or consequential damages whatsoever, including, without limitation, damages for loss or profits, corruption or loss of data, failure to transmit or receive any data, business interruption or any other commercial damages or losses, arising out of or related to your use or inability to use the Software and Services. Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or extension of limitation of liability for personal injury, or of incidental or consequential damages, so this limitation may not apply to you. In no event shall Dahua's total liability to you for all damages (other than may be required by applicable laws in cases involving personal injury) exceed the amount of money you spent on device. The forgoing limitations will apply even if the above stated remedy fails of its essential purpose.10. TERMINATIONThis Agreement is effective until terminated. Your rights under this Agreement will terminate automatically or otherwise cease to be effective without notice from Dahua if you fail to comply with any term(s) of this Agreement. Upon the termination of this Agreement, you shall cease the use of the Software, delete all contents that have been copied or installed on devices and backup copy(s). Section 1.2,8,9,12,13 of this Agreement shall survive any such termination. You should be liable for any loss arising from your breach of the provisions of this Agreement to Dahua.11. EXPORT CONTROLYou must comply with the national exportation/importation laws, as well as the end-users, end-use, and destinations restrictions applicable to the Software. Without the prior approval or permission of the necessary government authority, you may not export or re-export the Software, directly or indirectly, to any countries/regions that is subject to export restrictions. This obligation shall survive the termination of this Agreement.12. CONTROLLING LAW AND SEVERABILITY The interpretation, validity and dispute settlement of this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the People's Republic of China. If a court of judicial jurisdiction finds any provision, or portion thereof, to be unacceptable, the remainder of this Agreement shall continue in full force and effect. Any disputes arising out of or in connection with this Agreement, the parties shall agree to submit to the People's Court where the jurisdiction of Dahua is settled. 13. COMPLETE AGREEMENT; GOVERNING LANGUAGEThis Agreement includes the terms of the Agreement, other agreements expressly invoked in this Agreement, the various rules that may have been issued or may be issued in the future by Dahua, which are integral parts of this Agreement and shall have the same legal effect as it. Unless otherwise stated expressly, users who use the Dahua software are subject to this Agreement. No amendment to or modification of this Agreement will be binding unless in writing and signed by Dahua. Any translation of this Agreement is done for local requirements. In the event of a dispute between the Chinese and any non-Chinese versions, the Chinese version of this Agreement shall govern, to the extent not prohibited by local law in your jurisdiction.14. OTHERSThis Agreement may be updated by Dahua at any time, and the updated terms of the Agreement shall take the place of the terms of the original Agreement once published in Dahua's official website. If you do not accept the revised term(s), please stop using the software immediately. Your continued use of the Software will be deemed to have accepted the updated agreement.", "com.SourceIp": "Source IP Address", "com.Speed": "Speed", "com.SpeedDown": "Low Speed", "com.Start": "Start", "com.StartDownload": "Start Download", "com.StartLessEnd": "End time must be at least 1 hour later than start time.", "com.StartOperate": "Run", "com.StartSearch": "Start Search", "com.StatisticsType": "Statistics Type", "com.Status": "Status", "com.StereoAbnormalCountDetection": "Abnormal Number of People Detection", "com.StereoApproachDetection": "People No. Exception Detection", "com.StereoManStayDetection": "People Stay Detection", "com.StereoStayDetection": "Stay Detection", "com.Stop": "Stop", "com.StopAll": "Stop All", "com.StopRec": "Stop Record", "com.StoreFailed": "Failed to store.", "com.StoreSuccessful": "Stored successfully.", "com.StrongLight": "Strong Backlight", "com.Su": "SU", "com.Succeed": "Succeed", "com.SureToRebootTip": "Are you sure you want to restart the device?", "com.SyeException": "System Exception", "com.SyetemBusy": "System Busy", "com.Sys": "System", "com.Sysmangager": "System", "com.TakenAwayDetection": "Missing Object", "com.Talkback": "Talk", "com.TamperArea": "Covered Area", "com.TaskAction": "Task Action", "com.Temeper": "Temperature", "com.TemperatureAlarm": "Temperature", "com.TestingTip": "Testing...", "com.TextAlign": "Text Alignment", "com.TextAlignLeft": "Left", "com.TheTimePeriodHasNoRecordFile": "No record file exists in this period.", "com.Theme": "Subject", "com.Threshold": "Threshold", "com.Time": "Time", "com.TimeLength": "Duration", "com.TimePlanSetting": "Time Plan Settings", "com.TimeSec": "Period", "com.TimeTask": "Scheduled Task", "com.TimeTitle": "Time Title", "com.TimeZoneSet": "Time Zone Setting", "com.TimeZones": "Time Zone", "com.TimedFormat": "Time Format", "com.TimedtaskSet": "Scheduled Task Settings", "com.Title": "Title", "com.TypeAlarmVideo": "External Alarm", "com.UgmPwdfailed": "Wrong password. %d attempt(s) remaining.", "com.Unknow": "Unknown", "com.UpdatePackageLower": "Package version too low and update failed. Device will restart immediately.", "com.UpgradeFailedTip": "Update failed. Device will restart immediately.", "com.BadFiletoRebootTip": "Update error. Device will restart immediately.", "com.FileUnmatchTip": "Update package invalid and update failed. Device will restart immediately.", "com.Updatefailed": "Update failed.", "com.Upload": "Upload", "com.UploadAssetConfig": "Upload Assets Configuration", "com.UploadPicture": "Upload Picture", "com.UpperMoreLower": "The upper limit of measuring range must be greater than the lower limit.", "com.User": "User", "com.UserInuse": "The account is in use.", "com.UserNameHasForbiddenCharacter": "Username can include numbers, letters, underlines, dots and @.", "com.UsernameTip": "Please enter a frequently-used email address.", "com.Vertical": "Vertical", "com.VidDetection": "Video Detection", "com.VideoBlind": "Video Tampering", "com.VideoMotion": "Motion Detection", "com.WB": "WB", "com.WHRate": "W:H", "com.Wan": "WAN", "com.Week": "Week", "com.White": "White", "com.WhiteSmoke": "White Smoke", "com.WillBeChangeTo": "Will be modified as", "com.WorkingMode": "Working Mode", "com.WrongDeviceID": "Sub Device ID can't include quotation marks.", "com.WrongDeviceNameTip": "Device name must only consist of numbers, letters, underlines and hyphens.", "com.WrongDomainName": "Only supports letters, numbers, underlines, hyphens and dots.", "com.WrongServerNameTip": "Server names can only consist of numbers, letters, dots, underlines and hyphens.", "com.Xiang": "XIANG", "com.Xin": "XIN", "com.YearReportRangeTip": "The search range cannot exceed 12 months.", "com.YearToDay": "YYYY-MM-DD", "com.Yellow": "Yellow", "com.Youth": "Young", "com.Yu": "YU", "com.Yue": "YUE", "com.Yun": "YUN", "com.Zang": "ZANG", "com.Zhe": "ZHE", "com.ZoomFocus": "Zoom & Focus", "com.ZoomStep": "Zoom Speed", "com.addholiday": "Add Holiday", "com.append": "Add", "com.holidayRepeat": "Repetition Mode", "com.holidayrange": "Holiday Range", "com.lookup": "Go to", "com.platAssetConfig": "Platform Assets Configuration", "com.pleaseDrawRule": "Please draw a rule.", "com.pwdStrength": "Password Strength", "com.recordMaxLimit": "Exceeded the maximum number of video downloading.", "com.selfCheckError1": "Password is not strong enough.", "com.selfCheckError10": "Disabled. Please enable it.", "com.selfCheckError13": "An unsafe encryption algorithm is used.", "com.selfCheckError14": "A strong password is not used.", "com.selfCheckError2": "An unsafe authentication mode is used. Digest is recommended.", "com.selfCheckError3": "Anonymous login is enabled. Please disable it.", "com.selfCheckError4": "Risky SNMPV1/V2 version is enabled. SNMPV3 is recommended.", "com.selfCheckError5": "An unsafe authentication mode is used. SHA is recommended.", "com.selfCheckError7": "An unsafe authentication mode is used. SSL/TLS is recommended.", "com.selfCheckError8": "FTP is used. SFTP is recommended.", "com.structured": "Metadata", "com.structuredStatistics": "Metadata Statistics", "com.total": "Total", "com.DeleteTip": "After deletion, it cannot be recovered. Delete?", "gui.Finish": "OK", "com.Brightness": "Brightness", "ivs.AI": "AI", "ivs.AIPropsSetting": "AI Attribute Settings", "ivs.ANPR": "ANPR", "ivs.Abstract": "Modeling", "ivs.AbstractAll": "Modeling All", "ivs.AbstractComplete": "Modeling completed.", "ivs.AbstractFailed": "Modeling failed.", "ivs.AbstractStatus": "Modeling Status", "ivs.AbstractSuccessful": "Modeling Succeeded", "ivs.Abstracting": "Modeling in progress. Please wait…", "ivs.AddDetectRegion": "Add Detection Area", "ivs.AddExcludeRegion": "Add Exclusion Area", "ivs.AddRule": "Add Rule", "ivs.AddScaleArea": "Add Area", "ivs.AddToTask": "Add to task list", "ivs.AdvancedParams": "Advanced Parameters", "ivs.Age": "Age", "ivs.AimFiltrate": "Target Filter", "ivs.AlarmObject": "Effective Target", "ivs.AliveTip": "The max number of face detections will decrease after non-living filtering is enabled. Continue?", "ivs.AreaShape": "1. Draw an area. ->2. Draw three vertical lines and one horizontal line.", "ivs.Attributeset": "Property", "ivs.AutoFocusTrace": "PFA", "ivs.AutoFovCelibrateSuccess": "Automatically calibrated field angle successfully.", "ivs.Bicycle": "Bicycle", "ivs.BoatDetect": "Boat Detection", "ivs.BodyPropsDisplayed": "Human Body Attribute", "ivs.Bonjour": "Bonjour", "ivs.Bus": "Public Bus", "ivs.CameraRestart": "Module Restart", "ivs.CancelMDTip": "If you disable motion detection when smart motion detection is enabled, the smart motion detection will be disabled too.", "ivs.CaptureSendhealthinterval": "Snapshot Interval", "ivs.CarBodyPicture": "Vehicle Body Picture", "ivs.CarDetection": "Vehicle Detection", "ivs.CarItems": "Ornament", "ivs.CarLogo": "Logo", "ivs.CarSeries": "Model", "ivs.CarType": "Vehicle Type", "ivs.Carriage": "Sedan", "ivs.Cephalothorax": "One-inch Photo", "ivs.ClearZero": "Reset", "ivs.CloseView": "Close View", "ivs.ColorOlive": "Olive", "ivs.ColorOrange": "Orange", "ivs.ColorPink": "Pink", "ivs.ColorSeagreen": "Ocean Green", "ivs.ColorTomato": "Tomato Red", "ivs.ConcreteMixerTruck": "Mixer Truck", "ivs.CongitudeLatitude": "Longitude & Latitude", "ivs.Coordinates": "PTZ Coordinate", "ivs.Correction": "Compensation", "ivs.Crossline": "Tripwire", "ivs.CutResolute": "Area Clipping", "ivs.IVSRule": "IVS", "ivs.DefogEnhance": "Defog Enhancement", "ivs.Deploy": "Arm", "ivs.DeployAlarm": "Arming Alarm", "ivs.DeployStatus": "Arm Status", "ivs.DistantView": "Distant View", "ivs.DownClothesType": "Bottom", "ivs.DownLine": "Down Limit", "ivs.DownstairsLine": "Bottom Fence", "ivs.DrawDetectRegion": "Draw Detection Area", "ivs.DrawDirection": "Draw Direction Line", "ivs.DrawRegion": "Draw Area", "ivs.DrawRule": "Draw Rule", "ivs.Duration": "Stay Time", "ivs.Effective": "Valid", "ivs.ExcManualCtrl": "PTZ movement triggers motion detection", "ivs.FPSPrivacy": "High frame rate and privacy protection cannot be enabled at the same time.", "ivs.Face": "Face", "ivs.FaceAngery": "Angry", "ivs.FaceBeard": "Beard", "ivs.FaceBlurDelay": "Blurriness Delay", "ivs.FaceBlurEnhance": "Privacy Protection", "ivs.FaceCertTypeIDCard": "ID Card", "ivs.FaceCertTypePassport": "Passport", "ivs.FaceConfig": "Face Database Config", "ivs.FaceConfused": "Confused", "ivs.FaceDetectionEnhance": "Face Enhancement", "ivs.FaceDisgust": "Disgusted", "ivs.FaceExample": "John#S1#B1990-01-01#NCN#T1#M330501199001016222#A#R", "ivs.FaceExpoMinTime": "Face Exposure Interval Detection Time", "ivs.FaceExposureEnable": "Face Exposure", "ivs.FaceExpression": "Expression", "ivs.FaceFear": "Scared", "ivs.FaceFlowStat": "Face Statistics", "ivs.FaceGlassBlack": "Black-framed", "ivs.FaceGlassNormal": "General", "ivs.FaceGlasses": "Glasses", "ivs.FaceHappy": "Happy", "ivs.FaceHave": "Yes", "ivs.FaceHaveHat": "Cap", "ivs.FaceIdentify": "Face Recognition", "ivs.FaceMan": "Male", "ivs.FaceMode": "Face Mode", "ivs.FaceNeutral": "Calm", "ivs.FaceNo": "No", "ivs.FaceNoFaceDetected": "No face detected.", "ivs.FacePropsDisplayed": "Face Attribute", "ivs.FaceQualityThreshold": "Quality Threshold", "ivs.FaceRegist": "Register", "ivs.FaceRegistering": "Registering face in batches. Please wait…", "ivs.FaceSadness": "Sad", "ivs.FaceSex": "Gender", "ivs.FaceSimilarity": "Similarity", "ivs.FaceSnap": "Snapshot Mode", "ivs.FaceSnapSensitivity": "Snapshot Sensitivity", "ivs.FaceSurprise": "Surprised", "ivs.FaceSwapper": "Face Cutout", "ivs.FaceTeenager": "Teenager", "ivs.FaceWearsunglasses": "Sunglasses", "ivs.FaceWoman": "Female", "ivs.FaceYaw": "Snapshot Angle Filter", "ivs.FilterAlive": "Non-living Filtering", "ivs.FlipExMode": "View Angle Mode", "ivs.FlowStatPeriod": "Statistical Cycle", "ivs.FlowrateAlarm": "People Counting Alarm", "ivs.Hat": "Hat", "ivs.Helmet": "Helmet", "ivs.HelmetDetection": "Helmet Detection", "ivs.Horizontal": "Horizontal", "ivs.HorizontalDegree": "Horizontal Angle", "ivs.HorizontalErrorTip": "Only one horizontal ruler can be drawn.", "ivs.HumanBag": "Bag", "ivs.HumanCoat": "Top", "ivs.HumanCoatcolor": "Top Color", "ivs.HumanFaceSnap": "Face Snapshot", "ivs.HumanHandbag": "Handbag", "ivs.HumanTraitFlowStat": "People Flow Statistics", "ivs.IExclusionConfigTip": "If function A is enabled, function B will be disabled. Continue?", "ivs.IVS": "AI Config", "ivs.IdleMotion": "Idle Motion", "ivs.IdleTime": "Idle Interval", "ivs.IensInit": "Lens Initialization", "ivs.InAreaNum": "Area People Counting Alarm", "ivs.InsideNumber": "Inside No.", "ivs.InspectionSticker": "Annual Inspection Sticker", "ivs.IntelRule": "AI Rule", "ivs.Invalid": "Invalid", "ivs.IvsDistLimit": "Valid Target Movement Distance", "ivs.IvsOverlap": "Valid Target Overlap Rate", "ivs.IvsScheme": "Smart Plan", "ivs.IvsTimeLimit": "Valid Target Moving Time", "ivs.LColorTem": "Low Color Temperature", "ivs.LargeCar": "Large-sized", "ivs.Laughter": "Laugh", "ivs.Lean": "Inclined", "ivs.LeftDetection": "Abandoned Object", "ivs.LeftToRight": "A to B", "ivs.LifeCounting": "Durability Statistics", "ivs.LifeTimeAll": "Total Working Time", "ivs.LightLinkNum": "Flicker Times", "ivs.LightLinkTime": "Flicker Interval", "ivs.LightLinkType": "Flicker Light Type", "ivs.LightTruck": "Light Truck", "ivs.LongSleeve": "Long Sleeves", "ivs.LowerBodyColor": "Bottom Color", "ivs.MPV": "MPV", "ivs.ManNumDetection": "Area People Counting", "ivs.MannedConvertibleTricycle": "Open Tricycle with Passenger", "ivs.ManualTrack": "Manual Track", "ivs.MaxEnter": "Enter No.", "ivs.MaxStranded": "Stay No.", "ivs.MicroCar": "Small-sized", "ivs.MidPassengerCar": "Medium Bus", "ivs.MidTruck": "Medium Truck", "ivs.MiniBus": "Minibus", "ivs.MiniCarriage": "Minicar", "ivs.Minsize": "Min Size", "ivs.MostSize": "Max Size", "ivs.MotorBus": "Large Bus", "ivs.MotorPropsDisplayed": "Motor Vehicle Attribute", "ivs.MotorVehicle": "Motor Vehicle", "ivs.Motorcycle": "Motorcycle", "ivs.NamingFormat": "Naming Format", "ivs.NearLight": "Near Light", "ivs.NoFitPresetTip": "No appropriate preset?", "ivs.NoMannedConvertibleTricycle": "Open Tricycle without Passenger", "ivs.NoMotorVehicle": "Non-Motor Vehicle", "ivs.NoPlate": "Unlicensed", "ivs.NoPresetTip": "You have not configured a preset?", "ivs.NonMotorAnalyse": "Non-motor Vehicle Detection", "ivs.NonMotorDetectFlowStat": "Traffic Flow Statistics (Non-motor Vehicle)", "ivs.NonmotorPropsDisplayed": "Non-motor Vehicle Attribute", "ivs.NonmotorTricycle": "Tricycle", "ivs.NormalMode": "General Mode", "ivs.NorthDerict": "North", "ivs.OSDSysAbnormal": "Exception Overlay", "ivs.ObjectFlowStat": "Target Statistics", "ivs.ObjectMode": "Metadata Mode", "ivs.Optimal": "Optimized", "ivs.OptimalTime": "Optimized Duration", "ivs.Osdcombination": "OSD Info", "ivs.Outdoor": "Outdoor", "ivs.OutdoorAutomatic": "Outdoor Auto", "ivs.OverFaceMax": "Exceeded the max space of face database. Stop adding.", "ivs.PTZFunction": "PTZ Function", "ivs.PanSpeed": "Rotation Speed", "ivs.Pederstrian": "Pedestrian", "ivs.PerfumeBox": "Perfume Box", "ivs.PersonnelAnalyse": "Human Detection", "ivs.Phone": "Calling", "ivs.PhoneCallDetect": "Call Detection", "ivs.PicCompleted": "This picture is already imported.", "ivs.PicFormat": "Select Picture", "ivs.Pickup": "Pickup", "ivs.PictureOverlayTip": "Drag attributes on the left for sequencing.", "ivs.PlateColor": "Plate Color", "ivs.PlateNo": "Plate No.", "ivs.PowerUp": "PowerUp", "ivs.PtzRestart": "PTZ Restart", "ivs.PtzSpeed": "PTZ Speed", "ivs.Ptzlimit": "PTZ Rotation Limit", "ivs.Qing": "QING", "ivs.Qiong": "QIONG", "ivs.Quality": "Quality Priority", "ivs.Rborder": "Right Limit", "ivs.RealeLength": "Actual Length", "ivs.Realtime": "Real-time", "ivs.Recognition": "Recognition Priority", "ivs.Referbrightness": "Face Target Brightness", "ivs.RegionList": "Afghanistan|Åland Islands|Albania|Algeria|American Samoa|Andorra|Angola|Anguilla|Antigua & Barbuda|Argentina|Armenia|Aruba|Australia|Austria|Azerbaijan|Bahamas|Bahrain|Bangladesh|Barbados|Belarus|Belgium|Belize|Benin|Bermuda|Bhutan|Bolivia|Bosnia & Herzegovina|Botswana|Bouvet Island|Brazil|British Indian Ocean Territory|British Virgin Islands|Brunei|Bulgaria|Burkina Faso|Burundi|Cambodia|Cameroon|Canada|Canary Islands|Cape Verde|Caribbean Netherlands|Cayman Islands|Central African Republic|Chad|Chile|China|Christmas Island|Cocos (Keeling) Islands|Colombia|Comoros|Congo-Brazzaville|Congo - Kinshasa|Cook Islands|Costa Rica|Côte d'lvoire|Croatia|Cuba|Curaçao|Cyprus|Czechia|Democratic People’s Republic of Korea|Denmark|Djibouti|Dominica|Dominican Republic|Ecuador|Egypt|El Salvador|Equatorial Guinea|Eritrea|Estonia|Ethiopia|Faroe Islands|Fiji|Finland|France|French Guiana|French polynesia|French Southern Territories|Gabon|Gambia|Georgia|Germany|Ghana|Gibraltar|Greece|Greenland|Grenada|Guadeloupe|Guam|Guatemala|Guernsey|Guinea|Guinea-Bissau|Guyana|Haiti|Heard & McDonald Islands|Honduras|Hong Kong, China|Hungary|Iceland|India|Indonesia|Iran|Iraq|Ireland|Isle of Man|Israel|Italy|Jamaica|Japan|Jersey|Jordan|Kazakhstan|Kenya|Kiribati|Kosovo|Kuwait|Kyrgyzstan|Laos|Latvia|Lebanon|Lesotho|Liberia|Libya|Liechtenstein|Lithuania|Luxembourg|Macao, China|Macedonia|Madagascar|Malawi|Malaysia|Maldives|Mali|Malta|Marshall Islands|Martinique|Mauritania|Mauritius|Mayotte|Mexico|Micronesia|Moldova|Monaco|Mongolia|Montenegro|Montserrat|Morocco|Mozambique|Myanmar (Burma)|Namibia|Nauru|Nepal|Netherlands|New Caledonia|New Zealand|Nicaragua|Niger|Nigeria|Niue|Norfolk Island|Northern Mariana Islands|Norway|Oman|Pakistan|Palau|Palestinian Territories|Panama|Papua New Guinea|Paraguay|Peru|Philippines|Pitcairn Islands|Poland|Portugal|Puerto Rico|Qatar|Republic of Korea|Réunion|Romania|Russia|Rwanda|Samoa|San Marino|São Tomé & Príncipe|Saudi Arabia|Senegal|Serbia|Seychelles|Sierra Leone|Singapore|Sint Maarten|Slovakia|Slovenia|So. Georigia & So. Sandwich Isl.|Solomon Islands|Somalia|South Africa|South Sudan|Spain|Sri Lanka|St.Barthélemy|St. Helena|St. Kitts & Nevis|St. Lucia|St.Martin|St.Pierre & Miquelon|St.Vincent & Grenadines|Sudan|Suriname|Svalbard & Jan Mayen|Swaziland|Sweden|Switzerland|Syria|Taiwan, China|Tajikistan|Tanzania|Thailand|Timor-Leste|Togo|Tokelau|Tonga|Trinidad & Tobago|Tunisia|Türkiye|Turkmenistan|Turks & Caicos Islands|Tuvalu|U.S. Outlying Islands|U.S. Virgin Islands|Uganda|Ukraine|United Arab Emirates|United Kingdom|United States|Uruguay|Uzbekistan|Vanuatu|Vatican City|Venezuela|Vietnam|Wallis & Futuna|Yemen|Zambia|Zimbabwe", "ivs.RegisterNo": "Register No.", "ivs.Respirator": "Face Mask", "ivs.RetrogradeDetection": "Wrong-way Driving Detection", "ivs.Rider": "Number of Passengers", "ivs.RightToLeft": "B to A", "ivs.RouterState": "Router Status", "ivs.RuleConfig": "Rule Config", "ivs.RuleTypeValues": "People Counting|Area People Counting", "ivs.SSA": "SSA", "ivs.SafeHat": "Safety Helmet", "ivs.SafetyBelt": "Seatbelt", "ivs.ScaleCheck": "Calibration Verification", "ivs.ScaleHeight": "Height Verification", "ivs.ScaleWeight": "Width Verification", "ivs.Scene": "Scene", "ivs.Scream": "Scream", "ivs.SelectOneAtLeastTips": "Please select at least one effective target when target filter is enabled.", "med.SelectAtLeastSensorTip": "You must select at least %d sensors for each channel.", "ivs.SensorType": "Sensor Type", "ivs.Shan": "SHAN", "ivs.ShortSkirt": "Skirt", "ivs.ShortSleeve": "Short Sleeves", "ivs.Shorts": "Shorts", "ivs.ShoulderBag": "Shoulder Bag", "ivs.SmartDetectionHuman": "SMD (Human)", "ivs.SmartDetectionVehicle": "SMD (Vehicle)", "ivs.Smile": "Smile", "ivs.Smoking": "Smoking", "ivs.SmokingDetect": "Smoking Detection", "ivs.SnapFullCar": "Vehicle Cutout", "ivs.SnapTimes": "Target Snapshot Times", "ivs.Sodium": "Sodium Lamp", "ivs.SodiumAutomatic": "Sodium Lamp Auto", "ivs.StandedAlarm": "Stay Alarm", "ivs.StartRecord": "Start Record", "com.StereoStabilizeConflict": "EIS and stereo vision/people counting cannot be enabled at the same time.", "ivs.StopPic": "Close the prompt box to stop reistration", "ivs.StreetLamp": "Street Lamp", "ivs.SunLouver": "Sun Visor", "ivs.TankCar": "Tank Truck", "ivs.Task": "Task List", "ivs.ThreescaleVertical": "Only three vertical rulers are supported.", "ivs.TissueBox": "Tissue Box", "ivs.ToBoth": "Both", "ivs.TourName": "Tour Name", "ivs.TrackAlarm": "Auto Tracking", "ivs.TrackDelay": "Track End Delay", "ivs.TrackTime": "Tracking Duration", "ivs.TrackingObjectSize": "Tracking Target Size Ratio", "ivs.TrafficFlowStat": "Traffic Flow Statistics", "ivs.Trousers": "Pants", "ivs.TwoWheeledVehicle": "Two-wheeled Vehicle", "ivs.Umbrella": "Umbrella", "ivs.UnFocusDetectEnable": "Defocus Detection", "ivs.UpLine": "Up Limit", "ivs.UpstairsLine": "Top of Fence", "ivs.VanTricycle": "Van Cargo Tricycle", "ivs.VehicleAnalyse": "Motor Vehicle Detection", "ivs.VehicleLargeTruck": "Heavy Truck", "ivs.VehicleMicrobus": "Van", "ivs.VehiclePassengerCar": "Bus", "ivs.VehiclePendant": "Pendant", "ivs.VehiclePolice": "Police Car", "ivs.VehicleSUV": "SUV", "ivs.VehicleTaxi": "Taxi", "ivs.VehicleWateringCar": "Sanitation Truck", "ivs.VehicleAmbulance": "Ambulance", "ivs.VehicleTractor": "Tractor", "ivs.VehicleMachineshopTruck": "Engineering Truck", "ivs.VehicleFireEngine": "Fire Engine", "ivs.VehiclePowerLotVehicle": "Powder Material Truck", "ivs.VehicleSuctionSewageTruck": "Sewage Suction Truck", "ivs.VehicleTankCar": "Dangerous Goods Vehicle", "ivs.ConstructionTruck": "Construction Truck", "ivs.Escort": "Armored Van", "ivs.VehicleBus": "School Bus", "ivs.Vertical": "Vertical", "ivs.Vest": "Vest", "ivs.VideoStructrue": "Video Metadata", "ivs.WanderDetection": "Loitering Detection", "ivs.WorkManage": "Operation Command", "ivs.maxAlarmCount": "Maximum Number of Alarm", "ivs.ZoneExpose": "Area Exposure", "med.3DdepressNoise": "3D NR", "med.3Snap": "Triple Snapshot", "med.AlarmLink": "Local", "med.AlarmMode": "Alarm Mode", "med.AlwaysClose": "NC", "med.AlwaysON": "NO", "com.AlwaysOpen": "Always Open", "med.ApertureRestrain": "Sharpness Suppression", "med.ArmDisarm": "Schedule", "med.AtHome": "Home", "med.AudioCompression": "Audio Encoding", "med.AudioException": "Audio Exception", "med.AudioOutType": "Audio Output Type", "med.Audiodetection": "Audio Detection", "med.AudiosampRate": "Sampling Rate", "med.AutoFocus": "Auto Focus", "med.AuxFocus": "Aux Focus", "med.BLC": "BLC", "med.BLCOrDefog": "Defog cannot be set when BLC is enabled.", "med.BackLight": "Backlight", "med.BeepEnable": "Buzzer", "med.BlendMode": "Encode Mode", "med.CBR": "CBR", "med.ChangeVoice": "Voice Changer", "med.ChannelProtocol": "Channel Protocol", "med.ChromaSuppress": "Chroma Gain Suppression", "med.Clockwise90Ex": "90°", "med.Clockwise90Ex2": "270°", "med.Cloudy": "Cloudy", "med.ColorLunp": "Color Block", "med.Compensation": "Exposure Compensation", "med.Contrast": "Contrast", "med.CoverExtra2Conflict": "Substream 2 and privacy masking cannot be enabled at the same time.", "med.DefogOrBLC": "BLC cannot be set when defog is enabled.", "med.DefogOrHLC": "HLC cannot be set when defog is enabled.", "med.DefogOrSSA": "SSA cannot be set when defog is enabled.", "med.DefogOrWDR": "WDR cannot be set when defog is enabled.", "med.BLCOrAntiFlicker": "AFSA cannot be set when BLC is enabled.", "med.HLCOrAntiFlicker": "AFSA cannot be set when HLC is enabled.", "med.WDROrAntiFlicker": "AFSA cannot be set when WDR is enabled.", "med.SSAOrAntiFlicker": "AFSA cannot be set when SSA is enabled.", "med.DefogOrAntiFlicker": "AFSA cannot be set when defog is enabled.", "med.AntiFlickerOrBLC": "BLC cannot be set when AFSA is enabled.", "med.AntiFlickerOrHLC": "HLC cannot be set when AFSA is enabled.", "med.AntiFlickerOrSSA": "SSA cannot be set when AFSA is enabled.", "med.AntiFlickerOrWDR": "WDR cannot be set when AFSA is enabled.", "med.AntiFlickerOrDefog": "Defog cannot be set when AFSA is enabled.", "med.Duck": "Mark", "med.EncodeModes": "Compression", "med.Exposure": "Exposure", "med.Extra": "Sub Stream", "med.Extracode1": "Sub Stream 1", "med.Extracode2": "Sub Stream 2", "med.Extracode3": "Sub Stream 3", "med.Extracode4": "Sub Stream 4", "med.Flicker": "Anti-flicker", "med.Flip180Ex": "180°", "med.FlipEx": "Flip", "med.FramePerSec": "Frame Rate (FPS)", "med.Gain": "Gain", "med.GainBlue": "Blue Gain", "med.GainFirst": "Gain Priority", "med.GainRed": "Red Gain", "med.GainScope": "Gain", "med.Gamma": "Gamma", "med.GlareInhibition": "HLC", "med.HColorTem": "High Color Temperature", "med.HLCOrDefog": "Defog cannot be set when HLC is enabled.", "med.ICR": "ICR", "med.IFrameInterval": "I Frame Interval", "med.ImageFreeze": "Image Freeze", "med.Imagequality": "Quality", "med.Imagesize": "Size", "med.InterArea": "ROI", "med.IrisAuto": "Auto Iris", "med.IrisFirst": "Iris Priority", "med.LightMode": "Airlight Mode", "med.Linkage": "Linkage", "med.LowLight": "Low Illuminance", "med.MauRemChnNum": "Remote CH No.", "med.Mirror": "Mirror", "med.MonitorRecordPath": "Live Record", "med.MonitorSnapshotPath": "Live Snapshot", "med.Mosaic": "Mosaic", "med.Mutationen": "Intensity Change", "med.NaturalLight": "Natural", "med.NetloadEnable": "Report Alarm", "med.NoContactBonudTip": "Auto Color Temperature", "med.NoFlipEx": "0°", "sys.AudioVideoEncrypt": "A/V Encryption", "med.OriginalRate": "Original", "med.OsdOverlay": "OSD", "med.Overlap": "Overlay", "med.PanoramaCamera": "Panoramic Camera", "med.PartWhiteBalance": "Partial White Balance", "med.Photoresistor": "Photoresistor", "med.PicSearch": "Picture Query", "med.PicStream": "Snapshot", "med.PictureOverlay": "Picture Overlay", "med.PlaybackSnapshotPath": "Playback Snapshot", "med.PrivateCover": "Privacy Masking", "med.ProAdd": "Add Protocol", "med.ProCfg": "Protocol Configuration", "med.Quality": "Quality", "med.Quite": "Mute", "med.RealTime": "Realtime", "med.RecordeStream": "Record Stream", "med.RecoveryTime": "AE Recovery", "med.ReduceNoiseLevel": "NR Level", "med.RegistIP": "Registration IP", "med.RemoveDither": "Anti-dither", "med.Resolution": "Resolution", "med.SSAOrDefog": "Defog cannot be set when SSA is enabled.", "med.Saturation": "Saturation", "med.SemiAuto": "Semi Auto", "med.Sharpness": "Sharpness", "med.Shutter": "Shutter", "med.ShutterFirst": "Shutter Priority", "med.Siren": "Siren", "med.Slow": "Slow", "med.Smartcodec": "Smart Codec", "med.SnapSpeed": "Interval", "med.Spacileinfo": "Specific Information", "med.StableLevel": "EIS Level", "med.StreamContorl": "Bit Rate Type", "med.StreamKbs": "Bit Rate", "med.StreamType": "Stream Type", "med.StreamUpperLimit": "Max Bit Rate", "med.Style": "Style", "med.Suggestbitrate": "Reference Bit Rate", "med.Sunny": "Sunny", "med.Timesnap": "Scheduled", "med.TriggerSnap": "Trigger Snapshot", "med.VBR": "VBR", "med.VideoCut": "Video Clip", "med.VideoInBacklight": "Backlight", "med.VideoInDefog": "Defog", "med.VideoInputConfig": "Image", "med.VideoOn": "Video Tampering", "med.VideoOpeare": "Record", "med.VideoStandard": "Video Standard", "med.WDROrDefog": "Defog cannot be set when WDR is enabled.", "med.WatermarkSetting": "Watermark", "med.Waterstr": "Watermark String", "med.WideDynamicRange": "WDR", "med.ZfDigitalZoom": "Digital Zoom", "med.ZfFocusLimit": "Near Focus Limit", "med.ZfZoomSpeed": "Zoom Speed", "med.ZoomPrio": "Zoom Priority", "net.BroadcastAudioout": "Play", "net.CurrentState": "Status", "net.DDNSRiskTip": "After enabling DDNS function, third-party server may collect your device info.", "net.Ddns": "DDNS", "net.Discover": "Enable Device Discovery", "net.DomainName": "Domain", "net.Explain": "Note:", "net.FirstDNSServer": "Preferred DNS", "pfm.VSPGAVI": "Snapshot & Video Database", "net.HTTPsPort": "HTTPS Port", "net.HttpPorts": "HTTP Port", "net.IPv4": "IPv4", "net.IPv4Invalid": "Invalid IP address.", "net.IPv6": "IPv6", "net.Intport": "Internal Port", "net.Lechange": "Imou", "net.Lineate": "Wired", "net.LinkAddress": "Link Address", "net.LocalSipPort": "Local SIP Port", "net.MMSEnable": "Message Enable", "net.Mailsender": "Sender", "net.MaximumConnect": "Max Connection", "net.MaximumOutConnect": "Max Failure Times", "net.Multicast": "Multicast", "net.MulticastAddress": "Multicast Address", "net.MulticastAddressConflict": "The enabled multicast addresses conflict. Please modify and save.", "net.NetPtzSetting": "Network PTZ", "net.Netabort": "Offline", "net.Network": "Network", "net.NextDNSServer": "Alternate DNS", "net.Ntpset": "NTP", "net.Offline": "Offline", "net.Online": "Online", "net.OpenARPPing": "Enable ARP/Ping and set device IP address", "net.PPPoE": "PPPoE", "net.Qos": "QoS", "net.RS485": "RS-485", "net.RTMP": "RTMP", "net.Receiver": "Receiver", "net.RemAddMau": "Manual Add", "net.RemoteLogRecord": "Remote Log", "net.RtspFormat": "RTSP Format", "net.RtspPort": "RTSP Port", "net.SIPDomain": "SIP Domain", "net.SMS": "SMS", "net.SMTPServer": "SMTP Server", "net.SNMP": "SNMP", "net.Server": "Server", "net.ServerAddr": "Server Address", "net.ServerIP": "Server IP", "net.ServerName": "Server Name", "net.ServerNames": "Service Name", "net.ServerPort": "Server Port", "net.SipRegExpires": "Registration Validity Period", "net.SipSvrId": "SIP Server No.", "net.SipSvrIp": "SIP Server IP", "net.SipSvrPort": "SIP Server Port", "net.SiteType": "Service Type", "net.Static": "Static", "net.SubdeviceID": "Sub-Device ID", "net.SubnetAddressesWrongTip": "Invalid subnet mask.", "net.TcpOrIp": "TCP/IP", "net.TcpPort": "TCP Port", "net.UPNP": "UPnP", "net.UPnPRiskTip": "After enabling UPnP, Intranet service/port of the device will be mapped to Extranet.", "net.TLSRiskTip": "Encryption type except TLS might have risk. TLS encryption type is recommended.", "net.Udpport": "UDP Port", "net.UnAuthorised": "Unauthenticated", "net.Unconet": "Unconnected", "GB35114.VSP_GB28181": "GB28181 Access", "net.WMM": "Enable Wireless Qos", "net.WirelessSignal": "Wireless Signal", "net.HttpsDisableTip": "Disabling HTTPS may put your system at risk. Continue?", "per.AlarmInput": "Alarm-in Port", "per.AnalogType": "Analog Quantity Type", "per.AnalogTypeElec": "Current Type", "per.AnalogTypeVolt": "Voltage Type", "per.AudioInputType": "Audio Input Type", "per.AudioInputVolume": "Microphone Volume", "per.AudioOutputVolume": "Speaker Volume", "per.AutoScan": "Scan", "per.Autopanon": "Pan", "per.Aux": "Aux", "per.Compensation": "Compensation Value", "per.CutMapConfirm": "Confirm Screen", "per.DetailCamera": "Detail Camera", "per.LocalityAnalogy": "Local Analog Quantity", "per.LocalitySwitching": "Local Switching Quantity", "per.LowerLimit": "Lower Limit", "per.LuaExecuteState": "Serial Port Communication Status", "per.LuaExecuteState0": "Read serial port normally.", "per.LuaExecuteState1": "Failed to read.", "per.LuaExecuteState2": "Format error.", "per.LuaExecuteState4": "Reply error.", "per.LuaExecuteState8": "Execution error.", "per.OutputDelay": "Output Delay", "per.Peripheral": "Peripheral", "per.PtzPattern": "Linkage Mode", "per.PtzRestartTip": "PTZ will restart.", "per.PtzSet": "PTZ", "per.PtzSingleScene": "Smart Single Scene", "per.RainBrush": "Wiper", "per.Search": "Search Video", "per.SptMode": "Supported Model", "per.UpperLimit": "Upper Limit", "per.VoiceEnable": "Voice Prompt", "pfm.AddressType": "Address Type", "pfm.CivilCode": "Division Code", "pfm.ConnetIdentCode": "Access Identification Code", "pfm.IntervideoID": "Intervideo ID", "pfm.KmScope": "Shutter", "pfm.Monitor": "Live Video", "pfm.Office": "Office", "pfm.RTMPPort": "RTMP Port", "pfm.VerticalDegree": "Vertical Angle", "sto.CapaUsed": "Used Space", "sto.EmergencyStorage": "Urgently store to local", "sto.ExigencyStorageLocal": "Urgently store to local", "sto.FTPRiskTip": "FTP may be at risk. Continue?", "sto.FormatSD": "Format Storage Card", "sto.InfoCllection": "Info Acquisition", "sto.LevelofSDardarea": "Free Space", "sto.NoStorage": "No SD card", "sto.Physicalposition": "Physical Position", "sto.PlayBack": "Search", "com.NextFrame": "Next Frame", "sto.ReadOnly": "Read Only", "sto.Report": "Report", "sto.SDCard": "SD Card", "sto.SDError": "SD card error", "sto.StoError": "Disk Error", "sto.StoFull": "Disk Full", "sto.Storage": "Storage", "sto.StorageHealthAlarmTip": "SD Card Durability Warning", "sto.ResidualLife": "Remaining Life", "sto.StorageManage": "Storage", "sto.StorageSetting": "Storage", "sto.TotalCapacity": "Total Space", "sto.TypeW": "Read/Write", "sto.NFSRiskTip": "NFS may be at risk. Enable?", "sto.SMBRiskTip": "SMB might have risk. Enable?", "sys.TimeZone32InternationalDateLineWest": "(UTC-12:00) International Date Line West", "sys.TimeZone31UTC11": "(UTC-11:00) Coordinated Universal Time-11", "sys.TimeZone30AleutianIslands": "(UTC-10:00) Aleutian Islands", "sys.TimeZone30Hawaii": "(UTC-10:00) Hawaii", "sys.TimeZone36MarquesasIslands": "(UTC-09:30) Marquesas Islands", "sys.TimeZone29Alaska": "(UTC-09:00) Alaska", "sys.TimeZone29UTC09": "(UTC-09:00) Coordinated Universal Time-09", "sys.TimeZone28LowerCalifornia": "(UTC-08:00) Baja California", "sys.TimeZone28UTC08": "(UTC-08:00) Coordinated Universal Time-08", "sys.TimeZone28Pacifictime": "(UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)", "sys.TimeZone27Arizona": "(UTC-07:00) Arizona", "sys.TimeZone27Chihuahua": "(UTC-07:00) Chihuahua, La Paz, Mazatlan", "sys.TimeZone27Mountaintime": "(UTC-07:00) Mountain Time (US & Canada)", "sys.TimeZone26CentralAmerica": "(UTC-06:00) Central America", "sys.TimeZone26Middletime": "(UTC-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)", "sys.TimeZone26EasterIsland": "(UTC-06:00) Easter Island", "sys.TimeZone26Guadalajara": "(UTC-06:00) Guadalajara, Mexico City, Monterrey", "sys.TimeZone26Saskatchewan": "(UTC-06:00) Saskatchewan", "sys.TimeZone25Bogota": "(UTC-05:00) Bogota, Lima, Quito, Rio Branco", "sys.TimeZone25Chetumal": "(UTC-05:00) Chetumal", "sys.TimeZone25Easterntime": "(UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)", "sys.TimeZone25Haiti": "(UTC-05:00) Haiti", "sys.TimeZone25Havana": "(UTC-05:00) Havana", "sys.TimeZone25Indiana": "(UTC-05:00) Indiana (East)", "sys.TimeZone24Asuncion": "(UTC-04:00) Asuncion", "sys.TimeZone24Atlantictime": "(UTC-04:00) Atlantic Time (Canada)", "sys.TimeZone24Caracas": "(UTC-04:00) Caracas", "sys.TimeZone24Cuiaba": "(UTC-04:00) Cuiaba", "sys.TimeZone24Georgetown": "(UTC-04:00) Georgetown, La Paz, Manaus, San Juan", "sys.TimeZone24Santiago": "(UTC-04:00) Santiago", "sys.TimeZone24Turks": "(UTC-04:00) Turks and Caicos", "sys.TimeZone23Newfoundland": "(UTC-03:30) Newfoundland", "sys.TimeZone22Araguaina": "(UTC-03:00) Araguaina", "sys.TimeZone22Brasilia": "(UTC-03:00) Brasilia", "sys.TimeZone22Cayenne": "(UTC-03:00) Cayenne, Fortaleza", "sys.TimeZone22BuenosAires": "(UTC-03:00) City of Buenos Aires", "sys.TimeZone22Greenland": "(UTC-03:00) Greenland", "sys.TimeZone22MondVeeDya": "(UTC-03:00) Montevideo", "sys.TimeZone22SaintPierre": "(UTC-03:00) Saint Pierre and Miquelon", "sys.TimeZone22Salvatore": "(UTC-03:00) Salvador", "sys.TimeZone21UTC02": "(UTC-02:00) Coordinated Universal Time-02", "sys.TimeZone20Azores": "(UTC-01:00) Azores", "sys.TimeZone20CaboVerdeIslands": "(UTC-01:00) Cabo Verde Is.", "sys.TimeZone0UTC0": "(UTC) Coordinated Universal Time", "sys.TimeZone0Casablanca": "(UTC+00:00) Casablanca", "sys.TimeZone0Dublin": "(UTC+00:00) Dublin, Edinburgh, Lisbon, London", "sys.TimeZone0Monrovia": "(UTC+00:00) Monrovia, Reykjavik", "sys.TimeZone0SaoTome": "(UTC+00:00) São Tomé", "sys.TimeZone1Amsterdam": "(UTC+01:00) Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna", "sys.TimeZone1Belgrade": "(UTC+01:00) Belgrade, Bratislava, Budapest, Ljubljana, Prague", "sys.TimeZone1Brussels": "(UTC+01:00) Brussels, Copenhagen, Madrid, Paris", "sys.TimeZone1Sarajevo": "(UTC+01:00) Sarajevo, Skopje, Warsaw, Zagreb", "sys.TimeZone1CentralandwesternAfrica": "(UTC+01:00) West Central Africa", "sys.TimeZone1Windhoek": "(UTC+01:00) Windhoek", "sys.TimeZone2Amman": "(UTC+02:00) Amman", "sys.TimeZone3Amman": "(UTC+03:00) Amman", "sys.TimeZone2Athens": "(UTC+02:00) Athens, Bucharest", "sys.TimeZone2Beirut": "(UTC+02:00) Beirut", "sys.TimeZone2Cairo": "(UTC+02:00) Cairo", "sys.TimeZone2Chisinau": "(UTC+02:00) Chisinau", "sys.TimeZone2Damascus": "(UTC+02:00) Damascus", "sys.TimeZone2Gaza": "(UTC+02:00) Gaza, Hebron", "sys.TimeZone2Harare": "(UTC+02:00) Harare, Pretoria", "sys.TimeZone2Helsinki": "(UTC+02:00) Helsinki, Kyiv, Riga, Sofia, Tallinn, Vilnius", "sys.TimeZone2Jerusalem": "(UTC+02:00) Jerusalem", "sys.TimeZone2Kaliningrad": "(UTC+02:00) Kaliningrad", "sys.TimeZone2Tripoli": "(UTC+02:00) Tripoli", "sys.TimeZone2EasternEurope": "(UTC+02:00) E. Europe", "sys.TimeZone3Baghdad": "(UTC+03:00) Baghdad", "sys.TimeZone3Istanbul": "(UTC+03:00) Istanbul", "sys.TimeZone3Kuwait": "(UTC+03:00) Kuwait, Riyadh", "sys.TimeZone3Minsk": "(UTC+03:00) Minsk", "sys.TimeZone3Moscow": "(UTC+03:00) Moscow, St. Petersburg", "sys.TimeZone3Nairobi": "(UTC+03:00) Nairobi", "sys.TimeZone4Tehran": "(UTC+03:30) Tehran", "sys.TimeZone5AbuDhabi": "(UTC+04:00) Abu Dhabi, Muscat", "sys.TimeZone5Astrakhan": "(UTC+04:00) Astrakhan, Ulyanovsk", "sys.TimeZone5Baku": "(UTC+04:00) Baku", "sys.TimeZone5Izhevsk": "(UTC+04:00) Izhevsk, Samara", "sys.TimeZone5PortLouis": "(UTC+04:00) Port Louis", "sys.TimeZone5Saratov": "(UTC+04:00) Saratov", "sys.TimeZone5Tbilisi": "(UTC+04:00) Tbilisi", "sys.TimeZone5Yerevan": "(UTC+04:00) Yerevan", "sys.TimeZone6Kabul": "(UTC+04:30) Kabul", "sys.TimeZone7Ashkhabad": "(UTC+05:00) Ashgabat, Tashkent", "sys.TimeZone7Ekaterinburg": "(UTC+05:00) Ekaterinburg", "sys.TimeZone7Islamabad": "(UTC+05:00) Islamabad, Karachi", "sys.TimeZone8Chennai": "(UTC+05:30) Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi", "sys.TimeZone8SriJayawardenapura": "(UTC+05:30) Sri Jayawardenepura", "sys.TimeZone9Kathmandu": "(UTC+05:45) Kathmandu", "sys.TimeZone10Astana": "(UTC+06:00) Astana", "sys.TimeZone10Dhaka": "(UTC+06:00) Dhaka", "sys.TimeZone10Omsk": "(UTC+06:00) Omsk", "sys.TimeZone11Yangon": "(UTC+06:30) Yangon (Rangoon)", "sys.TimeZone12Bangkok": "(UTC+07:00) Bangkok, Hanoi, Jakarta", "sys.TimeZone12Barnaul": "(UTC+07:00) Barnaul, Gorno-Altaysk", "sys.TimeZone12Hovd": "(UTC+07:00) Hovd", "sys.TimeZone12Krasnoyarsk": "(UTC+07:00) Krasnoyarsk", "sys.TimeZone12Novosibirsk": "(UTC+07:00) Novosibirsk", "sys.TimeZone12Tomsk": "(UTC+07:00) Tomsk", "sys.TimeZone13Beijing": "(UTC+08:00) Beijing, Chongqing, Hong Kong, Urumqi", "sys.TimeZone13Irkutsk": "(UTC+08:00) Irkutsk", "sys.TimeZone13KualaLumpur": "(UTC+08:00) Kuala Lumpur, Singapore", "sys.TimeZone13Perth": "(UTC+08:00) Perth", "sys.TimeZone13Taipei": "(UTC+08:00) Taipei", "sys.TimeZone13Ulaanbaatar": "(UTC+08:00) Ulaanbaatar", "sys.TimeZone37Pyongyang": "(UTC+08:30) Pyongyang", "sys.TimeZone38Eucla": "(UTC+08:45) Eucla", "sys.TimeZone14Chita": "(UTC+09:00) Chita", "sys.TimeZone14Osaka": "(UTC+09:00) Osaka, Sapporo, Tokyo", "sys.TimeZone14Seoul": "(UTC+09:00) Seoul", "sys.TimeZone14Yakutsk": "(UTC+09:00) Yakutsk", "sys.TimeZone15Adelaide": "(UTC+09:30) Adelaide", "sys.TimeZone15Darwin": "(UTC+09:30) Darwin", "sys.TimeZone16Brisbane": "(UTC+10:00) Brisbane", "sys.TimeZone16Canberra": "(UTC+10:00) Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney", "sys.TimeZone16Guam": "(UTC+10:00) Guam, Port Moresby", "sys.TimeZone16Hobart": "(UTC+10:00) Hobart", "sys.TimeZone16Vladivostok": "(UTC+10:00) Vladivostok", "sys.TimeZone34LordHoweIsland": "(UTC+10:30) Lord Howe Island", "sys.TimeZone17BougainvilleIsland": "(UTC+11:00) Bougainville Island", "sys.TimeZone17Chokurdakh": "(UTC+11:00) Chokurdakh", "sys.TimeZone17Magadan": "(UTC+11:00) Magadan", "sys.TimeZone17NorfolkIsland": "(UTC+11:00) Norfolk Island", "sys.TimeZone17Sakhalin": "(UTC+11:00) Sakhalin", "sys.TimeZone17SolomonIslands": "(UTC+11:00) Solomon Is., New Caledonia", "sys.TimeZone18Anadyr": "(UTC+12:00) Anadyr, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky", "sys.TimeZone18Auckland": "(UTC+12:00) Auckland, Wellington", "sys.TimeZone18UTC12": "(UTC+12:00) Coordinated Universal Time +12", "sys.TimeZone18Fiji": "(UTC+12:00) Fiji", "sys.TimeZone39ChathamIslands": "(UTC+12:45) Chatham Islands", "sys.TimeZone19UTC13": "(UTC+13:00) Coordinated Universal Time +13", "sys.TimeZone19Nukualofa": "(UTC+13:00) Nuku'alofa", "sys.TimeZone19Samoa": "(UTC+13:00) Samoa", "sys.TimeZone35KiritimatiIsland": "(UTC+14:00) Kiritimati Island", "sys.Account": "Account", "sys.AlgVer": "Algorithm Version", "sys.AlgorNotMatch": "Algorithm database version does not match.", "sys.Annual": "All the year round", "sys.AnonymousLogin": "Anonymous Login", "sys.AudioFiles": "Audio File", "sys.AutoDelete": "Auto Delete", "sys.AutoMaintain": "Maintenance", "sys.AutoRebootSys": "Auto Restart", "sys.AutoRegister": "Auto Registration", "sys.Autocheck": "Auto Check for Updates", "sys.Baudrate": "Baud Rate", "sys.BindMobilePhone": "Reserved Mobile", "sys.BkConfigAuth": "Config Backup", "sys.Camera": "Camera", "sys.ChannelList": "Channel List", "net.P2P": "P2P", "sys.CloudAccess": "P2P", "sys.CloudAccessNote": "The Imou will be enabled to assist you in remotely managing your device. We need to collect your IP address, MAC address, device name, device SN after enabling Imou and connecting to the Internet. All collected info is used only for the purpose of remote access. \nPlease un-select the check box if you do not agree to enable the Imou function.", "sys.ComRebootTip": "Config comes into effect after restart. Are you sure you want to restart the device?", "sys.CompatibleMode": "Compatibility Mode", "sys.ConfigFile": "Profile", "sys.ConfigOpr": "Config", "sys.DHCloudUpgrade": "Cloud Upgrade", "sys.DST": "DST", "sys.DataBit": "Data Bit", "sys.DataOpr": "Storage", "sys.DateFormat": "Date Format", "sys.DateTime": "Date & Time", "sys.DelFileTip": "The deleted files cannot be restored. Continue?", "sys.DeleteFile": "Delete File", "sys.DeleteOldFile": "Delete Old Files", "sys.DevInitSuccess": "Successfully initialized.", "sys.ExportConfigurationFile": "Export Configuration File", "sys.FileBackup": "File Backup", "sys.FileUpgrade": "File Update", "sys.FullyDefaultRisk": "All the parameters will be reset. Please enter password for confirmation.", "sys.FullyDefaultTip": "All the parameters will be restored to factory default settings.", "sys.GaysVersion": "GB Version", "sys.GenetecService": "Genetec", "sys.ImportFile": "Import File", "sys.KMSService": "KMS Service", "sys.LastUpgradeDate": "Last Upgrade Date", "sys.LocalDisk": "Local Disk", "sys.LocalStorage": "Local Storage", "sys.LocalWord": "Local License Plate", "sys.Log": "Log", "sys.LocalLogStorage": "Store Running Logs Locally", "sys.LogClear": "Clear Log", "sys.LogContent": "Log Content", "com.LoginAuthMode": "Private Protocol Authentication Mode", "sys.LoginModeTip": "Compatibility Mode might put the system at risk. We recommend using Security Mode.", "sys.LoginParity": "Login Verification", "sys.MaintenanceAndBackup": "Maintenance and Backup", "sys.ManuCtrAuth": "Manual Control", "sys.ManualCheck": "Manual Check", "sys.ManualRestartDevice": "Manual Restart", "sys.Manually": "Manual Settings", "sys.MonitoringPointType": "Monitoring Point Type", "sys.NewDeviceId": "Platform Assets Code", "sys.NoReaptUserName": "Repeated username.", "sys.NotCustom": "Non-custom", "sys.NotMatchVerTip": "Algorithm version does not match. Please update firmware.bin.", "sys.Ntpupdate": "Manual Update", "sys.OldDeviceId": "Device Assets Code", "sys.Onlineuser": "Online User", "sys.OnvifVersion": "ONVIF Version", "sys.Overwrite": "Overwrite", "sys.PackLength": "Max Duration", "sys.Parity": "Parity", "sys.PhoneFormat": "Phone number format error.", "sys.PlatformNotEnoughMemory": "Memory insufficient.", "sys.PrePack": "Pre-event Record", "sys.PtzVersion": "PTZ Version", "sys.PwdComplexity": "Password Strength", "sys.QrScanNote3": "Option 1: Please download and use Imou, go to Me -> Settings -> Reset Device Password and scan the QR code on the left. \n Option 2: Scan the QR code on the left and send the encryption string to support_rpwd@imoulife.com.", "sys.ReadOnly": "Read Only", "sys.ReadWrite": "Read/Write", "sys.Region": "Region", "sys.Releasedate": "Build Date", "sys.RemoteUpgrade": "Online Update", "sys.RestartSystem": "Restart System", "sys.RestartTime": "Restart Time", "sys.RingConfiguration": "Field Surveillance Configuration", "sys.SafeBaseVersion": "Security Baseline Version", "sys.SafeMode": "Security Mode (Recommended)", "sys.SafeOpr": "Security", "sys.Security": "Security", "sys.SerialNumber": "SN", "sys.Setpwd": "Password Settings", "sys.SimpleDefaultTip": "Other configurations will be recovered to default except network, user management and so on.", "sys.SoftwareLicenceNoted": "I have read and agree to all the terms", "sys.StartTime": "Start Time", "sys.StopBit": "Stop Bit", "sys.SubStreamService": "Protocol", "sys.SureToDeleteAllLogTip": "Are you sure you want to clear logs?", "sys.Syncpc": "Sync PC", "sys.SysInfoAuth": "System Info", "sys.SysOpear": "System", "sys.SysTime": "System Time", "sys.SystemLog": "Log", "sys.SystemService": "System Service", "sys.SystemUpgrade": "Update", "sys.SystemVersion": "System Version", "sys.TimeAndTimeZone": "Time and Time Zone", "sys.TimeSet": "Time", "sys.TvOut": "Analog Output", "sys.Update": "Update", "sys.UpgradeCount": "Update Times", "sys.UpgradeImmediately": "Update Now", "sys.UpgradingAttention": "System update in progress. Please do not log out of Web or power off.", "sys.UserGroup": "Group", "sys.UserLoginTime": "User Login Time", "sys.VersionInfo": "Version", "sys.VersionUpdate": "Upgrade", "sys.Webver": "Web Version", "sys.Weekshow": "Week Display", "sys.WorkersSetUp": "Personnel Settings", "sys.YearMonthDay": "YYYY MM DD", "sys.addAlarmGroup": "Add Dispatching Group", "sys.addLinkageDevice": "Add Linkage Device", "sys.addLinkageGroup": "Add Linkage Group", "sys.addReceiver": "Add Dispatcher", "sys.LicenseFailTip": "Algorithm authorization failed, please import license.", "sys.LicenseDeadlineTip": "Algorithm authorization expired, please update license.", "sys.LicenseIVSTip": "\"XXXX\" algorithm authorization failed, please update license.", "sys.linkageConfiguration": "Linkage Configuration", "sys.monitoringPoint": "Monitoring Point", "sys.pleaseInputGroupName": "Please enter user group name.", "sys.pleaseInputUserName": "Please enter username.", "sys.secSecureLogDesc": "Logs can be recorded reasonably according to standards, to guarantee its traceability effectively.", "sys.voiceFileManagement": "Audio File Management", "sys.NTPRiskTip": "If NTP is enabled, device time will be automatically synchronized with server. Enable?", "sys.DeleteCertTip": "The deleted certificate cannot be recovered. Delete?", "sys.ConfImportTip": "Imported configuration will overwrite previous configuration.", "net.RefreshStatus": "Refresh Status", "com.NoAuthority": "A user or user group without permission cannot be created.", "com.UgmPwdfailedLocked": "You have exceeded the maximum allowed number of login attempts. The unlock time is %d seconds.", "sys.AuthAVParam": "Audio/Video Parameter", "com.Today": "Today", "com.TheWeek": "This Week", "com.TheMonth": "This Month", "com.TheYear": "This Year", "sys.AuthNetCfg": "Network", "com.Standard": "Standard", "com.Gentle": "Soft", "com.Natural": "Natural", "com.FTPLoginFailureTip": "Permission verification failed.", "ivs.SuvMpv": "suv-mpv", "med.2DdepressNoise": "2D NR", "com.FileTransmitErrorTip": "File Transmit Error", "com.FileLengthErrorTip": "File size error", "com.BPPTypeNotSupportTip": "Color depth not supported.", "com.FileWriteErrorTip": "File Write Error", "com.ResolutionNotSupportTip": "Resolution not supported.", "com.FileNotExist": "The file does not exist.", "ivs.RedLight": "IR Light", "med.WhiteLight": "White Light", "ivs.LaserLight": "Laser Light", "com.EmailiperrorTip": "Server address error.", "com.DownloadProgress": "Download Progress", "com.PathErrorTip": "The storage path can only consist of numbers, letters, underlines, hyphens, slashes or blanks.", "com.ResetSuccessTip": "Restored to default settings successfully. Please log in again.", "per.Comctrl": "Serial Port", "sys.ExternalLight": "External Light", "com.AutoMode": "Auto Mode", "sys.Photoresistor": "Photoresistor", "ivs.BrightnessLight": "Light Brightness", "sys.Washing": "Wash", "sys.SingleParity": "Odd", "sys.DoubleParity": "Even", "ivs.LogoParity": "Mark", "com.ValidateNoneTip": "Space", "com.SureStreamAddressTip": "Make sure the address can be trusted.", "com.DomainExistTip": "The domain name does not exist.", "com.DomainUsedTip": "The domain name is already registered.", "com.ServerFailTip": "Server failed.", "med.PlaybackDownloadPath": "Playback Download", "com.HeatMap": "Radiometric Image", "com.Region": "Region", "com.SearchingTip": "Searching...", "com.TrackDelayTime": "Delay Time", "System.Upgrade": "Update", "FTP.Status": "FTP Status", "NFS.Status": "NAS Status", "SD.Error": "SD card error", "Disk.Error": "Disk Error", "SMB.Status": "SMB Status", "File.Access": "File Access", "General.CertManage": "Certificate Management", "ivs.Half": "Half Body", "ivs.Whole": "Full Body", "ivs.MiddleView": "Medium View", "com.PleaseSelect": "Please select", "com.Selected": "Selected # items.", "ivs.Panorama": "Panorama", "ivs.AnalogAlarm": "Data Acquisition", "med.BurningWarn": "Burn Alarm", "ivs.PtzVoltageUnusual": "Voltage Exception", "com.VoltageDetection": "Voltage Detection", "com.Global": "Global", "ivs.ManualEvidence": "Manual Capture", "com.OverWhiteLine": "Crossing Solid White Line", "ivs.ShortShorts": "Mini Shorts", "ivs.Bag": "Bag", "ivs.VehicleBrand": "Unknown|Audi|Honda|Buick|Volkswagen|Toyota|BMW|Peugeot|Ford|Mazda|Nissan|Hyundai|Suzuki|Citroen|Benz|BYD|Geely|Lexus|Chevrolet|Chery|Kia|Xiali|DongFeng|Iveco|SGMW|JinBei|JAC|Geely|Changan|Great Wall|Skoda|BaoJun|Subaru|Land Wind|Luxgen|Renault|Mitsubishi|Roewe|Cadillac|MG|Zotye|Zhonghua|Foton|Hafei|Opel|Hongqi|Fiat|Jaguar|Volvo|Acura|Porsche|Jeep|Bentley|Bugatti|GAC|Daewoo|Soueast|Ferrari|Foday|SMA|Hawtai|JMC|King Long|Joylong|Karry|Chrysler|Lamborghini|Rolls-Royce|Everus|Lifan|Leoparrd|Lincoln|Land Rover|Lotus|Maserati|Maybach|McLaren|Youngman|Tesla|Rely|Isuzu|FAW Besturn|Infiniti|Yutong |Ankai|Changhe|Haima|Toyota Crown|Huanghai|Golden Dragon|Smart|Dodge|Lotus|Mini|Geely|Foton|Shuanghuan|ZX Auto|Yaris|Geely|Zhongtong|Changan|Yuejin|Changan|Suzuki|BAW Weiwang |DFLQ|Higer|Shaolin|North|BAIC|Haval|Jonway|Maxus|BAW|Ford Mustang|Gonow|Hummer|Polarsun|Ssangyong|Victory|Koenigsegg|Aston Martin|TechArt|Carlsson|Seat|Wiesmann|Alfa Romeo|Spyker|Mercury|Scania|PROTON|LANCIA|Panoz|Holden|ASCARI|Dacia|Renault Samsung|VAUXHALL|VENTURI|Morgan|HINO|PONTIAC|ABARTH|Saturn|Tianma|DAIHATSU|Oldsmobile|Saibao|Moskvich|DS|Venucia|MITSUOKA|Gumpert|Polonez|Zotye|LADA|Scion|DAF|Enranger|Xinkai|Dadi|Tata|KAMAZ|Datsun|Foden|Austin|Ginetta|CHTC|DENZA|Zinoro|Fornasari|Keyton|Qoros|Huasong|Cowin|Levdeo|LEAHEAD|Green Wheel|King Long|RUF|Tong Jia|Ciimo|Yogomo|ZD|Shenlong|BAC|Borgward|Conquest|DMC|Elemental|GAZ|GMC|KTM|nanoflowcell|noble|ssc|Tramontana|Zenvo|Brabus|G.PATTON|Melkus|BAIC Huansu|Anyuan|Riich|Haima|Yema|Hafei|CHMC|Hua Ling|Sinotruck|C&C|Sany|kama|Beiben|YTC|Hongyan|T.King|YangZi|Sinocars|AsiaStar|Youyi|Elfin|Joss|MAN|Alpino|Alvis|ASCARI|Allard|Bitter|Bizzarrini|Pininfarina|PGO|Bertone|Bristol|De Tomaso|Delage|Delahaye|Diatto|NSU|VABIS|Farboud|Ford|GAZ|Horch|Caterham|Chevrolet|Lagonda|Leyland|RUF|Roewe|Rochet-Schneider|Marcos|Mack|Meilu|Metropolitan|Meiya|Plymouth|Italdisign||TATRA|Trabant|Trevor|Wartburg|Cizeta|SSC TUATARA|Cisitalia|Siata|DKW|EDAG|Ikarus|UAZ|JMC|Kandi|Saab|Shifeng|WAW|Yaolon|Dongfanghong|Tri-ring Sitom|XCMG |Wangpai|Sinotruck|Speed|Granton|Mudan|Sunwin|Sunwin|Sunwin|Silver|Wuzhoulong|Tongxin|Haval|Jionggong|Jianghuan|Chunlan|Dayun|Lifan|Shacman|Iveco|Suzuki|Changan|Changan|Equus| Coupe|Hyundai|GAC|GAC|JAC|JAC|JMC|Borgward|UD Trucks|Yangtse|WAW|Dongyu|Kawei|Horki|Kasheng|Lynk&Co|Bisu|Ranz|Kombat|La Joya|NIO|Hanteng|Byvin|HengTong|SWM|WEY|Singulato|Yudo|BAIC DaoDa|Changan |AsiaStar|ShaoRao|Shuchi|ChuFeng|HanTang|Forta|Fuhuan|Hyundai|Foton|JMC|Traum|Dearcc|Xpeng|Weltmeister|Ruichi|Shineray|Leapmotor|Baolong|Jetour|Neoplan|Yuancheng|Boloda|BiaoMa|Skywell|Ruiyi|Sowar|Shuangfu|Hyundai|Wanda|Zonda|Sinogold|Dahan|Alfa Bus|Yixing|Red Star|Shudu|Hengshan|Wanxiang Auto|XDBS|Dojo|TXDDC|Yuexi|UD|Dayang|Bobang|Fulu|Guilin|Hongri|Lewei|Lichi|Supaq|Verong|Yuesun|TEG|AVIC|Dahe|Henghe|Jihai|Ora|Wanxiang|Weikerui|ChangjiangEV|CORE|Zhongxin|Oushan|LITE|Qiantu|SOL|Dorcen|Lixiang|Link Tour|Yulu|Rolfhartge|Luchi|CRCC|NETA|Oushan|Pagani|Dafudi|Wanfo|SAIC|CSR|Huakai Toyota|Ford|Chery|Landrover|Landrover|Isuzu|Infiniti|Dodge|Jaguar|Toyota|Toyota|Volvo|Maserati|Lincoln|Porsche|Porsche|Smart|Chevrolet|Chevrolet|Suzuki|Mazda|NISSAN|Mitsubishi|Tata|Changhe|Changhe|Durablev|BAIC|ENTU|Haiquan|Hanteng|LANSEL|Huanghai|Huili|Zhongji Mingyang|Geely|Jinbei|Jinpeng|Jinggong|Kama|Lifan|Viano|CHJ|NAC|Runruji|Tri-ring|Shuanghuan|SITECH|Yuejin|Zotye|Hong Qi|LEVC|Polestar|SAIC MAXUS|Jinghua|Lamborghini|Kawei|SF EV|Yema|Hong Qi|Leopaard|Haima|BORGWARD|Qingling|Dongfeng|XK|Lifan|Baojun|YUDO|JONWAY|JONWAY|LANDWIND|Beijing Automobile|BESTUNE|JMC|Jinma|Qingji|CENNTRO|SINOTRUK|SINOTRUK|Zhongzhuo Shidai|EXEED|Yuzhou|Baojun|Xindadi|ZEV Auto", "com.TumbleDetection": "Fall Detection", "com.FightDetection": "Violence Detection", "ivs.CarposDete": "Parking Space Detection", "com.ConfEffectRestartTip": "Configurations take effect. The device is restarting… Do not leave the page or close the browser.", "net.NetworkSet": "Network Settings", "com.Basic": "Basic", "ivs.StandedTime": "Stay Time", "com.PeopleNum": "People No.", "com.TotalNumber": "Total No.", "com.Panorama": "Panoramic Image", "ClassroomBehavior": "Classroom Behavior Analysis", "ivs.Action": "Behavior", "com.CrowdDistriPic": "Crowd Distribution Map", "ivs.CrowdDensity": "Crowd Density", "com.RegionBordersCantdrawTip": "The area limit cannot be intersected. Please draw again.", "pfm.SendInterval": "Sending Interval", "ivs.GreaterEqual": "Greater Than or Equal To", "com.LessEqual": "LessEqual", "com.RegionalNumber": "In Area No.", "com.MaintenanceManager": "Maintenance Management", "sys.ConfigIO": "Import/Export", "com.ExportFailTip": "Export failed.", "sys.Addgroupexist": "The group already exists.", "com.UsemannageErrGroupTip": "User already exists. Cannot delete group or reduce its permission.", "sys.BadMemoTip": "Fail to support < and >.", "com.Fiery": "Fiery", "com.Prasinous": "Grass green", "com.Orange": "Orange", "com.Enter": "Enter", "com.AccountReserveTip": "Reserved users cannot be modified or deleted.", "com.OverRightTip": "No permission.", "med.RecordMode": "Record Mode", "com.PlayOver": "The end", "com.ServerIpError": "Server IP format error", "net.IPCanotbenull": "IP address cannot be empty.", "com.Hue": "Hue", "med.FullResShow": "Original Size", "com.appEventManNumDetection": "People No. Exception", "com.CpD440Tip": "Input error.", "com.UserExist": "The account already exists.", "com.PasswordNoTureTip": "Password error.", "com.SaveFail": "Failed to save.", "com.OverMaxGroup": "Reached max number of groups.", "com.DownloadAccessdenied": "No right!", "com.OverMaxUser": "Reached max number of users.", "com.ListLimit": "Quantity limit reached.", "com.OpenFailure": "Failed to enable.", "com.Jump2OtherPage": "Click and go to the designated interface. Please ensure that current interface configurations have been applied to the device.", "ivs.CarposName": "Parking Space Name", "ivs.WaterValue": "Water Level Value", "ivs.WaterStatus": "Water Level Status", "ivs.AlarmThreshold": "Alarm Threshold", "com.CurrentValue": "Current Value", "med.NotSupportAudioType": "Failed to support audio config.", "ivs.CarBody": "Vehicle Body", "sys.OpenAnonymLoginSucceedTip": "Enabled anonymous login successfully", "sys.CloseAnonymLoginSucceedTip": "Disabled anonymous login successfully", "sys.OpenAnonymLoginFailedTip": "Failed to enable anonymous login", "sys.CloseAnonymLoginFailedTip": "Failed to disable anonymous login", "sys.Noauthmoderror": "Select at least one permission.", "com.WrongNTPNameTip": "NTP server name can only consist of numbers, letters, dots, underlines and hyphens.", "com.SaveSucceedNextTip": "Operation succeeded. The config will take effect when connected next time.", "sys.DownloadCer": "Please click here to download certificate.", "sys.35114version": "35114 Chip Version", "com.ImageFtpWarning": "Shutdown will affect video storage. Do you want to continue?", "com.RecordFtpWarning": "Shutdown will affect image storage. Do you want to continue?", "ivs.CrowdDetection": "Crowd", "sto.StorageLowSpace": "Low disk space warning.", "com.RTP": "RTP Multicast", "com.NetworkStorage": "Network Storage", "ivs.MiddleLight": "Medium Light", "ivs.GlobalScheme": "Global", "ivs.TargetStack": "Target Box Overlay", "med.Indoor": "Indoor", "com.ATW": "ATW", "med.FocusMode": "Focus Mode", "com.MaxRunningTime": "Max Running Time", "ivs.IntervalTime": "Interval", "ivs.LinkPanorama": "Cascade Panorama", "ivs.CruiseMode": "Tour Mode Select", "ivs.Detectpriority": "Detection Priority", "ivs.Scenepriority": "Scene Priority", "ivs.Cruisepriority": "Tour Priority", "ivs.MultiSceneCurise": "Multi-scenario tour config", "ivs.PTZTourOrder": "Tour Order", "ivs.OrderPriority": "Priority Sorting", "ivs.AddNewSence": "Add Scenario", "com.Tourgreatr": "The total tour interval cannot exceed arming time.", "ivs.TourPlan": "Tour Plan", "com.TimeLimit": "Duration Limit", "sys.CloudUpgErrNoVersion": "You are using the latest version.", "sys.PtzNewVersionFound": "New PTZ version found.", "sys.FindNewVersion": "New system version found.", "sys.CloudUpgErrUnknown": "Other error.", "sys.CloudUpgErrDisable": "Online update is not enabled.", "sys.CloudUpgErrCheckTimeout": "Check timeout.", "com.CloudUpgErrParam": "Server parameters exception.", "sys.CloudUpgErrHasNewVersion": "New version found. Please check again.", "sys.CloudUpgErrUpgrading": "Updating…", "ivs.TrafficPriority": "Number Plate Priority", "ivs.FacePriority": "Face Priority", "pfm.ChannelType": "Channel Type", "ivs.HumanTrait": "Human", "ivs.RowHeight": "Line Height", "per.MeasureDistance": "Ranging", "ivs.WideViewLink": "Panoramic Linkage", "PanoramaCoordinate": "Panoramic Coordinates", "PTZCameraCoordinates": "PTZ Coordinate", "com.CenterPoint": "Central Point", "ivs.LinkageTrack": "Linkage Track", "ivs.DurationToDisappeared": "Continue till object disappears", "ivs.StartCalibrate": "Start Calibration", "ivs.StopCalibrate": "Stop Calibration", "com.PleaseSaveSenceTip": "Please save the scene first, and then start calibration.", "ivs.CalibrateWaitingTip": "Calibration in progress. Please do not leave the page or close browser.", "com.DrawPointTip": "Please draw calibration points.", "med.SaveCalibrate": "Please save calibration point first.", "ivs.FirstCaliTip": "Plase calibrate coordinate point first.", "ivs.SpotTip": "Supports at least 4 calibration points", "ivs.MaxCoordPiontTip": "Exceeded max number of calibration points.", "com.SemiAutofail": "It begins to acquire calibration coordinate only after setting all the scenarios.", "ivs.DemarcateFinishPleaseSaveTip": "Successfully calibrated. Please click Apply.", "ivs.InstallHeight": "PTZ Dome Height", "ivs.TimeDisplay": "Time Display", "com.AdjustAngle": "Angle Adjustment", "CrowdDistriMap": "Crowd Distribution Map", "med.LightingScheme": "Fill Light", "ivs.LightType": "Light Type", "med.WhiteMode": "White Light", "med.MixMode": "Soft Light Mode", "med.InfraredMode": "IR Mode", "med.AIMode": "Smart Illumination", "per.AlarmLink": "Alarm", "ivs.NearLightAngle": "Near Light Angle", "ivs.MiddleLightAngle": "Medium Light Angle", "ivs.FarLightAngle": "Far Light Angle", "ivs.HeatMap": "Heat Map", "com.WeekReportTip": "The search range cannot exceed 7 days. ", "ivs.HeatMapStatistic": "Heat Map Statistics", "com.Zoom": "Zoom", "com.Wide": "Zoom out", "com.Enlarge": "Zoom in", "med.ABFFunction": "ABF", "com.Extend": "Extend", "com.EDOF": "Extended Depth of Field", "com.EDOFmode": "Extended Depth of Field Mode", "com.Near": "Near", "com.Far": "Far", "ivs.FaceDetectionDulpRemove": "Remove Duplicate Faces", "ivs.FaceDulpRemoveConfig": "Remove Duplicate Faces", "ivs.DulpRemoveTime": "Time", "ivs.DulpRemovePrecision": "Precision", "CrossFenceDetection": "Crossing Virtual Fence", "CrossLineDetection": "Tripwire", "CrossRegionDetection": "Intrusion", "LeftDetection": "Abandoned Object", "MoveDetection": "Fast Moving", "ParkingDetection": "Parking Detection", "RioterDetection": "Crowd Gathering", "TakenAwayDetection": "Missing Object", "WanderDetection": "Loitering Detection", "GPSLongitude": "Longitude", "GPSLatitude": "Latitude", "ivs.SouthLatitude": "South Latitude", "ivs.NorthLatitude": "North Latitude", "ivs.WestLongitude": "West Longitude", "ivs.EastLongitude": "East Longitude", "com.GPSCalibrate": "Calibrate by GPS", "sys.AnonymousLoginTip": "After anonymous login is enabled, you can view audio and video data without authentication. Enable?", "Monitor_01": "Live", "Monitor_02": "Live 2", "Monitor_03": "Live 3", "Monitor_04": "Live 4", "Replay_01": "Search", "Replay_02": "Search 2", "Replay_03": "Search 3", "Replay_04": "Search 4", "ivs.ScaleArea": "Calibration Area", "sys.DateAndTime": "Date & Time", "sto.DirectoryStructure": "Directory Structure", "sto.DirectoryLelvel1": "Level 1 Directory", "sto.DirectoryLelvel2": "Level 2 Directory", "sto.DirectoryLelvel3": "Level 3 Directory", "sto.PictureNameCustom": "Customized Picture Name", "com.Ms": "ms", "com.ChannelNo": "Channel No.", "SnapMode": "Snapshot Mode", "sto.PictureNameSetting": "Picture Name Settings", "sto.PictureNameContent": "Picture Name Content", "sto.SpaceMark": "Separator", "com.Sort": "Sequencing", "GB35114.VSP_GAYS": "GB Access", "GB35114.VSPCertManage": "GB Certificate Management", "GB35114.VSP_GB35114": "GB35114 Access", "net.CreatAndDownloadCert": "Create and Download Certificate Request", "net.ImportCACert": "Import CA Certificate", "net.ImportRemoteCert": "Import Remote Device Certificate", "com.PleaseImportCACertFirst": "* Please import CA certificate first.", "net.ImportLocalCert": "Import Local Device Certificate", "com.ImportUserCert": "Import User Certificate", "net.ImportCRLFile": "Import CRL File", "net.CRLPath": "CRL Path", "com.DeviceIdentifier": "Issue to", "com.CertFunction": "Certificate Function", "com.EffectiveDate": "Valid Date", "com.ExpirationDate": "Expiry Date", "net.NetType": "Network Type", "com.Creat": "Create", "net.PoliceInfoNet": "Public Security Information Network", "net.SpecialVideoNet": "Video Private Network", "com.ExtendStep": "Extend Step", "ivs.TriggerAlarmPerson": "People Number to Trigger Alarm", "ivs.CountArea": "People Counting Area", "ivs.DetectRegion": "Detection Area", "ivs.CameraHeight": "Installation Height", "ivs.NoScaleAddFailed": "Please add a ruler.", "ivs.RegionNameNotSame": "Area name cannot be the same.", "sto.SelectDirectoryLevel1": "Use Level 1 Directory", "sto.SelectDirectoryLevel2": "Use Level 2 Directory", "sto.SelectDirectoryLevel3": "Use Level 3 Directory", "com.FileType": "File Type", "ivs.VehiclesDistri": "Vehicle Density", "ivs.CongestionDetection": "Traffic Congestion", "ivs.VehicleLimitDetection": "Parking Upper Limit", "ivs.AlarmRepeatTime": "Repeat Alarm Time", "ivs.VehicleCongestionAlarm": "Vehicle Congestion Alarm", "ivs.VehicleLimitAlarm": "Upper Limit Vehicle Quantity Alarm", "ivs.Uint": "vehicles", "sto.FileTypeAndChanelNo": "File Type_Channel No.", "ivs.PeopleDetect": "People Detection", "sys.ChangePwdWay": "Modification Mode", "sys.ManagerAccount": "Admin Account", "sys.ManagerName": "Admin Username", "sys.ManagerPwd": "Admin Password", "com.DownloadFailedTip": "Download failed.", "com.UploadSuccess": "Uploaded successfully.", "com.NotFullyImportTip": "Certificate is not imported completely. Please continue to import certificate.", "pfm.CertificateNotAvailible": "Please create or upload certificate.", "com.DelectSuccessTip": "Deleted successfully.", "pfm.PleaseOffEnableThenDelCertTip": "To delete a certificate, please turn off the enable switch.", "com.CreateSuccess": "Created successfully.", "com.DownloadCompletelyTip": "Download complete.", "com.UploadFailed": "Failed to upload.", "com.CertWillDelWhetherContinueTip": "Certificates will be deleted. Continue?", "sys.CertWillAllDelWhetherContinueTip": "All certificates will be deleted. Continue?", "med.VideoFragment": "Video Clip", "net.LineateDefault": "Wired(Default)", "net.TLSRecommended": "TLS(Recommended)", "net.P2PRiskTip": "After enabling the function and connecting Internet, we will collect device information such as IP address, MAC address, name and serial number. The collected information is only used for remote access of the device. If you do not agree to enable the function, please cancel the selection of check box.", "net.StartUsingLowVersionTLSTip": "There might be security risks if TLS of earlier versions are enabled. Please select carefully.", "sto.CfmFormat2PartitionTip": "Formatting the SD card to private file system can greatly improve SD card multimedia file read/write performance. DiskManager is needed to read SD card on the computer. Data will be cleared after formatting the SD card. Are you sure you want to format the SD card?", "net.RTMPRiskTip": "After enabling RTMP, video and audio data will be pushed to third-party servers. Please make sure the address can be trusted. Enable?", "ivs.WDFireConflictTip": "True WDR and flame detection are mutually exclusive. Both cannot be enabled simultaneously.", "com.DspTvoutConflictTip": "Limited resources. Smart plan and analog output cannot be enabled at the same time.", "ivs.ExcludeRegion": "Exclusion Area", "com.singleScheduleLimit": "Max %d periods can be set.", "ivs.SenceSwitchTime": "Scene Switch Time", "ivs.HumanLinkLocation": "People Full Positioning", "com.PicMode": "Picture Mode", "sys.DisablePswReset": "Password can only be reset by hardware default after the function is disabled.", "sys.PswResetPhoneTip": "If you forgot the password, you can receive security codes through the mobile phone number left in advance to reset the password.", "sys.PswResetEmailTip": "If you forgot the password, you can receive security codes through the email address left in advance to reset the password.", "com.PictureOverlayDisabledTip": "Picture Overlay will be disabled when Location is enabled.", "com.GPSCheckoutTime": "GPS Timing", "com.ChangeUserSuccessTip": "User successfully modified.", "com.ChangeUserFailTip": "Modify User Failed", "com.StorageMethod": "Storage Method", "SDEncrypt.Encrypt": "Encryption", "SDEncrypt.Decrypt": "Authentication", "SDEncrypt.ClearPassword": "Clear Password", "ivs.healthInfo": "Health Info", "com.Excellent": "Excellent", "com.GoodMinus": "Good", "com.Bad": "Bad", "ivs.MustAnotherPicType": "At least one close shot or license plate close-up is included in the same group.", "ivs.EnableFaceDulpRemoveTip": "The maximum number of detected faces will decrease after the function of removing duplicate faces is enabled. Continue?", "med.OutputMode": "Output Mode", "med.SingleStream": "Single Stream", "med.FlexStream": "FlexStream", "pfm.UnImportRootCert": "Root certificate is not imported.", "net.CertCNInvalid": "Certificate CN field illegal.", "com.GetDevIDFailed": "Failed to get device ID.", "net.CertSerialNoRepeat": "Certificate SN already exists.", "net.UnvailableCert": "Certificate is not within the validity date.", "ivs.CarposManager": "Parking Space Management", "sto.PicNameSeparatorTip": "Separator can only be a dash, underline or space.", "ivs.EnableTargetStack": "After target box overlay is enabled, capturing capability degradation will occur. Continue?", "com.StorageStrategy": "The storage strategy of the device is the same when the hard disk is full, and the configuration will be modified synchronously under video and pictures", "com.OnlyOneNetwork": "Only one network storage service can be enabled on the device at the same time, the configuration will be modified synchronously under video and pictures", "com.ManualPosition": "Manual Position", "ivs.EventOverVoltage": "Power Overvoltage", "ivs.EventUnderVoltage": "Power Undervoltage", "PTZCamera": "PTZ Dome", "med.Recordpath": "Record Path", "med.Snappath": "Snapshot Path", "com.AntiAliasing": "Anti-aliasing", "net.NetAutoAdapt": "Network Self-adaptive", "com.EncodeSmooth": "Smooth Stream", "ivs.CustomSetting": "Customized", "ivs.Width": "Customized Width", "ivs.FaceWidth": "Original Face Width", "ivs.FacePartHeight": "Customized Face Height", "ivs.FaceHeight": "Original Face Height", "ivs.BodyPartHeight": "Customized Body Height", "ivs.FacePart": "Face", "ivs.BodyPart": "Body", "com.ErrorReceiver": "Receiver format error.", "net.ErrorSender": "Sender format error.", "com.PswResetLimit": "Password resetting times have reached the limit. Please try again after XXXX seconds.", "com.Stateunormal": "Abnormal", "com.FormatSDRestartDevice": "Formatting succeeded.The device is rebooting. Please reconnect later …", "ivs.MinGatherRegion": "Min Gathering Area", "sys.SafetyRiskTip": "There might be safety risk if this service is enabled.", "med.Sounds1": "Tone 1", "med.Sounds2": "Tone 2", "ivs.UnlicensedVehicle": "Unlicensed Vehicle", "gui.Split1": "View 1", "sto.SDEncryptPlaybackTip": "SD card needs to be authenticated for playback.", "sto.SDEncryptRecordTip": "SD card needs to be authenticated for record.", "com.Channel5": "CAM 5", "com.Channel6": "CAM 6", "med.CorridorModeEnableTip": "Operation failed. Please check whether flip mode is enabled.", "sys.FileBackupEncryptTip": "*Please make sure that the corresponding device or software supports video decryption.", "sys.DataRiskTip": "There might be data leakage risk if this service is disabled.", "ivs.sceneOptions": "Parking Spot Type", "ivs.ParkingSpaceSum": "Total Number of Parking Spots", "ivs.VerticalType": "Vertical", "ivs.VerticalObliqueType": "Diagonal Parking", "ivs.HorizontalIpsilateralType": "Parallel Parking (Same-side Installation)", "ivs.HorizontalOppositeType": "Parallel Parking (Opposite-side Installation)", "sys.LegalInfo": "Legal Info", "sys.SoftwareLicence": "Software License Agreement", "sys.PrivacyPolicy": "Privacy Policy", "sys.OpenSourceLicense": "Open Source Software Notice", "sys.ReadLicenceAndPolicy": "I have read and agree to the terms of the Software License Agreement and Privacy Policy.", "ivs.SnapOverlayTrack": "Track Overlay", "ivs.ForbidParking": "No Parking", "com.SmartEvent": "AI Event", "com.MultiExpos": "Mixed-exposure", "com.HorizentalZoom": "Horizontal Zoom", "com.VerticalZoom": "Vertical Zoom", "med.Enlarge": "Far-end Amplification", "med.Strength": "Correction Strength", "ivs.LDCorrection": "LDC", "med.PictureUpload": "Upload Picture", "sys.SuccessSpliceAndRestoreConfig": "Click OK to make splicing valid and restore the device's default settings. Continue?", "com.SplicingNeedThreeMin": "Splicing in progress. Need about 3 minutes …", "com.SplicingNeedTime": "Splicing in progress. It might take %d seconds to complete.", "com.LoadingSDTip": "Loading, please wait.", "ivs.MultiVideoSensor": "Splicing", "med.AutoSplice": "Auto Splicing", "med.DistanceSplice": "Splice by Distance", "com.CameraSetMes": "Image attributes, audio & video coding config.", "com.EventManageMes": "General event config.", "com.SysmangagerMes": "User management, device operation and maintenance.", "med.AdvanceDenoise": "Advanced NR", "med.TnfLevel": "3D NR Level", "med.SnfLevel": "2D NR Level", "sto.Setscal": "Quota Setting", "sto.Quata": "Disk Quota", "sto.QuotaSetup": "Disk Quota", "sto.BeginQuotaTip": "This disk does not support quota function. Please format the disk first.", "sto.QuotaStatus": "Quota Status", "sto.QuotaSettingTip": "Enabling quota function or adjusting quota might make the device delete some videos or images automatically.", "Storage.Quota": "Quota Setting", "VideoRatio": "Video Ratio", "ImageRatio": "Image Ratio", "med.VideoStream": "Video Stream", "com.FaultHandling": "Emergency Maintenance", "com.CloseAOLTip": "It is recommended that the emergency maintenance be enabled. Are you sure you want to disable it?", "com.AOLTip": "For easy access to our after-sales service, enable this function. If the device has any trouble performing functions, such as updating, the system will automatically enable this function.", "ivs.Heater": "Heater", "ivs.StartTemper": "Start Temperature", "ivs.ShutTemper": "Stop Temperature", "per.ManualDewater": "Water Removal", "per.DeicingAndfog": "Remove ice and fog", "per.TempHighNoHeater": "Temp too high. Heater cannot be enabled.", "Monitor_05": "Live 5", "Monitor_06": "Live 6", "Replay_05": "Playback 5", "Replay_06": "Playback 6", "ivs.FacePicture": "Face", "net.IPandGatWaynotinsamegridding": "The IP address does not match the default gateway.", "net.WrongSMTPServerNameTip": "Server names can only consist of numbers, letters, dots, underlines, hyphens and colons.", "ivs.FaceBeautification": "Face Snapshot Enhancement", "ivs.LinkDetail": "Cascade Detail", "ivs.LinkSD": "Cascade PTZ", "com.TaskErrorTip": "Data error or task already exists within the period.", "ivs.DetailToDisappeared": "Track until objects captured by detail camera disappear.", "ivs.PanoramaToDisappeared": "Track until objects captured by panorama camera disappear.", "com.NameDuplication": "This name exists.", "ivs.LinkageMode": "Linkage", "ivs.TiOC": "TiOC Linkage Mode", "ivs.TiOCTip": "Invalid when linkage mode is configured.", "com.ChoosePresetTip": "Select Preset", "com.TimeChange": "By Time", "com.DevAddr": "Device Address", "net.IPnotconflict": "IP is available.", "com.OsdLocationFunctionDisabledTip": "OSD Info will be disabled when Picture Overlay is enabled.", "med.CalibrateZoom": "Lens Magnification", "med.FocusExpert": "Expert Mode", "com.Termination": "Stop", "com.SaveSceneTip": "Please save the scene first.", "med.StartTrain": "Start Scene Focusing Training", "med.TerminationTrain": "Stop Training", "med.CompleteTrain": "Finish Training", "med.SceneCalibratingTip": "Do not do operations during training. If you want to stop training, please click Stop.", "net.5000Port": "5000 Port", "ivs.GlobalLinkDetail": "Panorama-Detail Linkage", "ivs.PackageSchemeSelection": "Select Plan", "ivs.IntelligentModeSelection": "Select Intelligence Mode", "ivs.ClearPreviousConfChangePresetTip": "Switching preset will clear the previous configuration. Continue?", "med.AudioOut": "Audio Output", "per.AudioInput": "Audio Input", "ivs.PresetScheme": "Preset", "ivs.IVSPlanPageTip": "Switching mode will clear the previous configuration. Continue?", "com.StartConfiguration": "Next", "ivs.IndependenceMode": "Independent", "com.Scheme": "Plan", "ivs.IVSModePageTip": "Before enabling the plan, please make sure that other plans are disabled. ", "net.CapSize": "Packet Sniffer Size", "net.CapBak": "Packet Sniffer Backup", "com.DeviceInfo": "Device Info", "com.LngLatPosition": "Latitude and Longitude", "com.HighTemperDetect": "Overtemperature Detection", "com.BatteryAbnormal": "Battery Exception", "ivs.HighFPSConflictTip": "High frame rate (> %s) conflicts with the intelligence. The system will disable the conflicted item.", "com.LeftTimeSec": "Other Periods", "com.SetSensitivity": "Sensitivity", "com.AwaitConfigured": "Not Configured", "com.Configured": "Configured", "ivs.PleaseChooseTimePeriod": "Please select period first.", "ivs.IVSModePageTip2": "Enabling this plan will disable other plans. Continue?", "ivs.CarFlow": "Traffic Flow", "ivs.CarWay": "Lane", "ivs.CarWayAttribute": "Lane Property", "ivs.NonMotorLane": "Non-motor Vehicle Lane", "ivs.CarHead": "Vehicle Front", "ivs.CarTail": "Vehicle Back", "ivs.CarWayType": "Lane Type", "com.OtherConfig": "Other Config", "ivs.MotorLane": "Motor Vehicle Lane", "ivs.Lane": "Lane No.", "ivs.LaneLine": "Lane Line", "ivs.DetectLine": "Detection Line", "Please draw lane": "Please draw lane line.", "ivs.LaneLineName": "Lane Line Name", "com.LaneMaxNumTip": "Reached max number of lane lines.", "com.PleaseDrawTip": "Please draw a lane line first, and then a detection line.", "com.DrawDetectLineTip": "Please draw a detection line.", "ivs.VehicleLaneConfig": "Lane Config", "com.LaneNumMaxTip": "Reached max number of lanes.", "ivs.BicycleSnap": "Non-motor Vehicle Snapshot", "ivs.FitMod": "Mounting Mode", "med.CalibrateMode": "Record Mode", "med.CeilMode": "Ceiling", "med.WallMode": "Wall", "med.FloorMode": "Ground", "med.Original": "1O", "med.Panorama": "1P", "med.DoublePanorama": "2P", "med.Single": "1R", "med.TwoEPtzRegion": "2R", "med.FourEPtzRegion": "4R", "med.OriginalPlusThreeEPtzRegion": "1O+3R", "com.FishEye": "Fisheye", "com.NetworkCapture": "Packet Capture", "com.IntelliDiagnosis": "Intelligent Diagnosis", "med.VRMode": "VR Mode", "med.FitPlayMode": "Installation & Display", "ivs.IsEnableFaceAnalysisTip": "Face Exposure will be effective after enabling Face Recognition. Enable Face Recognition now?", "com.ReportType": "Report Type", "med.AppearCycle": "Report Period", "com.FullResHide": "Adapt Size", "ivs.OsdCompound": "Composite Picture", "ivs.AbnormalParking": "Non-motor Vehicle/Unlicensed Vehicle Parking", "ivs.ParkingReverse": "Parking against the Traffic Flow", "ivs.RoadDirect": "Lane Direction", "ivs.TowardsCarTail": "Vehicle Rear Image", "ivs.TowardsCarHead": "Vehicle Front Image", "ivs.PatrolMode": "Patrol Mode", "ivs.ParkingOverstep": "Occupying Two Parking Spots", "ivs.HorizontalType": "Horizontal", "ivs.CompoundOrder1": "Composite Sequence of One Picture", "ivs.CompoundOrder2": "Combination Mode for 2 Pictures", "com.Ping": "PIN Code", "com.ErrorPIN": "PIN Code Error", "com.NotGetDevice": "Failed to read a device.", "com.NoCertInDev": "No certificate in the device.", "com.UnFindAnyKey": "No key is found.", "com.LoadOcxFailed": "Failed to load controls.", "GB35114.PleaseCheckUShieldFirst": "Please check if the authenticator is normally inserted.", "com.VideoAbnormal": "Video Exception", "ivs.OperateMonitor": "Construction Monitoring", "ivs.OperateMonitorMode": "Construction Monitoring Mode", "ivs.PowerLineForeignDetection": "Foreign Objects on the Transmission Line", "med.SmartMotionDetect": "Smart Motion Detection", "ivs.CycleDisarm": "Disarm by Period", "ivs.DisarmPeriod": "Disarm Period", "com.WarningLight": "Warning Light", "ivs.RemoveDuplicationFilter": "Duplicate Object Filtering", "QueueDetection": "Queuing", "com.Equal": "Equal to", "com.Unequal": "Unequal to", "ivs.MaxDetectHeight": "Max Detection Height", "ivs.QueueNumber": "Queue People No.", "sys.IntellMutexTVOutTip": "Click \"Apply\" and analog output will be disabled.", "com.TVoutOpenFailWhenExtra2On": "Substream 2 and analog output cannot be enabled at the same time.", "ivs.ImageStabilizationConflictSmart": "Intelligent functions like tracking will be affected if EIS is enabled.", "med.Transcribe": "Record", "com.FileSizeLimitMaxTip": "Quantity limit reached. Failed to add.", "sto.NoDiskSpaceTip": "Low disk space.", "med.PropertyFailedTip": "Audio file verification failed.", "com.TranscribeFailFullTip": "Failed to record. Please check if recording conditions are met.", "med.DigitalOrStable": "EIS cannot be set when digital zoom is enabled.", "med.StableOrDigital": "Digital zoom cannot be set when EIS is enabled.", "com.CheckAtTime": "Detect Now", "per.PtzLock": "PTZ Locked", "per.PtzError": "PTZ Expection", "com.ChinaMobile": "China Mobile", "med.DayOrDefogTip": "Defog enhancement cannot be enabled when day/night mode is set to non-auto.", "ivs.DayNightDisabledTip": "Defog enhancement mode is already enabled, so day/night mode cannot be adjusted.", "ivs.NotifyOptimization": "Report Optimization", "ivs.EnterTime": "Enter Time", "ivs.LeaveTime": "Leave Time", "QueueStayDetection": "Queue Stay Time", "QueueNumDetection": "Queue People No. Exception", "com.Fanspeed": "Fan", "sys.PositionSystem": "Positioning System", "sys.AdjustTimeByLocation": "Positioning System Time Synchronization", "sys.BEIDOU": "Beidou", "sto.DynamicBitrate": "Lite Storage", "DevInfo": "Device Basic Info", "net.MACDevInfo": "MAC Acquisition Device Basic Info", "net.SiteNum": "Place No.", "net.SecCompanyCode": "Organization Code", "net.UploadInterval": "Data Upload Interval", "net.CapRadius": "Collection Radius", "itc.PlateNo": "Plate No.", "net.MetroLineInfo": "Metro Line Info", "net.MetroVehicleInfo": "Metro Vehicle Info", "net.MetroCarNum": "Metro Vehicle No.", "net.FixedDev": "Fixed Collection", "net.MoveVehicle": "Mobile Collection", "net.ICLCE": "MPT Collection", "LocalInfo": "Site Basic Info", "net.MacLocationInfo": "MAC Acquisition Site Basic Info", "net.SiteName": "Network Service Site Name", "net.SiteAddr": "Detailed Address", "net.LegalPerson": "Legal Person", "net.SiteProp": "Business Nature", "net.DocNum": "Valid Credentials No. of Legal Person", "net.DocType": "Valid Credentials Type of Legal Person", "com.TelephoneNumber": "Contact Mode", "net.BusinessBeg": "Opening Time", "net.BusinessEnd": "Closing Time", "net.HotelHostel": "Accommodation Place", "net.LibRoom": "Library Reading Room", "net.PCTrainCenter": "Computer Training Center", "net.Fun": "Entertainment Place", "net.TransHinge": "Transportation Hub", "net.PublicTrans": "Public Transportation Tool", "net.CaterSer": "Catering Service", "net.FinancialSer": "Financial Service", "net.ShopSer": "Shopping", "net.PublicSer": "Public Service", "net.CultureSer": "Culture Service", "net.PublicLeisure": "Public Leisure", "net.Operating": "Commercial", "net.NonOperating": "Non-commercial", "FacInfo": "Manufacturer Basic Info", "net.MacFactoryInfo": "MAC Acquisition Manufacturer Basic Info", "net.SecCompanyAddr": "Organization Address", "net.SecCompanyContacts": "Contacts", "pfm.Phone": "Phone No.", "net.Email": "Email", "com.PasswordCracking": "Password Cracking", "net.AddRouter": "Add Router", "med.PrivacyMaskingNameTip": "Name cannot contain < > \\ & \" | and '.", "med.PrivacyMaskingTypeLimit": "The number of this type has reached the upper limit.", "com.UnequalThreshold": "≠ Threshold", "com.EqualThreshold": "= Threshold", "ivs.CarLength": "Vehicel Length", "ivs.CarSpeed": "Vehicle Speed", "ivs.BigVehicleSpeed": "Large-sized Vehicle Speed Limit", "ivs.SmallVehicleSpeed": "Small-sized Vehicle Speed Limit", "ivs.OverSpeedPercent": "Speeding Ratio", "ivs.LaneName": "Lane Name", "itc.CarColor": "Vehicle Color", "ivs.PlateType": "Plate Type", "ivs.TitleBit63": "Violation Type", "ivs.LightOnTime": "Red/Yellow Light On Time", "ivs.BreakRulesCode": "Violation Code", "per.RadarDirection": "Radar Direction", "ivs.CounterfeitCode": "Anti-counterfeiting code", "ivs.VehicleTypeTitle": "Vehicle Type", "ivs.ThroughDirection": "Passing Direction", "ivs.VehicleBodyColor": "Vehicle Body Uneven Color", "ivs.HighLimit": "Highest Speed Limit", "ivs.LowLimit": "Lowest Speed Limit", "ivs.IllegalParkingDuration": "Illegal Parking Duration", "sys.CheckCredentialNo": "Verification Certificate Number", "ivs.CheckupUnit": "Verification Organization", "com.QueryWeb": "Website Query", "ivs.SmallVehicleLowSpeed": "Small-sized Vehicle Lowest Speed Limit", "ivs.BigLowLimit": "Large-sized Vehicle Lowest Speed Limit", "ivs.BigVehicleHighSpeed": "Large-sized Vehicle Highest Speed Limit", "ivs.GeneralCustom": "General Custom", "ivs.TriggerOrigin": "Trigger Source", "ivs.RedLightTime": "Duration from red light on till now", "ivs.UnderspeedRatio": "Underspeed Ratio", "ivs.ANPRDirection": "ANPR Direction", "ivs.SceneInfo": "Scene Info", "ivs.NonMotorType": "Non-motor Vehicle Type", "com.Prefix": "Prefix", "com.Postfix": "Suffix", "ivs.SeperaterCount": "Delimiter Quantity", "ivs.SuggestOverlay": "Recommend Overlay", "ivs.OsdOption": "OSD Option", "ivs.BreakJam": "Traffic Congestion", "per.PlayAudio": "Start to play audio.", "com.PlayAudioFailedTip": "Failed to play audio or the existing audio is being played.", "med.BrightnessLimit": "Brightness Upper Limit", "com.AutoUpload": "Auto Upload", "com.UploadMethod": "Upload Mode", "com.UniqueIpPortPath": "IP/Domain name, port, and path cannot be exactly the same.", "com.ComplicatingTips": "Cannot operate at the same time. Please try again later.", "net.FilterAddress": "Address Filtering %d", "med.Disarming": "Disarming", "ivs.CycleDisarmTip": "Disarm by Period will be valid after one-click disarm is disabled.", "med.DisarmLinkageTip": "Disarm Alarm Linkage Action", "com.Chart": "Diagram", "ivs.MinDetectHeight": "Min Detection Height", "ivs.QueueNumberAlarm": "Queue People No. Alarm", "ivs.QueueTimeAlarm": "Queue Time Alarm", "ivs.QueueTime": "Queue Time", "com.Select": "Select", "med.AlarmSound": "Alarm Tone", "com.FilenameExist": "The file name already exists.", "com.ChinaTelecom": "China Telecom", "com.ChinaUnicom": "China Unicom", "net.Signalqality": "Signal Strength", "net.WIFI": "Wi-Fi", "com.DeviceType": "Device Type", "ivs.MotorSnap": "Motor Vehicle Snapshot", "ivs.TrafficMonitor": "Road Monitoring", "ivs.TrafficList": "Lane List", "ivs.TrafficOverlayTip": "Drag attributes on the bottom or left for sequencing.", "ivs.TrafficTollGate": "ANPR", "ivs.TrafficVehicleInRoute": "Vehicle in Lane", "ivs.TrafficRetrograde": "Wrong-way Driving", "med.Ruletype": "Rule Type", "com.PictureType": "Image Type", "ivs.TrafficNonMotorRetrograde": "Wrong-way Driving (Non-Motor Vehicle)", "ivs.HumanPacksack": "Backpack", "ivs.ColorSliver": "Silver", "ivs.GlobalLight": "Global", "ivs.CenterLight": "Center", "med.Sound": "Volume", "com.TraChart": "Track Map", "com.ExportDiagnosticData": "Export Diagnosis Data", "com.DeviceAbnormalTips": "Export diagnosis data for troubleshooting.", "med.HeatMapInJpeg": "Picture Redundancy", "ivs.ReportMode": "Report Mode", "ivs.FaceStrangerMode": "Stranger Mode", "ivs.CompareSuccessAlarm": "Triggers an alarm when comparison succeeds", "ivs.CompareFailAlarm": "Triggers an alarm when comparison fails", "ivs.CompareAllAlarm": "Triggers an alarm when comparison succeeds or fails", "ivs.CompareAllNoAlarm": "Does not trigger an alarm when comparison succeeds or fails", "ivs.CompareSuccessReport": "Report events when comparison succeeds", "ivs.CompareFailReport": "Report events when comparison fails", "ivs.CompareAllReport": "Reports when comparison succeeds or fails", "ivs.CompareAllNoReport": "Does not report when comparison succeeds or fails", "StereoBehavior": "Stereo Analysis", "ManStandDetection": "Stand Detection", "RunDetection": "Running Detection", "StereoAbnormalCountDetection": "Abnormal Number of People Detection", "StereoFallDetection": "Fall Detection", "DistanceDetection": "Close Contact", "BackToDetection": "Back Detection", "WalkDetection": "Walking Detection", "WriteOnTheBoardDetection": "Blackboard Writing Detection", "ActivityAnalyse": "Activation Analysis", "ivs.CalibrationCfg": "Calibration Config", "ivs.CameraAngle": "Installation Angle", "ivs.ScaleGround": "Calibration Ground", "ivs.RectScale": "Rectangle Calibration", "ivs.PointScale": "Five-point Calibration", "sys.LogOnlineBackup": "Online Log Backup", "com.UpLoadMode": "Upload Mode", "per.OneClickTour": "One-click Tour", "com.Centimeter": "cm", "ivs.PointScaleTip": "Five-point Calibration: Select 5 points on the same plane for calibration.", "ivs.RectScaleTip": "Rectangle Calibration: Use this function for open area calibration. ", "ivs.StereoScaleGuide": "1. Select calibration type > 2. Calibrate ground > 3. Generate calibration data", "sys.LLDP": "LLDP", "sys.ThermalCameraVersion": "Thermal Module Version", "ivs.PortraitDetection": "Face & Body Detection", "ivs.DetectSetting": "Detection Settings", "ivs.DetectMode": "Detection Mode", "ivs.CompliantMode": "Compliance Mode", "ivs.CheckType": "Detection Type", "ivs.HelmetColor": "Helmet Color", "ivs.GlassesType": "Glasses Type", "ivs.PortraitDetectionEnhance": "Face & Body Image Enhancement", "ivs.PriorityStrategy": "Detection Priority", "ivs.FaceFirst": "Face First", "ivs.BodyFirst": "Human Body First", "ivs.PortraitFlowStat": "Face & Body Counting", "per.MinimumPath": "Shortest Path", "per.OriginalPath": "Original Path", "per.MinimumPathTips": "Tour sequence of preset will be automatically adjusted according to the shortest path.", "ivs.LaserLightMove": "Laser Optical Axis Adjustment", "ivs.CabFail": "Calibration failed", "net.ErrorstartFailedappLocalNCTalk": "Local talk in progress. Failed to enable voice broadcast.", "IDCorrection": "Image Correction", "com.CourseNotNone": "%s must not be empty.", "ivs.AreaConfig": "Area Config", "ivs.OriginalDrawingOSD": "Original Picture OSD", "ivs.CompoundDrawingOSD": "Combination Picture OSD", "ivs.FileParam": "File Parameter", "ivs.LevelRatio": "Horizontal Ratio after Positioning", "ivs.IllegalAlarmOn": "Trigger Duration", "ivs.CaptureUploadingValue": "Alarm Filter Duration", "ivs.ShopID": "Store No.", "ivs.VideoParameter": "Record Parameters", "ivs.FTPUploading": "(FTP upload, SD card needed)", "ivs.LocalSave": "Save locally", "com.FTPUpload": "FTP Upload", "ivs.TargetPlateRange": "Target Plate Size", "ivs.PlateMatchingRatio": "Plate Matching Ratio", "ivs.ReportNoLicenseCar": "Report Unlicensed Vehicle", "ivs.AlarmNumberThreshold": "Alarm Number Threshold", "com.AlarmInterval": "Alarm Interval", "ivs.GenerateOriginalPicture": "Generate Original Picture", "ivs.GenerateOriginalPictureTip": "Note: Original picture generation time shall be consistent with actual comparison time.", "ivs.IntelliCityMgr": "Smart City Management", "ivs.Stay": "Stay", "per.ptzOptimal": "PTZ Prioirty", "com.SetAutoDepthField": "Set Hyper DoF", "com.TargetHeight1": "Target Height 1", "com.TargetHeight2": "Target Height 2", "ivs.RepeatCount": "Repetition Count", "ivs.BeforeDulpRemove": "Before Deduplication", "ivs.AfterDulpRemove": "After Deduplication", "ivs.MinDuration": "Min Duration", "StereoFightDetection": "Violence Detection", "com.IDCAndAIConflictTip1": "After enabling Image Correction, AI Function will be disabled.", "com.IDCAndAIConflictTip2": "After enabling AI Function, Image Correction will be disabled.", "ivs.MaskAudioLink": "Face Mask Alarm", "ivs.Frequency": "Entries", "ivs.GroupNameExist": "Database name already exists.", "CheckType": "Verification Type", "LanguageMismatch": "Language does not match.", "LanguageMatch": "Language matches.", "StartUpCheck": "Start Verification", "UpgradeCheck": "Update Verification", "System.LanguageCheck": "Language Attribute Verification", "ivs.CompleteStop": "Reports the event after a complete stop", "ivs.PlateNecessary": "Must capture license plate", "sys.DebugInfoRedir": "Stores logs to devices", "com.ServiceVerifyCode": "Verification Code", "com.EmployeeID": "Staff ID", "ivs.VerificationCode": "Verification Code", "com.DynamicCodeError2": "Verification failed. Account locked.", "com.DynamicCodeError3": "Verification failed.", "com.DynamicCodeError1": "Dynamic code error. Please scan again to log in.", "net.RTSPBasicAuthTip": "Basic authentication mode may be at risk. Continue?", "net.RTSPNoneAuthTip": "Non-authentication mode may be at risk. Continue?", "ivs.CompoundOrder4": "Combination Mode for 4 Pictures", "ivs.CompoundOrder3": "Combination Mode for 3 Pictures", "ivs.CompoundOrder5": "Combination Mode for 5 Pictures", "ivs.CompoundOrder6": "Combination Mode for 6 Pictures", "com.LapPos": "Overlay Position", "com.BackgroundColor": "Background Color", "com.FontColor": "Font Color", "ivs.PicParaSetting": "Picture Parameter", "ivs.ReportPicture": "Report Picture", "com.Top": "Above", "ivs.Size11": "Normal Proportion", "ivs.Size14": "1/4 Size", "ivs.Size19": "1/9 Size", "com.BlankSpace": "Blank", "com.Cewline": "Line Feed", "ivs.ViolationDuration": "Violation Duration", "ivs.PlayPhone": "Using Mobile Phone", "ivs.HandsUp": "Hands Up", "ivs.Listen": "Listen to Teacher", "ivs.Table": "Lie on the Table", "com.EnablePlanAndRuleTip": "Please enable smart plan and activate at least one rule.", "com.DayWeek": "Day", "com.SingleHour": "Hour", "ivs.SetScene": "Scene Setting", "app.carColor": "White|Black|Red|Yellow|Gray|Blue|Green|Pink|Purple|Dull Purple|Brown|Maroon|Silvery Gray|Dark Gray|White Smoke|Deep Orange|Light Rose|Tomato Red|Olive|Golden|Dark Olive|Yellow Green |Green Yellow|Forest Green|Ocean Green|Deep Sky Blue|Cyan|Deep Blue|Deep Red|Deep Green|Deep Yellow|Deep Pink|Deep Purple|Deep Brown|Deep Cyan|Orange|Deep Golden|Green Gradient|Yellow-Green Combination", "ivs.CarOwner": "Owner Name", "com.OverMaxNumTip": "Operation failed. Exceeded max number of name lists.", "com.ImportingTip": "Import in progress…", "com.Bottom": "Below", "com.Year": "Year", "com.Month": "Month", "sys.Height": "Altitude", "ivs.Confidence": "Confidence Level", "ivs.PlanningType": "Planned", "ivs.OpenType": "Open", "ivs.CarStartNum": "Start No.", "ivs.CarEndNum": "End No.", "ivs.AclPkgNum": "Actual Parking Spaces", "ivs.ExpPkgNum": "Planned Parking Spaces", "ivs.ParkingList": "Parking Space List", "ivs.IntelliParking": "Parking Space", "com.CarNum": "Vehicles", "RemainingParkSpace": "Available", "ivs.CongestionDuration": "Continuous Congestion Time", "pfm.StatisticalMode": "Counting Mode", "ivs.DirectionStat": "Tripwire Counting", "com.ContinueAdd": "Add Continuously", "sys.EncryTip": "Please keep unencrypted files well to avoid data leakage.", "com.OverwritePlateNo": "The plate database already exists. Want to replace?", "NetAutoAdaptTransmit": "Self-adaptive Network Transmission", "ivs.AddLaneLine": "Add Lane Line", "ivs.ViewSet": "Display Settings", "ivs.CompoundOrder": "Composite Picture Order", "ivs.DemarcateFinish": "Calibration Completed", "com.Emptyname": "Name cannot be null.", "ivs.HeaterType": "Heater Type", "ivs.TotalHeater": "Unit Device Heater", "ivs.ThermalHeater": "Thermal Lens Heater", "ivs.VisualHeater": "Visible Lens Heater", "ivs.DemistingHeater": "Heater for Defogging/Deicing", "com.Spend": "Time Consumption", "per.InitialTemp": "Initial Temperature", "com.MaxLimitTemp": "Max Temperature", "com.HeatFailure": "Failed to heat up. Turn off the heater.", "ivs.Voltage": "Voltage Info", "com.PictureVolDisabledTip": "By enabling picture overlay, voltage information will be disabled.", "com.VolPictureDisabledTip": "By enabling voltage information, picture overlay will be disabled.", "com.PictureOSDVolDisabledTip": "OSD and voltage information will be disabled when picture overlay is enabled.", "com.PictureLocationVolDisabledTip": "Location and voltage information will be disabled when picture overlay is enabled.", "ivs.HasCalibrate": "Calibrated", "ivs.CalibratingTip": "Calibrating...", "ivs.CalibrateHelpTip": "Channels that failed to be calibrated will be calibrated again with default parameters.", "com.CleanFogIntervalEveryDay": "Under schedule mode, the system will defog in specified period every day.", "com.CleanFog": "Defog", "ivs.StartJamThreshold": "Congestion Alarm Trigger", "ivs.EndJamThreshold": "Congestion Alarm Stop", "com.PleaseEnter": "Please enter", "com.GetVerificationCode": "Send", "com.HideVerificationCode": "Hide", "com.LogwWthMaintainer": "Log in with Maintenance Staff ID", "com.WeChatScanQR": "To get the verification code, use WeChat to scan the QR code.", "com.ParkingSpaceTips": "After you enable this function, the system will report an entry event each time a vehicle stops completely in the parking space.", "com.PlateCapturedTips": "After you enable this function, the system will report an entry or exit event each time a plate image is captured.", "com.LogStoredTips": "After you enable this function, the logs will be stored in the defined Flash partitions for future positioning.", "com.ExportLogsTips": "After enabling this function, you can export logs that are stored on the device with one click.", "com.ParkingSensitivity": "Parking Detection Sensitivity Settings", "com.BerthNumber": "Parking Space No.", "com.GlobalSensitivity": "Global Sensitivity", "ivs.OsdOriginal": "Original Image", "ivs.PictureUploadTips1": "1. Max size 2M.", "ivs.PictureUploadTips2": "2. Resolution must be 1920*1080.", "ivs.PictureUploadTips3": "3. 256 colors, jpg format.", "med.SaveSceneFail": "Create new scenes or delete scenes that already exit.", "com.DisplayMode": "Display Mode", "ivs.TriggerTrack": "Object Tracking", "ivs.CompliantInfo": "AI Attributes", "ivs.Compliant": "Match Attributes Alarm", "ivs.NotCompliant": "Mismatch Attributes Alarm", "com.SelectOneAtLeastTips": "Select at least one item.", "ivs.WorkSuitDetect": "PPE Detection Mode", "ivs.CompliantTip1": "Please select AI attributes.", "com.FileSize": "File Size", "com.AIEncode": "AI Coding", "sys.MauEncCache": "Encoding Strategy", "com.AlarmCondition": "Alarm Condition", "ivs.MeetOneCondition": "Meet at least one condition below", "ivs.MeetAllConditions": "Meet all conditions below", "ivs.PreParking": "Imminent Illegal Parking", "ivs.BearkName": "Violation Name", "ivs.ParkingSpaceStat": "Parking Space Statistics", "ivs.OrderNum": "Bill No.", "ivs.Filtering": "Filter", "ivs.PlatePic": "Plate Image", "ivs.VehicleFilter": "Vehicle Filter", "ivs.PlateExpoInterval": "Plate Exposure Interval", "ivs.TargetPlateBrightness": "Target Plate Brightness", "ivs.PlateExpo": "Plate Exposure", "com.EventTime": "Event Time", "com.EventCode": "Event Code", "ivs.MilitaryCarOpen": "Military Vehicle", "ivs.EmergencyCarOpen": "Emergency Vehicle", "com.OSDLineSpacing": "Line Spacing", "com.Colorization": "Color Palettes", "med.WhiteHot": "White Hot", "med.BlackHot": "Black Hot", "med.Fusion1": "Fusion", "med.Rainbow": "Rainbow", "med.Globow": "Golden Autumn", "med.Ironbow1": "Midday", "med.Ironbow2": "Iron Red", "med.Sepia": "Amber", "med.Color1": "Jade", "med.Color2": "Sunset", "med.IceFire": "Icefire", "med.Rain": "Painting", "med.RedHot": "Pomegranate", "med.GreenHot": "Emerald", "med.Spring": "Spring", "med.Summer": "Summer", "med.Autumn": "Autumn", "med.Winter": "Winter", "per.Setp": "Speed", "com.LowTemperature": "Low Temperature", "com.HighTemper": "High Temperature", "ivs.SceneType": "Scene Type", "med.LowDynimic": "Low Dynamic", "com.HighDynimic": "High Dynamic", "com.DefaultScene": "Auto", "com.RayRight": "Optical Axis Calibration", "com.RecordAll": "Record All", "com.PleaseApplySpliceView": "Please click Apply to save splicing result.", "com.highSkyEyes": "AR Mark", "com.SmallNumColorChangeEarly": "The bigger the value is, the earlier the image will be switched to B/W and the later the image will be switched to Color.", "ivs.PtzElevation": "Max Elevation Angle", "per.IdlePosition": "Idle Position", "com.LogBackupEncryption": "Encrypt Log Backup", "com.ResetPswNewTip": "We need to collect your email address and device serial number in order to reset device password safely. All the collected info is only used for the purposes of verifying device validity and sending the security code. Continue?", "sys.PasswordExpiredTip": "Password expired. Please change your password.", "sys.PasswordCycle": "Password Expires in", "sys.Indefinitely": "Never", "ivs.LinkFaceAnalysisModule": "Cascade Face Recognition Module", "med.PicAdapt": "Adaptive", "med.NearLight": "Near Light %d", "med.FarLight": "Far Light %d", "med.MiddleLight": "Medium Light %d", "com.FontMaintenance": "Font Pack", "com.FontImport": "Import Pack", "com.FontImportTips": "Importing a new font pack will cause the original to be overwritten.", "com.FontDeleteTips": "You can only delete the imported pack. After deletion, the default pack will be used.", "com.FontDelete": "Delete Pack", "com.FontDeleteConfirm": "After deletion, the default pack will be used. Continue?", "ivs.RepInPairs": "Report Entry & Exit Event", "ivs.RepInPairsTip": "After you enable this function, the system will report an entry & exit event.", "ivs.CompleteStopInterval": "Complete Stop Time", "com.OneChickExport": "Export", "ivs.PicInPicTip": "Please adjust the position of PIP on the left image.", "com.IntrusionDetection": "Intrusion Detection", "com.IntrusionDetectionTips": "Monitors threats and attacks in real time so you can take immediate measures.", "com.EarlyWarningDisposal": "Event Processing", "com.RootKitDetection": "Rootkit Detection", "com.HideProcessDetection": "Hidden Process Detection", "com.AttackIntrusion": "Intrusion", "com.NotDisposed": "Not Processed", "com.NotCompleteTips": "Further Action Required (Restart Needed)", "com.Disposed": "Processed", "com.UndisposedOrCompleted": "Not Processed/Further Action Required", "com.Dealwith": "Process", "com.WarningList": "Event List", "com.BulkDisposal": "Batch Process", "com.ManualDisposal": "Manual Process", "com.AutomaticDisposal": "Auto Process", "com.LastOccurrenceTime": "Last Detected", "com.FirstOccurrenceTime": "First Detected", "com.NumberofWarnings": "Detections", "com.DisposalInformation": "Processing Info", "com.DisposalRecommendations": "Suggestions", "com.SuccessfulDisposal": "Successfully processed.", "com.DisposaStatusTips": "Please follow our suggestions when processing the event before updating its status.", "com.DisposingLoading": "Processing…", "com.DisposingFinishTips": "Processed: %d1. Further action required: %d2. Manual processing required: %d3.", "sys.PlatformVerifyFailed": "Signature verification failed or authorized certificate illegal.", "com.ImportFileTooBig": "The file to be imported is too large.", "com.Manner": "Method", "com.RuleSet": "Rule", "com.ParamConfigure": "Parameters", "com.Spot": "Spot", "com.Lines": "Line", "med.Polygon": "Polygon", "med.Rectangle": "Rectangle", "com.OvalShape": "Ellipse", "com.OpenLocalConfig": "Config", "com.Below": "Below", "med.Match": "Match", "med.Above": "Above", "com.ReDrawRule": "Redraw Rule", "com.TempeTypeAddMax": "Reached the limit of the number of types that can be added.", "ivs.DrawingTool": "Drawing Tools", "ivs.LeaveReDraw": "Exit Drawing", "ivs.LeaveReDrawTip": "Please exit drawing first.", "com.AuxiliaryInstallation": "Auxiliary Installation", "med.ShieldingRatio": "Shielding Ratio", "med.ShieldingRatioSetting": "Setting", "per.SemiAutoTip": "Operation steps (The panorama camera image is wider; the detail camera needs to move around several positions to cover its image):
1: Select scene 1
2: Rotate the PTZ and adjust the detail camera location, make the detail camera image cover part of the panorama camera image
3: Click \"Scene Setting\"
4: Repeat steps 1 to 3, set all the scenes and make cameras all detail camera images cover the panorama camera image
5: Click \"Start Calibration\" to start calibration.
6: Save the settings above.", "com.IntellStableConflict": "EIS and AI functions cannot be enabled at the same time.", "ivs.ParkCapture": "Illegal Parking Snapshot", "ivs.ParkManualEvidence": "Illegal Parking Manual Capture", "ivs.Zoom": "Zoom Snapshot", "ivs.SnapShot": "Snapshot", "ivs.BodyProportion": "Vehicle Body Proportion after Zoom", "med.OsdPosition": "OSD Location", "ivs.LeftTop": "Top Left", "ivs.RightBottom": "Bottom Right", "ivs.RightTop": "Top Right", "ivs.LeftBottom": "Bottom Left", "ivs.RealTimeSnapMode": "Capture by Interval", "com.NoTip": "Don't show me again", "ivs.LaserLightAngle": "Laser Angle", "ivs.LaserLightIntensity": "Laser Intensity", "com.Angle": "Angle", "ivs.IllegalTimeOsd": "Violation Time OSD", "ivs.SupportParkDetection": "Spaces with ANPR support", "com.BlueLight": "Blue Light", "com.RedLight": "Red Light", "com.GreenLight": "Green Light", "com.YellowLight": "Yellow Light", "com.PurpleLight": "Purple Light", "com.WhiteLight": "White Light", "com.PinkLight": "Pink Light", "com.CyanLight": "Cyan Light", "ivs.ParkSapceFree": "Parking Space Available", "ivs.ParkingSpaceLightState": "Parking Space Status", "ivs.ParkSapceFull": "Parking Lot Full", "com.AutoDraw": "Auto Drawing", "net.DataEncryption": "Data Encryption", "med.NvrEncrypt": "Video Encryption", "ivs.RepeatDetectionTime": "Second Check after", "com.SnapByLocation": "Snapshot by Location", "com.NegativeAll": "All Disabled", "com.ActiveAll": "All Enabled", "ivs.FalseAlarmFilter": "False Alarm Filter", "com.Altitude": "Altitude", "com.ThermalChannel": "Thermal Channel", "com.VisibleChannel": "Visible Channel", "com.Thermal": "Thermal", "com.Visible": "Visible", "ivs.NotSetScheme": "No Plans", "ParkingSpaceLightState": "Parking Space Status", "ivs.TrafficEventMode": "Traffic Event Mode", "com.LeadRepetitonFailTip": "Operation failed. Import list already exists.", "com.Gang": "GANG", "med.RainFall": "Rainfall", "com.FirstAlarmTime": "First Alarm Time", "sto.RecStoragePicName": "Picture and Storage Path Naming", "com.Help": "Help", "sto.RecStorageOriginalPicName": "Original Picture and Storage Path Naming", "ivs.SouthToNorth": "South to North", "ivs.RunRedLight": "Run a Red Light", "Light-duty": "Small-sized", "com.Road": "*** Road", "com.Companys": "*** Company", "ivs.TurnLeft": "Left Rotation", "com.Params": "General Parameters", "com.SpeedLimit": "Speed Limit", "ivs.CarSize": "Vehicle Size", "sto.PicGroupTotalNum": "Total Picture Quantity within Group", "med.PicCodingNum": "Picture No.", "ivs.LicenseCoord": "Plate Coordinates", "com.DataParams": "Time/Date Parameters", "com.TpFtpTip1": "Note 1: % can be displayed by entering %%.", "com.TpFtpTip2": "Note 2: The picture cannot be uploaded if the filename is too long.", "com.TpFtpTip3": "Note 3: The filename cannot include one of the following characters \\ : * ? \" < > | .", "com.TpFtpTip4": "Note 4: The filename is separated by /.", "com.NotHaveChineseTip5": "Note 5: Filenames cannot include Chinese characters.", "sto.RecStorageVideoName": "Video and Storage Path Naming", "ivs.ElectricBicycle": "Moped", "ivs.ElevatorDetect": "Moped in Elevator", "net.MobileSettings": "Mobile", "net.4G": "4G", "net.5G": "5G", "net.IMSI": "IMSI", "net.IMEI": "IMEI", "net.ICCID": "ICCID", "com.OffLineDetect": "Offline Detection", "com.KeepAliveIpReceiveTip": "*Before enabing offline detection, please make sure that the keep-alive address is valid.", "net.SIMUnknownTip": "Failed to acquire SIM card info.", "ivs.SIMUnexistTip": "Not Inserted", "net.SIMUnmatchTip": "Mobile network not matched. Please replace card.", "net.UNEXIST": "Not Exist", "net.SIMExitTip": "Exists", "net.SIMPinlockTip": "To be unlocked with a PIN code.", "net.SIMPuklockTip": "To be unlocked with a PUK code.", "net.SimApn": "Supported Mobile Network", "net.DialNum": "Dial-up No.", "net.DialState": "Dial-up Status", "net.ModuleInfo": "Module", "net.firmwareUpgrade": "Firmware Update", "sys.FirmwareVersion": "Firmware Version", "net.NoteLive": "Activate by SMS", "net.NoteType": "Message Type", "net.Sender": "Sender", "net.Caller": "Caller", "net.PhoneLive": "Activate by phone", "ivs.PictureUploadTips1Else": "1. Size does not exceed 4M", "ivs.PictureUploadTips2Else": "2. 256 color, jpg", "sys.VideoOutputMode": "Video Output Mode", "sys.SingleChannelMode": "Single-channel", "sys.DoubleChannelMode": "Dual-channel", "net.AssignAddress": "Designated Address", "com.SerialNo": "Device SN", "com.Currentset": "Day", "sys.Manufacturer": "Manufacturer", "ivs.SmallCarColor": "Small-sized Vehicle", "ivs.TrafficParkingD": "Illegal Parking Type D", "ivs.TrafficParkingC": "Illegal Parking Type C", "ivs.TrafficParkingB": "Illegal Parking Type B", "ivs.TrafficParking": "Illegal Parking", "ivs.IntelliResourceAllocation": "AI Resource Allocation", "ivs.IntelliResourceAllocationConfirmTip": "Re-allocating AI resources will clear AI configurations and restart the device. Continue?", "com.TTYLog": "Run Log", "com.KeepAliveRemoteIp": "Keep-alive Address", "com.WrongDomainNameTip": "Only supports letters and numbers.", "EUP5689": "ZheAPJ896", "com.NoPerson": "Nobody", "com.Sleep": "Sleeping while on Duty", "ivs.WorkClothes": "Workwear", "com.Bigger": "Greater than", "ivs.BoatCalibration": "Boat Calibration", "ivs.CalibrationDistance": "Calibration Distance", "ivs.CalibrationStaffLength": "Calibration Object Length", "com.BeginPosition": "Start Position", "ivs.EndPosition": "End Position", "com.MarkFirstTip": "Please complete calibration first.", "com.CaliNumTip": "Please calibrate XXXX pieces of data.", "ivs.DrawTarget": "Draw Target", "com.Length": "Length", "com.Distance": "Distance", "com.ChooseReferPiontTip": "Please select reference point.", "com.SaveReferPiontTip": "Please save reference point first.", "per.PresetZoomErrorTip": "The zoom rate must be higher than 1 for presets with intelligent functions on.", "net.WirelessState": "Wireless Network Status", "net.WirelessType": "Wireless Network Mode", "net.DialSetting": "Dial-up", "com.KeyManagement": "Key Management", "per.DisarmingControl": "Arming/Disarming", "med.AntiFlicker": "Anti-flicker Self-adaption (AFSA)", "VSP_CoSignServer": "Commercial Code Collaboration Service", "ivs.ViewAdjust": "Adjust View", "ivs.SmartRebootTip": "Smart motion detection conflicts with the smart plan. The device will restart.", "ivs.SmartConflictTip": "Smart motion detection conflicts with the smart plan. The system will disable the conflicted item.", "ivs.AreaConfigList": "Area List", "pfm.Repaint": "Redraw", "ivs.RoadCode": "Road Code", "com.PresetName": "Preset Name", "com.CircleNumbers": "Loop No.", "ivs.CarThroughDirection": "Driving Direction", "ivs.DrivingDirection": "Driving Direction", "ivs.SnapByOne": "Capture by Single Vehicle", "ivs.SnapByNum": "Capture by Vehicles in Area", "ivs.Advertisement": "Advertisements", "ivs.EnvironmentalSanitation": "Clean Street", "ivs.CityscapeAndEnvironment": "Tidy Street", "ivs.StreetOrder": "Organized Street", "ivs.StreetSuncure": "Drying on the Street", "ivs.HuddleMaterial": "Untidy Sidewalk", "ivs.OutdoorAD": "Outdoor Advertising Light Box", "ivs.DustbinOverflow": "Full Garbage Can", "ivs.ShopWindowPost": "Shop Window Display", "ivs.ShopSignAbnormal": "Unauthorized Signboard Changing", "ivs.ShopPresence": "Out-of-Store Operation", "ivs.GarbageExposure": "Garbage Exposure", "ivs.HoldUmbrella": "Illegal Sheltering", "ivs.FlowBusiness": "Unlicensed Stall Vendor", "ivs.DoorFrontDirty": "Dirty & Messy in Front of Door", "ivs.CityNonMotorParking": "Non-motor Vehicle Illegal Parking", "ivs.CityMotorParking": "Motor Vehicle Illegal Parking ", "ivs.SnapShotMode": "Capture Mode", "com.ChannelMust20Length": "The channel No. must be 20 digits.", "com.DevNumMust20Length": "The device No. must be 20-digit number.", "com.Remote": "Remote Control", "per.WirelessAlarm": "Wireless", "net.Dialing": "Dialing…", "net.SIMstate": "SIM Status", "per.PtzMoveMode": "PTZ Rotation Mode", "per.Clockwise": "Clockwise", "per.Counterclockwise": "Counterclockwise", "com.WrongPhone": "Cannot include quotation marks or Chinese characters.", "com.SameNumTip": "The No. already exists.", "com.Hide": "Hide", "com.InfoContent": "Content", "com.InfoManager": "Manage Info", "com.AddInfo": "Add Info", "com.Show": "Display", "com.TemperReport": "Real-time Report", "ivs.TempMeasurement": "Temp Measurement", "com.TimePeriod": "Time Period", "per.DevHeightInvalid": "Device height config invalid.", "per.DistMeasureNotEnable": "Ranging is not enabled.", "per.DistMeasureOSDNotEnable": "Ranging overlay is not enabled.", "ivs.CombinationMode": "Combination", "ivs.UnlicensedMotor": "Unlicensed Vehicle Snapshot", "ivs.TrafficAccident": "Accident", "ivs.RegionalEvent": "Area Event", "ivs.LaneEvent": "Lane Event", "ivs.DetectionDrawTip": "You need to add an area or lane before enabling an area or lane event.", "com.IntelligenceMode": "AI Mode", "com.FileSystem": "File System", "sys.BeehiveNetVersion": "Cellular Firmware Version", "com.EventInfo": "Event Info", "com.Transparency": "Transparency", "ivs.MixCountryRoad": "ANPR/Default-Township Road", "sys.PrivateFileSystem": "Private File System", "med.LocationInfo": "Location", "com.ZoomRate": "Zoom Rate", "com.SpliceDistance": "Splicing Distance", "net.DefaultNetCard": "Set as default NIC", "net.SegmentIP": "Set as trans-segment IP address", "net.Wireless": "Wireless", "Default": "Default", "com.ImportFormatErrorTip": "Incorrect file format. Please import with the correct template.", "ivs.CalibrationMode": "Calibration Mode", "com.SameBadPointExisted": "The same defect pixel already exists.", "com.Save": "Save", "com.ExportSuccessHeatMap": "Exported successfully. The file is stored in", "com.ExportHeatMap": "Export Heat Map", "med.WarmMode": "Warm Light Mode", "per.PtzAutoPanMode": "Scan", "per.HorizontalScanEnable": "Horizontal Scanning", "com.AreaScanEnable": "Area Scanning", "per.AutoPanGroupMax": "Reached max number of horizontal rotation group.", "per.Rotation": "Rotation", "per.BorderSet": "Boundaries Setting", "per.AreaBorderSet": "Area Boundaries Setting", "com.LimitEnable": "Left/Right Limit", "per.Setted": "Configured", "per.SurveillanceArea": "Surveillance Area", "per.Reset": "Reset", "per.LTBorder": "Top Left Boundary", "per.RBBorder": "Bottom Right Boundary", "per.CurrentLRBorderSetTip": "Set the left and right boundaries for horizontal scanning.", "per.GlobalLRBorderSetTip": "Set the global left and right boundaries. Items in the above list that use global boundaries will have the same left and right boundaries.", "per.AreaScanSetTip": "Set the top left and bottom right boundaries of the surveillance area to define the scanning area.", "per.Single": "Single", "com.ZoomErrorTip": "This function is available when the zoom rate is %d or above.", "ivs.DriverFaceOverlap": "Face Overlay", "ivs.SnapCutoutConf": "Cutout Config", "ivs.Driver": "Driver", "ivs.Adriver": "Front Seat Passenger", "com.LapSize": "Overlay Size", "com.LefTop": "Upper Left Corner", "com.RigTop": "Upper Right Corner", "com.LefBot": "Lower Left Corner", "ivs.RigBot": "Lower Right Corner", "ivs.AllGroupShareConfig": "This will be applied to all the face databases.", "com.HourReportErrorTip": "Hourly report data can be kept for max one week.", "ivs.Link": "Linkage", "med.Streamer": "Flowing Light", "com.CarDrivingIn": "Entry", "com.CarDrivingOut": "Exit", "ivs.ObjectMonitor": "Smart Object Detection", "ivs.IntelliPlan": "Intelligence Schedule", "ivs.TimeMode": "Schedule Mode", "com.ExportingTip": "Export in progress…", "ivs.AntiOverExposure": "Illumination Overexposure Remover", "ivs.WaterMonitor": "Water Monitoring", "ivs.SewageDetection": "Drainage Detection", "med.AlarmUploadInterval": "Alarm Upload Interval", "ivs.WaterDataUpload": "Realtime Data", "com.KMSDescryptPlaybackTip": "Failed to play. Please connect KMS server.", "ivs.VehicleTriggerTime": "Vehicle Stay Time", "ivs.PersonTriggerTime": "Pedestrian Stay Time", "ivs.ZoomDuration": "Zoom Stay Time", "com.ModifyPresetCalibrateTip": "Modifying the preset settings will clear the main/sub calibration of that preset. Continue?", "com.SelectAtLeastFourChn": "Please select at least 4 channels.", "ivs.PtzLifeProtection": "PTZ Life Warning", "sys.PTZOpear": "PTZ Operation", "ivs.Rstate": "Slow|Congested|Clear", "ivs.QueueLength": "Queue Length", "ivs.Route": "Road Status", "ivs.HeadTm": "Time Headway", "ivs.Soccp": "Space Occupancy Rate", "com.TmPer": "Time Occupancy Rate", "ivs.SdUnit": "sec/vehicle", "med.WeatherInfo": "Weather Info", "med.WindSpeed": "Wind Speed", "med.WindDirection": "Wind Direction", "med.Pressure": "Air Pressure", "com.Humidity": "Humidity", "med.Eptzlink": "EPTZ Linkage", "med.Eptz": "EPTZ", "ivs.TrackTimeTip": "Enable Linkage Track to activate Tracking Duration.", "ivs.Poultry": "Livestock Truck", "ivs.RoadEvent": "Road Event", "ivs.TrafficRoadConstruction": "Construction", "ivs.TrafficRoadBlock": "Barrier", "com.FrieDetection": "Fire & Alarm Sensors", "com.AboutMinsWaitTip": "This process might take %d minutes. Please wait.", "ivs.IntelliSchemeTip": "Disable Intelligence Schedule first before modifying the plan. After you modify it, please manually enable Intelligence Schedule.", "net.SNMPV3TrapEncrypt": "Trap Encryption", "ivs.TrafficThrow": "Littering", "net.RegMode": "Registration Mode", "ivs.AbsenceWorkDetection": "Absence Detection", "ivs.SingleWorkDetection": "Lone Working Detection", "ivs.WeatherMonitor": "Weather Monitoring", "ivs.AnimalScene": "Beast", "ivs.BirdScene": "Bird", "net.ApnInfo": "Mobile Network Info", "ivs.FogLevelBlue": "Fog Blue Alert", "ivs.FogLevelYellow": "Fog Yellow Alert", "ivs.FogLevelOrange": "Fog Orange Alert", "ivs.FogLevelRed": "Fog Red Alert", "ivs.FogLevelNo": "No Fog", "ivs.LeftLine": "Left Lane Line", "ivs.RightLine": "Right Lane Line", "ivs.Whitesolid": "Solid White Line", "ivs.WhiteDashe": "White Dotted Line", "ivs.YellowWire": "Solid Yellow Line", "ivs.BusLane": "Bus Lane", "ivs.Straight": "Straight", "ivs.TurnRight": "Right Turn", "ivs.TurnRound": "U Turn", "ivs.TitleBit37": "Small-sized Vehicle Highest Speed Limit", "ivs.VehicleDetection": "Vehicle Detection Area", "ivs.CarReg": "Vehicle Area", "ivs.CabLineSeg": "Line Segment Calibration", "ivs.DrawTypeTip": "Please draw XXXX", "ivs.ElecPolice": "E Police", "ivs.StopLine": "Stop Line", "ivs.PreLine": "Front Line", "ivs.MiddleLine": "Middle Line", "ivs.PostLine": "Back Line", "ivs.LeftDivisionLine": "Left Turn Division Line", "ivs.RightDivisionLine": "Right Turn Division Line", "ivs.UTurnTip": "Illegal U-Turn", "ivs.RoadDirection": "Road Direction", "ivs.WestToEast": "West to East", "ivs.NorthToSourth": "North to South", "ivs.EastTWest": "East to West", "ivs.WaitingMode": "Waiting Mode", "ivs.PleaseSetDivisionLine": "Please set a left turn division line and right turn division line. ", "ivs.TrafficAnalogReport": "Traffic Data", "com.AttributeSet": "Attribute Settings", "com.AttributeListMaxTip": "You can enable up to %d attributes.", "ivs.AttributeMode": "Detect by Attribute", "ivs.Apron": "Apron", "ivs.Gloves": "Gloves", "ivs.ShoeCover": "Shoe Covers", "ivs.Boots": "Boots", "com.ParameterConfig": "Parameters", "com.DelayAlarmTips": "Enable this function to delay the reporting of events.", "ivs.MisreportDebouncePixel": "Set pixel threshold for dithering", "ivs.MisreportDebouncePixelTips": "Enable this function to set the pixel threshold for image dithering.", "ivs.PixelValue": "Pixels", "ivs.MisreportBoundaryMinPixel": "Distance between Target and Image Boundary", "ivs.MisreportBoundaryMinPixelTips": "Enable this function to set the minimum allowed pixels of the distance between the target and the image boundary.", "ivs.ReduceBottomCarIn": "Reduce false alarms for parking in bottom area", "ivs.ReduceBottomCarInTips": "Enable this function to reduce the false alarms triggered for parking areas close to the bottom of the image.", "ivs.ReduceTopCarOut": "Reduce false alarms for parking in top area", "ivs.ReduceTopCarOutTips": "Enable this function to reduce the false alarms triggered for parking areas close to the top of the image.", "ivs.DebounceFrames": "Anti-dithering Frame Settings", "ivs.FastSnapCarIn": "Fast Capture of Vehicle Entry", "ivs.ForbidOneParkMultiCar": "Forbid multi-vehicles in one space", "ivs.CarLimitDown": "Vehicle Min Speed Limit", "ivs.CarLimitUp": "Vehicle Max Speed Limit", "ivs.TruckType": "Truck Type", "ivs.NormalCarType": "General Vehicle", "ivs.SpecialCarType": "Special Vehicle", "ivs.SnapBluePlateTruck": "Capture Blue Plate Trucks", "ivs.RadarSpeedForSize": "Distinguish Speed Limit Between Large and Small Vehicle", "ivs.TrafficTruckforbid": "No Truck Parking", "ivs.FaceAngleFilter": "Snapshot Angle Filtering", "com.DispalyForever": "Always Display", "ivs.ZoomCalibrate": "Zoom Calibration", "com.InstallMode": "Installation", "com.Inverted": "Ceiling Mount", "med.sceneCorrection": "Scene Correction", "com.WaterQuality": "Water Quality Level", "com.PH": "PH", "com.WaterDetectData": "Water Quality Data", "ivs.AnalogAlarmReport": "Data Acquisition Report", "com.Unit": "Unit", "com.PictureNamedJpgTip": "The image must be in .jpg format.", "ivs.IntelliLinkToPreset": "Intelligent Functions Linked to", "ivs.IllegalParkCapture": "Violation Snapshot", "com.BatteryState": "Battery Status", "com.ChargeStatus": "Charging or Not", "com.OverTemper": "Overtemperature", "com.NormalTemper": "Normal Temperature", "ivs.TrafficYellowInRoute": "Heavy Vehicle in Lane", "ivs.TrafficWithoutSafeBelt": "Driver Not Wearing Seatbelt", "ivs.TrafficVehicleInBusRoute": "Disobeying Lane Direction Sign", "ivs.TrafficUnderSpeed": "Underspeed", "ivs.TrafficQueueJump": "Vehicle Queue Jumping", "ivs.TrafficOverYellowLine": "Cross Solid Yellow Line", "ivs.TrafficOverSpeed": "Speeding", "ivs.TrafficCrossLane": "Illegal Lane Change", "com.VideoNamedTip": "The video file name must end with %s.", "ivs.Frame": "Frame", "med.Coordinates": "Coordinates", "com.Restart": "Reset", "ivs.CurReceive": "Received", "ivs.ContinueFrame": "Continuous", "ivs.SingleFrame": "Single Frame", "ivs.GetHeatMapMode": "Get Mode", "ocx.LocalRecord": "Record", "com.WaterDetectReport": "Water Quality Report", "com.ExportReport": "Export Report", "com.SampleLocation": "Sample Location", "com.ReportTime": "Report Time", "com.HistoryValue": "Previous Value", "com.WaterQualityParam": "Water Quality Indicators", "com.TrendChart": "Trend", "com.ComparePeriod": "Compare to same period last year", "com.ThisYear": "This Year", "com.LastYear": "Last Year", "com.WaterDetect": "Water Quality Detection", "com.WaterDetectMessage": "Configure water quality detection settings.", "com.DataShow": "Dashboard", "com.LightPollution": "Slightly Polluted", "com.HeavyPollution": "Heavily Polluted", "ivs.CalibrateInArea": "Place the calibration points in the box.", "ivs.CalibrationPoint": "Point XXXX", "ivs.WaitYuvTip": "Getting the data. Please wait...", "ivs.CalibrationTip": "Before you begin calibrating, please disable the Digital Zoom and Heat Alarm functions and stop all PTZ operations. Otherwise, changes in the scene might impact the calibration results.", "net.TLSV11": "TLSv1.1", "ivs.CalibrateCenter": "Place the calibration points in the box of the visible image, and then click \"Calibration Confirmed\".", "ivs.VisibleSmartOrSmoke": "Smoke detection cannot be set when visible channel intelligence is enabled.", "sys.Key": "Key", "com.DrawRegionFirstTip": "Please draw the detection area before drawing the detection line.", "ivs.HeadLiftDetection": "Head-up Detection", "ivs.HeadLiftStatistical": "Statistics on Head-up Detection", "ivs.AverageHeadLiftRate": "Average Head-up Rate", "com.realTimeMonitor": "Real-time Monitoring", "ivs.AnimalFlowStat": "Animal Quantity Statistics", "ivs.ForeignDetection": "Foreign Object Detection", "ivs.AnimalNumber": "Animal Quantity", "com.PasswordLength8To60": "Password should consist of 8 to 60 characters.", "net.FrequencyBand": "Frequency Band", "com.ConnectionPassword": "Connection Password", "com.HostIP": "Host IP", "net.Connecto": "Connect to", "net.SSID": "SSID", "net.InputSSIDTip": "Please enter the SSID.", "ivs.HeadLiftNumber": "Number of People with Heads Up", "net.Bluetooth": "Bluetooth", "net.BluetoothList": "Bluetooth List", "net.BluetoothMessage": "Bluetooth Module Info", "net.BluetoothName": "Bluetooth Name", "net.LinkState": "Connection Status", "com.ConnectSet": "Connection Settings", "net.BeehiveNet": "Cellular Network", "net.MatchAgain": "Pair Again", "com.Steps": "Step", "ivs.ScaleCompleteTip": "Please set Length field and click Calibration Verification.", "ivs.PedestrainPriority": "Not Giving Way to Pedestrian", "ivs.TrafficBacking": "Illegal Reversal", "ivs.TrafficWrongRoute": "Disobeying Direction Arrow", "ivs.LightDuty": "Lanes for Small-sized Vehicle", "ivs.FeatureTime": "Close-up Duration", "ivs.StudentScene": "Student Scene", "ivs.TeacherScene": "Teacher Scene", "med.PickupMode": "Pickup Mode", "med.OmnibearingPickup": "Omnidirectional Pickup", "med.OmnibearingPickupTip": "The camera is set as the center and it picks up sounds within a circle of a given radius.", "med.OrienteeringPickup": "Directional Pickup", "med.OrienteeringPickupTip": "The camera is set as the center and it picks up sounds within a sector of a given radius and angle of ±45°.", "com.NonVocalFilter": "Filter Non-human Voices", "com.GenealAttitude": "Smart Invigilation", "ivs.GenealAttitude": "Exam Behavior Analysis", "ivs.LookBack": "Looking Around", "ivs.Delivery": "Passing Object", "com.ClearNone": "Clear", "com.Voltage": "Voltage", "net.CloseWifiConfirmTip": "Are you sure you want to disable Wi-Fi?", "com.Connectmode": "Connection Mode", "com.ConnectFailTip": "Connection failed.", "com.FixedFocus": "Hybrid Fixed-focal", "sys.DataSource": "Data Src", "com.Wakeup": "Wake-up SMS", "com.SolarCell": "Battery Info", "net.ManagePlatformIP": "Management Platform IP", "net.ManagePlatformPort": "Management Platform Listening Port", "net.HeartIntervalTime": "Heartbeat Interval", "sto.DevicePwd": "Device Password", "com.Continue": "Continue", "com.NoValidAutoPan": "No valid pan.", "ivs.Compound": "Combine", "ivs.SmokeOrVisibleSmart": "Visible channel intelligence cannot be set when smoke detection is enabled.", "ivs.FeatureRegion": "Close-up Area", "com.External": "Peripheral", "per.PtzControl": "PTZ Control Terminal", "per.SolarCell": "Solar Controller", "per.Sensor": "Sensor", "ivs.VehicleLibraryImportTip2": "Enter the information in the template.", "ivs.VehicleLibraryImportTip1Sub1Tip": "Download the template first.", "ivs.VehicleLibraryImportTip1": "The file to be imported must match the template. Otherwise, importing might fail.", "com.JustImportSomeReacordsSuccess": "Successfully imported XX records.", "ivs.AddLicensePlate": "Add Plate", "sys.ResourceManagement": "Resources", "sys.ResourceManagementTip": "Modifying resource allocation might cause the device to restart.", "sys.ResourceConfig": "Resource Config", "sys.IntelliFirst": "Prioritize Intelligence", "sys.EncodeFirst": "Prioritize Videos", "ivs.LicensePlateNo": "Plate No.", "ivs.VehicleLibraryConfig": "Plate Database Config", "ivs.VehicleLibrary": "Plate Database", "ivs.DeploymentControlTrack": "Arming and Tracking", "ivs.VehicleDeploymentControl": "Vehicle Arming", "appEventBurningWarning": "Burn Alarm", "med.PIRAlarm": "PIR", "com.UploadMap": "Upload Map", "per.MapImport": "Import Map", "per.RadarLocation": "Radar Positioning", "per.LinkageCalibration": "Radar Calibration", "com.PleaseCutMap": "Please cut map.", "per.PleaseDrawLine": "Please draw line.", "per.RedrawTip": "Click Calculate Map Size after redrawing line, and make config effective.", "per.CutMapCancel": "Cancel Screenshot", "per.DefenceAreaMaxNum": "Reached max number of protection areas.", "com.RadarVideoFusion": "Radar & Video Integration", "per.RadarSetting": "Radar Settings", "per.LinkageGuide": "Linkage", "per.MapSizeCalibrate": "Calibrate Map Size", "per.MapDrawReferenceLine": "Please draw a reference line on the map first.", "per.MapTool": "Map Tool", "per.ClipMapTip": "Please select the area you want on the map, and then take the screenshot.", "per.RadarLocationTip": "Please drag the radar icon on the map to set the position of the radar.", "per.VideoPictureCoordinates": "Video Image Coordinates", "per.CalibrationShow": "Calibrated View", "per.FusionShow": "Integrated View", "per.AccurateModel": "Accurate Mode", "per.AccurateModelTip": "After Accurate Mode is enabled, alarms will only be triggered when the target triggers an alarm on both the radar and video, which reduces false alarms.", "per.RadarGeographyCoordinates": "Radar Physical Coordinates", "per.GetRadarGeographyCoordinates": "Get Radar Physical Coordinates", "per.Coordinates": "Radar Coordinates", "per.ChooseChannel": "Select Channel", "per.EnvMode": "Environment Mode", "per.RadarStructrue": "Radar Structuring", "per.RadarDetection": "Radar Detection", "per.FusionDetection": "Integrated Detection", "pfm.CommonUse": "General", "com.Shrub": "Shrub", "com.Roomy": "Capacious", "per.LineLength": "Line Length", "per.MapWidth": "Map Width", "per.MapHeight": "Map Height", "per.CalculateMapSize": "Calculate Map Size", "per.CutMap": "Cut Map", "per.DrawLine": "Draw Line", "ivs.Dress": "Skirt", "ivs.ShopTruckDetect": "Engineering Truck Detection", "med.AISSA": "AI SSA", "med.DisableImageTip": "When this function is enabled, some image functions cannot be configured.", "com.MountingHeight": "Installation Height", "sys.ApplicationCenter": "App Center", "sys.AppManage": "Application", "com.PlatformType": "Platform", "com.DevUUID": "Device UUID", "com.OsMem": "System Memory", "com.MediaMem": "Multimedia Memory", "com.FlashMem": "Flash", "sys.RunningState": "Running Status", "sys.AppList": "Application List", "com.Uninstall": "Uninstall", "com.Update": "Update", "sys.PlatformInvalid": "Application illegal.", "sys.PlatformCancelled": "Application upload cancelled.", "sys.PlatformFailed": "Failed to upload application.", "sys.PlatformUrlAppNotMatch": "Certificate and app do not match.", "sys.PlatformReadInfoFailed": "Failed to read internal storage.", "sys.PlatformWriteFailed": "Failed to write in authorized certificate.", "sys.PlatformNoSuchApp": "Failed to find corresponding application of authorized certificate.", "sys.PlatformFileUnmatch": "Application package failed to match.", "sys.PlatformLicOutOfDate": "Certificate expired.", "sys.PlatformUnmatchVersion": "Version does not match.", "sys.PlatformSameAsOldApp": "App is the same. Update is not needed.", "net.CloseAPConfirmTip": "Are you sure you want to disable AP?", "ivs.InstallHeightAdaptive": "Altitude Self-adaptive", "com.SleepInterval": "Wakeup Time Interval", "com.Video": "Video", "com.SleepMode": "Sleep Mode", "ivs.HightAlarmWaterLevel": "High Water Level Alarm", "ivs.LowAlarmWaterLevel": "Low Water Level Alarm", "ivs.WaterBaseLevel": "Ruler Joint Waterlevel Value", "ivs.DrawWaterRuler": "Draw Marker", "ivs.DrawBaseLine": "Draw Ruler Joint", "ivs.CalibrateHeight": "Calibrate Height", "ivs.CalibrateLocation": "Calibrate Position", "com.Splice": "Splicing", "ivs.WaterLevelDetection": "Standard Marker", "ivs.NoRulerWaterLevelDetection": "Virtual Marker", "ivs.MeterLiang": "m/vehicle", "ivs.Shway": "Space Headway", "com.LowPoint": "Low Point", "com.HighPoint": "High Point", "sys.ImportSameSensor": "*It only supports config import of same number of sensors and same start sensor.", "per.PowerMonitor": "Real-time Power Consumption", "per.LogMsg": "Viewing logs", "sys.UpgradePreparation": "Preparing update…", "sys.Succeed": "Update successful.", "ivs.RepeatCapture": "Second Positioning", "ivs.SingleWork": "Lone Working", "ivs.PtzPowerSaving": "Eco Mode", "com.MountImage": "Installation Diagram", "com.RadarMountTip": "The distance between the radar and the river bed.", "com.BaseElevation": "Elevation from Vertical Datum", "com.WaterLevelDetectMessage": "Configure the settings of water level detection.", "com.WaterLevelDetection": "Water Level Detection", "ivs.Radar": "Radar", "ivs.HigtWaterLevel": "High Water Level", "ivs.LowWaterLevel": "Low Water Level", "ivs.PtzPowerLevel": "Power Consumption Mode", "med.GainLow": "Low Noise", "med.ExposureTime": "Low Motion Blur", "ivs.AbnormalDetection": "Abnormal Event Detection", "ivs.WaterLevelTip": "High water level alarm must be higher than low water level alarm.", "ivs.NoRulerHighGreaterTip": "The high point cannot be lower than the low point.", "net.ConnectBluetoothFirst": "Please connect Bluetooth device first.", "ivs.PermitStatus": "License Status", "com.LicenseNotExist": "No License", "com.Install": "Install", "sys.UploadCert": "Upload Certificate", "ivs.SmartKitchen": "Smart Kitchen", "ivs.ChefClothesColor": "Clothes Color", "net.ISP": "ISP", "net.State": "Network Status", "com.UplinkRate": "Uplink Speed", "net.SsidSearch": "Search SSID", "net.AddSSID": "Add SSID", "net.WifiInfo": "Wi-Fi Info", "net.CurHotPoint": "SSID", "com.DisconetTip": "Disconnected", "com.ConnectingTip": "Connecting...", "ivs.CalibrateHeightTip": "Draw a vertical water level marker that is the same height as the 1-meter maker in the image.", "ivs.WaterLevelCalibrateTip": "Drag the calibration box and make sure water ruler is between red and yellow box to realize best detection result.", "com.Running": "Running", "com.Stopped": "Stopped", "com.LicenseOutDate": "Expired", "com.Configuration": "Config", "com.OfficerCard": "Officer Card", "ivs.MainSubCalibrate": "Main/Sub Calibration", "ivs.MainSubCalibratePointsMustLargerThan3": "Supports at least %s calibration points.", "ivs.PersonStayAloneDetection": "Single Person", "ivs.IntelliPerson": "Prisoner Abnormal Behavior Analysis", "com.ByTimePeriod": "By Duration", "com.ByInterval": "By Interval", "ivs.CurrentRange": "Current Range", "ivs.DetectInterval": "Detection Interval", "net.Netsignal": "Network Signal", "com.ElecStableOpenTip": "After you enable EIS, intelligent functions will be affected and the device will be restarted. Continue?", "com.ElecStableCloseTip": "After you disable EIS, the device will be restarted. Continue?", "com.HighFPSAndElecStableConflictTip": "High frame rate (> %s) conflicts with EIS. Please reduce the frame rate or disable EIS.", "com.AppCntDes": "Application installation, update and management", "com.AppPreview": "Application Overview", "com.PtmSDKVer": "Platform SDK Version", "com.DHOPSDKVer": "DHOP SDK Version", "com.AppResPre": "Application Resource Overview", "com.AppRngPre": "Application Running Overview", "com.AppInfo": "Application Info", "com.AppName": "Application Name", "com.AppVer": "Application Version", "com.LicenseValid": "Effective", "com.RunningApp": "Running Applications", "com.StoppedApp": "Stopped Applications", "com.Devr": "Manufacturer", "com.AppMem": "Occupied Capacity", "com.AddAppTip": "Please add applications.", "com.UslAppTip": "Are you sure you want to uninstall the application?", "com.InstanceData": "Instance Info", "com.Startup": "Start", "com.UpdateAppTip": "Do not restart, shut down, or disconnect the power supply or network from the device during the installation or update process.", "com.impInsFil": "Import Installation Package", "com.UpdateLic": "Update License", "com.ImportLic": "Import License", "com.ApplyHasExist": "Application already exists.", "com.RunPosition": "Running Position", "com.AddPlanFirstTip": "Please add a smart plan first.", "com.Passed": "Pass", "Sleep": "Sleep", "com.EventNotify": "Event Notifications", "com.EventNotifyDisarmNotice": "Warning: Event Notifications is disabled. If this function remains disabled while the system is not armed, all the corresponding clients, including the mobile app, platform, and cloud platform, will only receive device events that are related to errors and faults such as network error, storage error, security alarm, and hardware fault. Also, all the functions that are related to Event Notifications will not be available.", "com.EventNotifyDisarmTip": "If you disable this function while the system is not armed, all the corresponding clients, including the mobile app, platform, and cloud platform, will only receive device events that are related to errors and faults such as network error, storage error, security alarm, and hardware fault. Also, all the functions that are related to Event Notifications will not be available. Continue?", "ivs.FireSmokeDetection": "Smoke and Heat Detection", "net.UnIdentify": "Unknown", "com.DuMistClean": "Dust & Fog Removal", "com.DuMistCleanTip": "Click Start, and the wiper will automatically stop after running for %d min.", "com.PleaseCheckCustomLaneTip": "Please check custom lane number.", "ivs.FishingDetection": "Fishing Detection", "ivs.FireDetection": "Heat Detection", "ivs.ZoomRatio": "Target Zoom Percent", "net.OpenOther3gnetTip": "If you switch the SIM card, you might lose the network connection. Continue?", "net.SIMChange": "Switch SIM Card", "ivs.IllegalParkTrafficTollGateConfig": "Illegal Parking & ANPR", "ivs.AutoMatrixTip": "For the best calibration effect, please disable image correction before calibration.", "ivs.StereoCaliTip": "Click \"Calibration Ground\" to mark the rectangular calibration area on the image, and then click \"OK\" to automatically get the installation value.", "ivs.SmartTrack": "Smart Tracking", "ivs.PtzMoveCalibrationTip": "After adjusting the lens position, you need to re-calibrate the device and configure AI rules. Continue?", "ivs.SureReportMode": "False Alarm Filter", "ivs.AllReportMode": "No Missed Alarm", "com.Fishingrod": "Fishing Rod", "ivs.HumanStand": "Standing", "ivs.HumanSeat": "Squatting/Sitting", "com.Umbrella": "Umbrella", "ivs.IntelTail": "Intelligence Trajectory", "ivs.IntelDetect": "Intelligence Area", "com.CurrentTime": "Current Time", "per.WakeUpSet": "Wake-up Settings", "per.LowPowerMode": "Low Power Mode", "per.WakeUpSchedule": "Wake-up Plan", "com.NoSet": "Not Set", "com.CopyXXLinkTo": "Copy the linkage configuration of XX to", "ivs.FaceMask": "Face Mask", "med.ManualFocus": "Manual Focus", "com.SleepSMS": "Sleep SMS", "sys.Sleep": "Sleep", "com.VeryBad": "Ultra Low", "sys.CloudAccessTip": "Video surveillance will be suspended during device update. Continue?", "RadarPara": "Radar Setting", "ivs.GenerateOriginalPictureTipIPC": "Note: After you add rules and change the resolution of snapshots, original images will be generated automatically.", "ivs.ParkingSpaceOsd": "Parking Space No. OSD", "ivs.StableAndMotionConflictTip": "EIS and Smart Motion Detection cannot be enabled at the same time.", "ivs.ZoomAndMotionConflictTip": "Digital Zoom and Smart Motion Detection cannot be enabled at the same time.", "ivs.ZoomAndIntelConflictTip": "Digital Zoom and AI functions cannot be enabled at the same time.", "per.AddPtzPatrolPoint": "Add Inspection Point", "per.AddPtzPatrolGroup": "Add Inspection Group", "per.PtzPatrolGroup": "Inspection Group", "per.PtzPatrol": "Inspection", "sys.InspectionSetting": "Patrol Settings", "pfm.NRJT": "Nari Group", "pfm.DKY": "China Electric Power Research Institute", "pfm.DeviceServerID": "Platform Address Code", "net.SIPPort": "SIP Port", "pfm.PUAddress": "PU Address Code", "pfm.PUName": "PU Name", "pfm.EncodeAddress": "Address Code", "com.No": "No", "com.DeicingAndfogLightError": "Removing ice and fog. Please disable it first.", "com.DewateringLightError": "Removing water. Are you sure you want to disable it?", "com.ManualHeaterOnLightError": "Manually heating. Disable manual heating?", "com.AutoHeaterOnLightError": "Automatically heating. Disable auto heating first.", "ivs.ReportParkingTips": "After the function is enabled, when the system detects that there is an unreported vehicle in the parking lot, an entry event will be reported.", "ivs.ParkingOverLine": "Parking Over Line", "ivs.PlateMarking": "Obscured Plate Detection", "ivs.ReportParking": "Notify of Unreported Vehicles in Spaces", "ivs.PlateMarkingTips": "After the function is enabled, license plates that are blocked will be detected.", "com.AlarmCableList": "Alarm Cable I/O List", "com.AlarmInOutTips": "Alarm cable must match the actual input/output channel.", "com.AlarmCable": "Alarm Cable", "com.EnterOrOutput": "I/O", "com.AlarmInput": "Alarm Input %d", "com.AlarmOutput": "Alarm Output %d", "com.DeepSleepTip": "Deep Hibernation: Reduced power consumption with a longer wake-up time", "com.LowSleepTip": "Light Hibernation: Increased power consumption with a shorter wake-up time", "com.LowSleep": "Light Hibernation", "com.DeepSleep": "Deep Hibernation", "com.TaskConfig": "Task Config", "com.TimeSecConfig": "Period Config", "per.IsPatrolingTip": "Patrol in progress. Some operations cannot be performed at this time.", "com.TransmitWaitingTip": "Transmitting files. Please do not leave the page or close the browser …", "sys.UpgradeFileTip": "Total XX files need to be updated", "sys.PrevUpgradeProgress": "Last Update Progress", "per.AddPatrolGroupFirstTip": "Please add the patrol group first.", "per.PleaseSelectPatrolGroup": "Please select the patrol group.", "net.PolicySetting": "Policy Settings", "net.AddPolicy": "Add Policy", "sys.InspectionTimes": "Patrol Times", "per.PatrolPolicy": "Patrol Policy", "sys.InstallationInformation": "Installation Info", "com.RequirementForAudiotitleTip": "Requirement for uploading audio:", "com.RequirementForAudio1Tip": "1. Size does not exceed XXXXk.", "com.RequirementForAudio2Tip": "2. Duration does not exceed XXXX seconds.", "com.RequirementForAudio3Tip": "3. Audio format can only be XXXX.", "com.RequirementForAudio4Tip": "4. Recommended audio bit rate: XXXX.", "ivs.VehiclesFlowStat": "Vehicle Statistics", "sys.SavePower": "Power Saving Mode", "net.FlowStat": "Data Traffic", "net.MonthlyData": "Monthly Data Limit", "net.FluxDay": "Daily Data Usage", "net.FluxMonth": "Monthly Data Usage", "net.PackegMode": "Data Plan Mode", "net.MobileDataTraffic": "Cellular Data Statistics", "com.ConfigurationChangedTips": "After modifying the configurations, reconfigure the alarm output channel for the corresponding event to ensure event alarm output works normally.", "com.MountingTips": "After changing the installation height, please reconfigure the AI functions.", "per.RingPtUnlockTip": "After the rotational PT moves, you need to reconfigure the presets. Continue?", "per.RingPtMoveTip": "After the rotational PT moves, you need to reconfigure the presets.", "per.RingPt": "Rotational PT", "per.CameraPTZ": "Camera PTZ", "com.AddPlan": "Add Plan", "com.AuroraBw": "General IR", "com.MultiAuroraBw": "Mixed Exposure IR", "BatteryStatus": "Battery Status", "med.SolarInfo": "Solar Power Info", "sys.Wakeup": "Wake Up", "Ushield.NotFind": "USB key certificate is not found.", "com.SSIDNotExistTip": "SSID does not exist.", "sys.SpliceConfig": "Splicing Settings", "sys.OriginalImage": "Original Image", "sys.SpliceImage": "Spliced Image", "sys.SpliceImageMode": "Spliced Image Mode", "sys.OriginalImageMode": "Original Image Mode", "sys.StrOutputMode": "Stream Output Mode", "ivs.AbnormalBehavior": "Abnormal Behavior Analysis", "ivs.AbnormalAudio": "Abnormal Sound Detection", "com.LoginType": "Login Type", "ivs.SleepDetect": "Sleep Detection", "ivs.VideoParameterSD": "Recording Parameters (SD Card is Required)", "ivs.DirectionLine": "Direction Line", "com.PeriodError": "Incorrect period.", "sys.ConfigFileConflictTip": "The configuration file to be imported does not match the selected mode. You need to switch to %s before importing it. Would you like to switch to %s?", "ivs.HighThrow": "High-rise Littering", "ivs.FloorCali": "Floor Calibration", "ivs.FloorNums": "Number of Floors", "ivs.FamiliesOfFloor": "Rooms on Each Floor", "ivs.StartFloor": "Starts from Floor", "ivs.SoundTypes": "Sound Type", "ivs.PickupConnectionTip": "We recommend connecting a sound pickup to use this function.", "ivs.AudioCrashingGlass": "Glass Breaking", "ivs.AudioScream": "Scream", "ivs.AudioExplosion": "Explosion", "ivs.AudioGunshot": "Gunshot", "ivs.AudioAlarm": "Alarm", "ivs.AudioCry": "Cry", "ivs.AudioAndIntelConflictTip": "%s and %s have a conflict. Please disable one of them.", "ivs.OutPersonLimitDetection": "Abnormal Number of People On Duty", "com.Zhang": "%d Images", "com.BatchAdd": "Batch Add", "com.BatchDel": "Batch Delete", "ivs.SmartSoundTip": "Smart sound detection only supports the pickup source being accessed by LineIn. Please make sure the pickup is working properly.", "ivs.ConflictTip": "There is a conflict between %1 and %2. %2 must be disabled. Are you sure you want to continue?", "ivs.AudioAndIntelConflictTipNew": "%1 and %2 have a conflict. If you enable %1, %2 will be disabled. Continue?", "ivs.CrowdLevelDetection": "Crowd Detection", "ivs.CrowdLevel": "Crowd Level", "ivs.LinkTo": "Cascade %s\n ", "ivs.IvsAudioConfig": "Audio Intelligence Config", "ivs.IvsVideoConfig": "Video Intelligence Config", "ivs.SmartSoundDetect": "Smart Sound Detection", "ivs.SelectAtLeastOneAudioTips": "Please select at least 1 sound type.", "ivs.PerLinkScheme": "Coordinated Linkage Plan", "ivs.LinkedSchemeDuration": "Re-Detection Duration", "ivs.FaceAngle": "Face Angle", "ivs.FaceQuality": "Face Quality", "ivs.FaceSize": "Face Size", "com.Degree": "Degree", "ivs.FaceFilter": "Face Filter", "ivs.NTSCAndMotionConflictTip": "Video standard NTSC and Smart Motion Detection cannot be enabled at the same time.", "ivs.NTSCAndIntelConflictTip": "Video standard NTSC and AI functions cannot be enabled at the same time.", "per.LowPowerModeTip": "*Complete all configurations before enabling low power mode to avoid the configurations failing to take effect due to the device falling asleep.", "med.OrbitTime": "Trajectory Duration", "med.SpeedDetection": "Speed Detection", "com.ExportDuringTip": "Exporting the data…Please wait.", "com.ExportEndTip": "End Export", "com.ExportWaitTip": "Exporting the data. Please try again later.", "sys.OffScreenSetting": "Screen Off Settings", "sys.OffScreenTime": "Screen Off Time", "sys.RecheckLogStorageTip": "Saving the logs. Please try again later.", "ivs.ChooseValidVoice": "Enable Sound, and then select a valid audio input source.", "ivs.MutationThreshold": "Sound Changing Threshold", "ivs.MutationTimeRange": "Sound Changing Duration", "ivs.DistanceThreshold": "Spacing Threshold", "ivs.ScaleCheckGround": "Floor", "pfm.GDDW": "GDDW", "sys.DeviceID": "Device ID", "sys.LocalDeviceIP": "Local Device IP", "net.ServerPlatName": "Server Platform Name", "sys.DeviceConnPassword": "Server Registration Password", "sto.DeviceServerPort": "Server Port Enabled by Device", "per.TargetSpeed": "Target Speed", "ivs.PlateMatchTitle": "Please select the characters to match", "ivs.PlateSpecialMatch": "Match Specified Plate Characters", "ivs.PlateMatchSetTip": "You can only select up to %d characters for each position on the plate", "ivs.PlateSpecialMatchTip": "Before enabling Match Specified Plate Characters, you need to set one or more positions for the plate. If the selected characters for the specified positions are matched, the plate is regarded as being on the allowlist.", "ivs.TrackAlarmLite": "Auto Tracking Lite", "com.Card": "Card", "ivs.StereoDistanceDetection": "People Approach Detection", "ivs.StayTimeThreshold": "Stay Time Threshold", "net.LockBand": "Lock Band", "net.LockPci": "Lock Physical Cell", "net.SubcarrierSpacing": "Subcarrier Spacing", "net.PhysicalCell": "Physical Cell", "net.CellularFrequencyPoint": "Frequency Point", "net.CellularFrequencyBand": "Frequency Band", "net.LockType": "Network Lock Type", "med.OpenVideoStructrueTip": "Please enable video metadata first.", "com.oneKeyDiagnosis": "One-click Diagnosis", "net.DiagnosisResults": "Diagnosis Results", "net.StartDiagnosis": "Diagnose", "com.ReDiagnosise": "Diagnose Again", "com.DiagnoseOkResult": "Diagnosis complete. No issues were detected.", "com.DiagnoseWarnResult": "Diagnosis complete. Several issues were detected. We recommend resolving them.", "com.MaintenanceCenter": "Maintenance Center", "com.MaintenanceCenterDescription": "Diagnose the running status of devices and perform maintenance.", "ivs.LinkageTrackTip": "To use linkage track, you need to configure tripwire or intrusion in IVS.", "ivs.EffectiveTargetTip": "Select at least one effective target.", "sys.EptzLinkEnableTip": "Enabling this function will affect the smoothness of the live video. You can lower the resolution to ensure the video is smooth.", "gui.RadarVersion": "Radar Version", "ivs.ParkScene": "Park", "ivs.ForestScene": "Wildland", "sys.CompleteMachineVersion": "Device Version", "ivs.NoAlarmNoBody": "No Alarms for People No. Turning 0", "med.Upright": "Upright Mount", "com.BatchAddTip": "You can create multiple task plans by using Batch Add.", "com.PleaseChangeBrowser": "Please try another browser", "com.StatusReportInterval": "Status Reporting Interval", "com.PlatformIP": "Platform IP", "com.PhoneNum": "Phone Number", "per.PtzStartingTip": "PTZ starting up…", "ivs.FogDetection": "Fog Detection", "ivs.FocusWaitTip": "Currently focusing. Please try again later.", "com.CheckCodeLoss": "Missing check code", "com.CheckPassed": "Passed check", "sys.FileIntegrityCheck": "Integrity Check", "sys.NoVerTip": "firmware.bin does not exist. Please update.\n", "com.IncludeNumLetterTip": "It can only contain numbers and letters.", "com.LengthTip": "It must contain %d characters.", "sys.BeginTime": "Start Time", "ivs.PlateOverlay": "Plate Overlay", "com.SpecialPresetFunction": "Special Preset Function", "per.PresetVideoBlack": "Day/Night B&W", "per.PresetVideoColor": "Day/Night Color", "per.PresetVideoBrightness": "Day/Night Auto", "per.PresetLightingManual": "Illuminator Manual", "per.PresetLightingAuto": "Illuminator Auto", "per.PresetLightingSmartIR": "Illuminator Smart IR", "per.PresetLightingOff": "Illuminator Off", "per.PresetRainBrushOn": "Wiper On", "per.PresetRainBrushOff": "Wiper Off", "per.PresetRainBrushMoveOnce": "Wiper Once", "per.PresetLightingTiming": "Illuminator Timing", "com.Invoke": "Call", "com.SavePresetFirstTip": "Please save the preset first.", "com.AllTextAlignLeft": "All Left-Aligned", "com.AllTextAlignRight": "All Right-Aligned", "com.LeftAndRightMargin": "Left & Right Margins", "com.String": "Characters", "com.Location": "Location", "com.Front": "Front", "com.After": "Back", "com.RightLowerPosition": "Lower Right", "com.LeftLowerPosition": "Lower Left", "med.BlackPosition": "Black Edge Location", "med.OverlayBlackEdge": "Overlay on Black Edge", "med.OverlayPicture": "Overlay on Image", "med.OSDSeperater": "OSD Separator", "med.VideoOSDShow": "Display Video OSD", "com.Verticalline": "Vertical Bar", "com.BlackRegionHeight": "Black Edge Height", "com.BlackWhiteReverse": "Black and White Reverse", "ivs.Target": "Target", "com.VideoClear": "Clear", "com.VideoSmooth": "Smooth", "ivs.ControlLibrary": "Arming Database", "med.HfrVideoConflict": "A high frame rate cannot be set with the configured sub stream. ", "med.PriVideoConflict": "Privacy protection and the configured sub stream cannot be enabled at the same time.", "med.PriHfrConflict": "A high frame rate cannot be set with privacy protection. ", "ivs.PriSmartConflict": "2 or more AI functions cannot be set with privacy protection.", "per.RadarShow": "Radar Display", "com.PrivateUpgrader": "Online Update in Private Network", "com.PrivateUpgraderTip": "Online update in private network is based on the auto registration function. Make sure the device can access the server address. If you keep the default sever address, then the system will automatically access the valid server address.", "com.PrivateUpgraderConfirm": "Are you sure you want to disable Online Update in Private Network?", "per.SleepTimeToday": "Sleep Time Today", "per.TotalSleepTime": "Total Sleep Time ", "ivs.BubbleDetection": "Foam Detection", "pfm.TransmitMode": "Transmission Mode", "com.PresetExistTip": "The preset already exists.", "ivs.MatchCondition": "Attributes for Matching", "ivs.ReflectiveVest": "Safety Vest ", "ivs.TriggerAlarmCondition": "Alarm Trigger Condition", "ivs.AssociatedWorkClothesLibrary": "Linked Workwear Database", "ivs.ChooseWorkClothesLibrary": "Please select linked workwear databases.", "ivs.PleaseGoLayoutControlSet": "Please go to the arming database to configure it.", "ivs.DetectAttribute": "Detect for Attributes", "ivs.DetectWay": "Detection Mode", "ivs.AttributeDetectScope": "Detection Range", "ivs.AboveTheWaist": "Upper Body", "ivs.UnderTheWaist": "Lower Body", "com.DisMatch": "Mismatch", "ivs.PriStatConflict": "Privacy protection and counting mode cannot be enabled at the same time.", "pfm.UnlicensedCarUpload": "Upload Unlicensed Vehicle Info", "sys.TimeZone25Turks": "(UTC-05:00) Turks and Caicos", "sys.TimeZone1Casablanca": "(UTC+01:00) Casablanca", "sys.TimeZone2Windhoek": "(UTC+02:00) Windhoek", "ivs.LongHair": "Long", "ivs.ShortHair": "Short", "ivs.PersonnelHair": "Hair Style", "com.Smaller": "Less than", "com.RealDisplay": "Realtime Display", "ivs.BatchImport": "Batch Import", "ivs.FaceFaceAppendSelectPics": "Select pictures, maximum %d each time.", "com.Convert": "Character Encode", "com.SeniorMaintain": "Advanced Maintenance", "com.oneKeyDiagnosisTip": "One-click diagnosis detects the configurations and status of your device to improve its performance.", "com.Processed": "Processed", "com.OccurrenceTime": "Time Error Occurred", "com.IPConfig": "IP Address Config", "com.NetworkState": "Network Condition", "com.Diagnosing": "Diagnosing...\n", "com.WaitDiagnosis": "Pending", "com.Undiagnosed": "Undiagnosed", "com.PowerState": "Working Condition", "com.DHCPFunction": "DHCP", "com.DNSConfig": "DNS Config", "com.NetworkRoute": "Network Routing", "com.NetworkConflict": "Network Conflict", "com.PowerDetection": "Power Supply", "com.IPConfigDescription": "Checks if the IP address configuration is normal.", "com.DHCPFunctionDescription": "Checks if the DHCP function is normal.", "com.DNSConfigDescription": "Checks if the DNS configuration is normal.", "com.NetworkRouteDescription": "Checks if the routing configuration is normal.", "com.NetworkConflictDescription": "Checks if there are IP and MAC conflicts.", "com.PowerDetectionDescription": "Checks if the power is being normally supplied.", "ivs.PreBreakRulesCode": "Violation Code of Imminent Illegal Parking", "ivs.PlateOverlayTip": "Enable this function to overlay the license plate information on the live video and scheduled snapshot.", "ivs.PreParkingTime": "Time of Imminent Illegal Parking", "com.ProjectionHeight": "Projection Height ", "ivs.CutoutPolicy": "Optimal Plan", "com.SizeLimit": "The size must not exceed %s.", "com.ResolutionLimit": "The resolution must be %s.", "com.AttributeListMinTip": "Please enable at least %d attributes.", "per.LowPowerOn": "Low Power Mode Enabled", "per.LowPowerOff": "Low Power Mode Disabled", "per.AutoRegisterOn": "Auto Registration Enabled", "per.AutoRegisterOff": "Auto Registration Disabled", "com.TimeInterval": "Interval", "com.DayReport": "Daily", "com.WeekStatReport": "Weekly", "com.PowerConsumption": "Power Consumption", "com.EnergyConsumptionStatistics": "Voltage and Power Consumption Statistics", "com.VoltageStatistics": "Voltage Statistics", "com.Volt": "Volt", "com.Unlimited": "All", "ivs.PonytailHair": "Ponytail", "ivs.UpdoHair": "Updo", "ivs.HeadCoveredHair": "Head Covered", "med.OverSceneMaxNum": "Reached max number of blocks in the current scene.", "med.OverMaxNum": "Reached max number of blocks.", "com.LoginAuthModeDigest": "Digest Algorithm for Private Protocol Authentication Mode", "com.LoginAuthModeDigestTip": "After changing the passwords of all private accounts, you can select a digest algorithm other than MD5.", "ivs.ParkingLotStatusDetection": "Detection of Outdoor Parking Space Status", "ivs.ParkingStatusChangeDetection": "Alarm for Parking Space Status Change", "com.PluginConfirm": "Would you like to grant the webplugin access to the device? (The certificate information above is for the device.)", "sys.UserPasswordInvalidChar2": "We recommend not entering the same character more than 6 times in a row, and not adding the username or reverse of the username to the password.", "sys.LogoutTime": "Timeout Duration for Automatic Logout", "sys.LogoutTimeTip": "Please set the timeout duration for when the system will automatically log out, otherwise there might be safety risks.", "ivs.Batter": "Smashing", "pfm.UnlicensedCarFilter": " Filter Unlicensed Vehicles", "ivs.Fight": "Fighting", "appEventWorkClothesDetection": "PPE Detection", "com.NativeLog": "Local Logs", "com.LogInfo": "Log Info", "com.VerticalAdjust": "Vertical Adjustment", "com.PasswordEasyToGuess": "Your password is too easy to guess.", "com.Activation": "Activate", "ivs.DetectDirection": "Detection Direction", "com.DailyReportPromptTip": "The daily report can only be kept for up to one month.", "com.KilowattHour": "Kilowatt-Hour \n", "com.PowerConsumptionStatis": "Power Consumption Statistics", "com.AutoUpgradePrompt": "Notifies when updates are available. The system checks for updates daily.\nTo inform you of the latest firmware updates for your device, we need to collect device information such as the IP address, device name, language preference, firmware version and device SN. All collected information is used only for the purposes of verifying the validity of the device and pushing update notifications. You can disable the function at any time in the update menu.", "com.WirelessNetCard": "Wireless NIC", "com.WiredNetCard": "Wired NIC", "com.RiskDetectedTip": "Total %d risks were detected.", "ivs.SupportVehicleTrackOnly": "Only supports tracking vehicles.", "ivs.SupportHumanTrackOnly": "Only supports tracking humans.", "ivs.NoHat": "Not Wearing Hat", "com.NormalScene": "General Scene", "com.AddSpecialPreset": "Add Special Preset", "med.SpaceSVC": "Spatial SVC", "med.TimeSVC": "Temporal SVC", "com.SelectRegTip": "The function takes effect after the arming database is configured.", "ivs.RedrawArea": "Redraw Area", "sys.MD5AlgorithmTip": "If the MD5 digest algorithm is disabled, make sure that the corresponding device or software supports at least one of the selected digest algorithms.", "sys.ONVIFAuthDigestAlgorithm": "Digest Algorithm for ONVIF User Authentication", "sys.UserAuthDigestAlgorithm": "Digest Algorithm for User Authentication", "sys.AuthDigestAlgorithm": "Digest Algorithm for Authentication", "sys.SecurityAuth": "Security Authentication", "ivs.BaseLevel": "Base Layer", "ivs.EnhancementLevel": "Enhancement Layer", "med.SVAC": "SVAC", "net.TestResult": "Test Result", "com.TargetAddress": "Destination Address", "com.NetworkTest": "Network Test", "com.CopySuccessTip": "Successfully copied.", "com.CloseRiskTip": "Disabling this service might expose the system to security risks. Continue?", "ivs.SnapshotOrbitColor": "Track Color in Snapshot", "ivs.SnapFontSize": "Font Size in Snapshot", "ivs.SnapFontColor": "Font Color in Snapshot", "ivs.CoverThreshold": "Threshold for Tampering Percentage", "ivs.SameSiteAlarmFilter": "Filter Alarms from Same Location", "ivs.DetectFrameOverlap": "Overlap Rate between Frames", "ivs.LeafDetection": "Leaves Detection", "ivs.LineWidthLevel": "Line Thickness", "ivs.TrackPointNumber": "Number of Track Points", "ivs.ThrowDetection": "Toss Detection", "com.PageLeaveTip": "If you leave this page, the operation will stop. Are you sure you want to leave?", "com.PacketSize": "Data Packet Size", "com.NetTestSummary1": "Data Packet: Sent = %1, Received = %2, Lost = %3 (%4 Loss Rate)", "com.NetTestSummary2": "Round Time Used: Min = %1 ms, Max = %2 ms, Average = %3 ms ", "com.OneKeyCopy": "Copy", "com.PictureDisabledGBModeTip": "Enabling the picture overlay function will disable the international mode function.", "com.RegionSelect": "Select Region", "ivs.NonMotorPlateColor": "Non-motor Vehicle Plate Color", "ivs.MotorVehiclePlate": "Motor Vehicle Plate", "ivs.HeadShoulder": "Head and Shoulders", "ivs.ParkingSpaceState": "Parking Space Status", "ivs.SameSptTip": "This sub window was already set. Please select another one.", "ivs.CarEnableState": "Parking Space Activation Status", "med.ChangeSplitTip": "Switching to record mode will cause the device to automatically restart. Are you sure you want to switch the mode?", "ivs.SubPicture": "Sub Window", "ivs.SubPicSetting": "Sub Window Config", "ivs.Spt1": "Window 1", "ivs.Spt2": "Window 2", "ivs.Spt3": "Window 3", "ivs.Spt4": "Window 4", "ivs.HasCar": "Vehicle Here", "ivs.NoCar": "No Vehicle Here", "ivs.BreathLight": "Breathing Light", "per.ContinuousLight": "Continuous Light", "sys.AlgorListConfig": "Algorithm List Config", "ivs.ChoosePlateAlgorithm": "Plate Algorithm", "ivs.AlgorithmDistrict": "Unknown|China ALG|Oversea ALG|Republic of Korea ALG|Middle East ALG|Indonesia ALG|Singapore ALG|China Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan ALG|Algeria ALG|Cambodia ALG|South Africa ALG|Australia ALG|India ALG|Thailand ALG|Europe ALG|Brazil ALG|Nigeria ALG|Pakistan ALG|Vietnam ALG|UNASUR ALG|Mexico ALG|Mongolia ALG|Bangladesh ALG|Russia ALG|Myanmar ALG|Philippines ALG|Laos ALG|Zambia ALG|America ALG|Guatemala ALG|Qatar ALG|Curacao ALG|North Africa ALG|Equatorial Guinea ALG|Mauritius ALG|Iraq ALG|Japan ALG|Costa Rica ALG|Ethiopia ALG|Maldives ALG|Nepal ALG|Malaysia ALG|PRK ALG|Brunei ALG|East Timor ALG|Bhutan ALG|Sri Lanka ALG|Kazakhstan ALG|Kyrgyzstan ALG|Tajikistan ALG|Uzbekistan ALG|Turkmenistan ALG|Afghanistan ALG|IRN ALG|SYR ALG|Jordan ALG|Lebanon ALG|Israel ALG|Palestine ALG|Saudi Arabia ALG|Bahrain ALG|Kuwait ALG|UAE ALG|Oman ALG|Yemen ALG|Georgia ALG|Armenia ALG|Azerbaijan ALG|Türkiye ALG|Cyprus ALG|Finland ALG|Sweden ALG|Norway ALG|Iceland ALG|Denmark ALG|Estonia ALG|Latvia ALG|Lithuania ALG|Belarus ALG|Ukraine ALG|Moldova ALG|Poland ALG|Czech Republic ALG|Slovakia ALG|Hungary ALG|Germany ALG|Austria ALG|Switzerland ALG|Liechtenstein ALG|United Kingdom ALG|Ireland ALG|Netherlands ALG|Belgium ALG|Luxembourg ALG|France ALG|Monaco ALG|Romania ALG|Bulgaria ALG|Serbia ALG|North Macedonia ALG|Albania ALG|Greece ALG|Slovenia ALG|Croatia ALG|Montenegro ALG|Bosnia and Herzegovina ALG|Italy ALG|Vatican ALG|San Marino ALG|Malta ALG|Spain ALG|Portugal ALG|Andorra ALG|Egypt ALG|Libya ALG|SDN ALG|Tunisia ALG|Morocco ALG|Eritrea ALG|Somalia ALG|Djibouti ALG|Kenya ALG|Tanzania ALG|Uganda ALG|Rwanda ALG|Burundi ALG|Seychelles ALG|Chad ALG|Central African Republic ALG|Cameroon ALG|Gabon ALG|Republic of the Congo ALG|Democratic Republic of the Congo ALG|Sao Tome and Principe ALG|Mauritania ALG|Senegal ALG|Gambia ALG|Mali ALG|Burkina Faso ALG|Guinea ALG|Guinea-Bissau ALG|Cape Verde ALG|Sierra Leone ALG|Liberia ALG|Ivory Coast ALG|Ghana ALG|Togo ALG|Benin ALG|Niger ALG|Angola ALG|Zimbabwe ALG|Malawi ALG|Mozambique ALG|Botswana ALG|Namibia ALG|Swaziland ALG|Lesotho ALG|Madagascar ALG|Comoros ALG|New Zealand ALG|Papua New Guinea ALG|Solomon Islands ALG|Vanuatu ALG|Micronesia ALG|Marshall Islands ALG|Palau ALG|Nauru ALG|Kiribati ALG|Tuvalu ALG|Samoa ALG|Fiji Islands ALG|Tonga ALG|Canada ALG|Belize ALG|El Salvador ALG|Honduras ALG|Nicaragua ALG|Panama ALG|Bahamas ALG|CUB ALG|Jamaica ALG|Haiti ALG|Dominica ALG|Antigua and Barbuda ALG|Saint Kitts and Nevis ALG|Dominica ALG|Saint Lucia ALG|Saint Vincent and the Grenadines ALG|Grenada ALG|Barbados ALG|Trinidad and Tobago ALG|Colombia ALG|Venezuela ALG|Guyana ALG|Suriname ALG|Ecuador ALG|Peru ALG|Bolivia ALG|Chile ALG|Argentina ALG|Uruguay ALG|Paraguay ALG|Faroe Islands (Denmark) ALG|Gibraltar ALG|Azores Islands (Portugal) ALG|Madeira Islands (Portugal) ALG|Western Sahara ALG|Canary Islands (Spain) ALG|Reunion (France) ALG|Saint Helena (UK) ALG|Cook Islands (New Zealand) ALG|Guam (US) ALG|New Caledonia ALG|French Polynesia ALG|Pitcairn Islands ALG|Wallis and Futuna (France) ALG|Niue ALG|Tokelau (New Zealand) ALG|American Samoa ALG|Northern Mariana (US) ALG|Greenland (Denmark) ALG|Puerto Rico (US) ALG|British Virgin Islands ALG|United States Virgin Islands ALG|Anguilla (UK) ALG|Montserrat (UK) ALG|Guadeloupe (France) ALG|Martinique (France) ALG|Netherlands Antilles ALG|Aruba (Netherlands) ALG|Turks and Caicos Islands (UK) ALG|Cayman Islands (UK) ALG|Bermuda (UK) ALG|French Guiana ALG", "ivs.CarPosHide": "Parking Space Blocked", "ivs.TrafficOverLeave": "Vehicle No Longer Blocking Lane", "com.GBModeDisabledPictureTip": "Enabling the international mode function will disable the picture overlay function.", "ivs.AcuPick": "AcuPick", "ivs.FloorModifiedTip": "You have changed the number of floors. Please click \"Autofill\" to refresh the Floor Name Config list.", "ivs.DuplicateFloorNameTip": "Floor name already exists. Please enter again.", "ivs.ClimbDetection": "Climbing Detection", "med.SoundsHelper": "Sound Assistance", "ivs.ChooseValidVoice2": "When enabling Sound Assistance, please select a valid audio input source and disable the filter non-human voices function.", "com.NotActivate": "Do Not Activate", "com.StereoBehaviorDescription": "Configure stereo analysis", "com.SmokeFireDescription": "Configure smoke and heat detection", "med.DeviceCloseSAVC2": "SVAC2 is disabled, please log in again.", "med.DeviceSwitchSAVC2": "SVAC2 is enabled, please log in again.", "med.DeviceClose35114Reload": "The device closed 35114%s, log in again soon.", "med.DeviceSwitch35114Reload": "The device is switched to 35114%s, log in again soon.", "med.DeviceSwitch35114": "The device is switched to 35114%s.", "per.RegetTime": "Anti-rereading Duration", "per.485Type": "RS-485 Port", "per.EthernetIOT": "Ethernet IoT", "per.485IOT": "RS-485 IoT", "com.ProtocolVersion": "Protocol Version", "com.FailReason": "Reason for Failure", "com.NoMemory": "Insufficient storage.", "com.FacePicDecodeErr": "Decoding failed.", "ivs.ImageResolutionOverflow": "Incorrect image resolution.", "com.CapWriteError": "Failed to write file.", "com.WorksuitExceedLimit": "The number of PPEs exceeds the limit.", "com.DatabaseOperateError": "Failed to operate the database.", "com.NoPersonDetected": "No human body was detected.", "com.PicDownloadFailed": "Failed to download the image.", "com.ImportFileFail": "Failed to import file(s).", "ivs.UpDirection": "Up", "ivs.DownDirection": "Down", "ivs.LeftRow": "Left", "ivs.RightRow": "Right", "med.BlackEdge": "Edge Darkening Level", "med.WhiteEdge": "Edge Brightening Level", "med.EeLevel": "Sharpening Level", "per.RadarCalibrationError": "Failed to calibrate. Please select a new calibration point.\n", "net.MACAddressTip": "For example: %s", "com.MMSWarningTip": "We recommend using the SMS function for scenarios that have a few targets triggering alarms to avoid losing alarm information. ", "com.OptionalTip": "Optional", "sys.H5PlayerVersion": "H5Player Version", "ivs.FaceAttribute": "Face Attribute", "ivs.HumanAttribute": "Human Attribute", "ivs.NoMotorAttribute": "Non-motor Vehicle Attribute", "CACert": "CA Certificate", "AdminCert": "Local Administrator Login Certificate", "DataAuthCert": "Local Certificate", "IdentityAuthCert": "Local Entity Authentication Certificate", "RemoteIdentityAuthCert": "Remote Entity Authentication Certificate", "RemoteDataAuthCert": "Remote Certificate", "ivs.LongCoat": "Long Coat", "ivs.Jacket&Jeans": "Jacket and Jeans", "ivs.TShirt": "T-shirt", "ivs.SportSwear": "Sportswear", "ivs.DownJacket": "Down Coat", "ivs.Shirt": "Shirt", "ivs.Suit": "Business Suit", "ivs.Sweater": "Sweater", "ivs.Sleeveless": "Sleeveless", "ivs.LongDress": "Dress", "med.MicroPTZ": "Mini PT", "ivs.AlgorithmVersion": "Intelligent Algorithm", "com.IPAndPort": "IP %d: Port %d", "com.OneClickExportTip": "Click to export the serial number, firmware version, device operation logs and configuration information.", "com.MinVideoBoundary": "Min Distance to Video Boundary", "net.DetectScheme": "Detection Scheme", "net.DetectSchemeNotSelectedTip": "Please select at least one detection scheme.", "com.SafeCodeNotSameWithPhoneTip": "The security code does not match. Please enter the security code that you received from phone number %s.", "com.Connect": "Connect", "com.JumpTo": "Redirect", "ivs.AcuPickEnableTip": "Enabling/Disabling AcuPick will cause the camera to automatically restart. Are you sure you want to continue?\n", "sys.PowerSaving": "Power Saving", "com.InsensitiveWakeUp": "Contactless Wake Up", "com.InsensitiveWakeUpTip": "Contactless Wake Up: Power consumption is high and the detail camera can quickly wake up.", "ivs.NonMotorPlate": "Non-motor Vehicle Plate", "net.PasswordIndex": "Password Index", "med.TempRange": "Temperature Range", "med.SensorAlarm": "Sensor Alarm", "com.ElectricityQuantity": "Capacity", "ivs.RuleInDetectTip": "Note: Please draw the rule line or area in the detection area.", "ivs.MotorAttribute": "Motor Vehicle Attribute", "ivs.PupillaryMin": "Min Pupillary Distance", "com.DepthFocusSet": "Hyper DoF Config", "com.DepthFocusSetTip1": "Please select the target to focus on and keep it in the center of the square grid.", "com.DepthFocusSetTip2": "Please select the target to focus on in the highlighted area and keep it in the center of the square grid.", "com.DepthFocusSetTip3": "Please keep the target in the center of the square grid before the adjustment finishes.", "ivs.FaceAngleTip": "1° means the face is positioned straight in front of the camera.", "net.HttpRdHttps": "Auto Redirect to HTTPS", "ivs.FaceAngleFilterOne": "Filter Face Angles", "per.PowerC": "Phase C Power", "per.VoltageC": "Phase C Voltage", "per.CurrentC": "Phase C Current", "per.PowerB": "Phase B Power", "per.VoltageB": "Phase B Voltage", "per.CurrentB": "Phase B Current", "per.PowerA": "Phase A Power", "per.VoltageA": "Phase A Voltage", "per.CurrentA": "Phase A Current", "per.PhaseElectricalC": "Phase C", "per.PhaseElectricalB": "Phase B", "per.PhaseElectricalA": "Phase A ", "per.VoltagePT": "Voltage Ratio PT", "per.CurrentCT": "Current Ratio CT", "com.HumidityRange": "Humidity Range", "com.PowerRange": "Power Range", "com.VoltageRange": "Voltage Range", "com.PowerSwitcher": "Battery Sensor", "com.Hygrothermograph": "Temperature and Humidity Sensor", "ivs.CoveringDetection": "Obstacle Detection", "com.Current": "Current", "com.PowerSavingTip": "Power Saving: Consumes more power than deep hibernation. In this mode, the detail camera is asleep and the panoramic camera is awake.", "ivs.PupillaryMinTip": "You can adjust the rectangle to quickly configure the pupillary distance.", "ivs.AIShowSet": "AI Display Settings", "ivs.AcuPickAttributeTip": "After AcuPick is enabled, Video Metadata cannot be used for attribute detection.", "com.FormattingFailed": "Failed to format.", "sys.GeneralAlg": "General ALG", "pfm.Authentication": "Authentication", "com.RealAnalyse": "Real-time Analysis", "com.AITarget": "AI Target", "com.LayoutPreview2": "Layout Preview", "com.AttrShow": "Attribute Display", "ivs.MTUTipIPV6": "When IPV6 is enabled, the range is 1,280 to 1,500. When it is disabled, it is 600 to 1,500.", "ivs.RegionNull": "No area line.", "ivs.RemoveByInterval": "Deduplication by Interval", "ivs.RemoveByRange": "Deduplication by Schedule", "ivs.MixScene": "Mixed", "ivs.PeopleScene": "People", "ivs.SceneModeTip": "Motor and non-motor vehicle detection cannot be enabled for scenes focused on people.", "com.LowLimitVOverLimitVTip": "Min speed limit cannot be larger than max speed limit.", "com.MarginToLimitLowTip": "Min speed limit margin cannot be larger than min speed limit.", "ivs.ModelPolicy": "Algorithm Model", "com.SendCommand": "Send Command", "com.Command": "Command", "com.RealPreView": "Live Video", "com.ProductInfo": "Product Material", "com.ProductInfoCode": "Product Material QR Code", "ivs.DrawParking": "Draw Parking Space", "ivs.DrawParkingTip": "Please place the rectangle on the parking space area that you want to monitor.", "ivs.HumanBodyPix": "Human Re-Detection (Pixel)", "ivs.DetailCombined": "Re-Detection with Detail Camera", "ivs.DetailCombinedTip": "Switching to Re-Detection will cause the rules to be cleared.", "com.SDCardReadOnly": "The SD card is read only.", "ivs.SmartLock": "Smart Lock", "ivs.AutoCalibrate": "Auto Calibration", "ivs.ManualCalibrate": "Manual Calibration", "com.AddServerFirstTip": "Please configure the server first", "com.ServerExist": "This server name already exists.", "com.ServerConfigure": "Server Config", "med.FindPswJumpTip": "If you forget the password, please use the password reset function for the detail camera.", "med.LoginAfterInitTip": "Please initialize the detail camera and then log in.", "sys.RadarVersion": "Radar Software Version", "ivs.PltHC": "License Plate Enhancement", "ivs.ImgFormat": "Image Format", "com.UniqueIpPort": "IP/domain name and port cannot be the same.", "com.SmartDetection": "SMART DETECTION", "pfm.SnapAddress": "Device Location", "com.LogicOr": "Or", "com.Power": "Power", "ivs.AgeSeg": "Age Group", "pfm.LicensePlateConfidence": "Accuracy", "ivs.PlateSize": "Plate Size", "ivs.TargetID": "Target ID", "net.OfflineDownLoad": "ANR", "com.Platform": "Platform", "net.OfflineTypeTip": "Please select MAC as the type when using distributed platform.", "com.DefaultAPTip": "We recommend you change the initial password of AP.", "com.TestDomain": "Testing Domain", "com.ConfirmTestDomain": "Confirm Testing Domain", "com.ConfirmTestDomainTip": "Please make sure the testing domain can be visited.", "ivs.LittleHair": "Balding", "ivs.HasNoHair": "Bald", "ivs.CarSide": "Side of Vehicle", "com.GoToSet": "Configure Now", "med.DoorMagnetism": "Door Sensor", "sys.Keyboard": "Keypad", "sto.Capainfo": "Free Space/Total Space", "ivs.AutoDraw2": "Auxiliary Drawing", "ivs.AddMark": "Add Mark", "ivs.NoPlateFilter": "Unlicensed", "ivs.InvalidPlateFilter": "Invalid Plate", "ivs.CalibratePercent": "Calibration Progress", "com.DownloadFeatureFailed": "Failed to download the feature information.", "com.DownloadPictureFailed": "Failed to download the image information.", "com.ParamsError": "Incorrect parameters.", "com.IDNotExist": "The database ID does not exist.", "ivs.OverFaceImageMax": "Failed to import pictures because number of pictures exceeds limit.", "com.ErrorUnkown": "Unknown error.", "com.WorksuitCompareServerGroupIdNotFound": "The group ID does not exist or is empty.", "com.SubscriptionsExceed": "The number of subscriptions exceeds the limit.", "com.WorksuitCompareServerAbstractState": "The device is modeling.", "ivs.DisNotReport": "No Reports for No Vehicles ", "ivs.DisNotReportTips": "When enabled, the system will not report entry and exit events when there is no vehicle in the parking space.", "ivs.DisReportFast": "Quickly Report Exit Events", "ivs.DisReportFastTips": "When enabled, the system will quickly report exit events.", "ivs.BatchUpload": "Batch Upload", "ivs.ExperienceLibrary": "Experience Database ", "ivs.UnblindLibTips": "The rules related to this database will be unbound.", "ivs.DeleteExpLibTips": " \nOnce deleted, the database cannot be restored and the related services will be unbound. Are you sure you want to continue?", "ivs.SampleType": "Sample Type", "com.NegativeSample": "Negative Sample", "ivs.UnblindRules": "One-click Unbind", "ivs.ImpMaxCount": "You can only import up to 100 targets at a time.", "ivs.HasMark": "Marked", "ivs.NoMark": "Not Marked", "ivs.MarkStatus": "Mark Status", "ivs.PicFormatLimit": "1. Only %s format is supported.", "ivs.PicSizeLimit": "2. The image size cannot exceed %s.", "ivs.PicPixelLimit": "3. When the pixels are higher than %s, the target is clearly visible.", "ivs.FeatureApply": "Feature Database", "ivs.LinExperLib": "Linked Experience Database", "ivs.AddExperTips": "Please go to the experience database to create a database.", "ivs.NegTargetTips": "If a human or vehicle target exists in the negative sample database, it will affect the AI alarm function.", "ivs.HasSameExpName": "This database name already exists. Please give it another name.", "ivs.ExpNameTips": "The database name can consist of Chinese characters, English letters and numbers.", "ivs.ExpOutRangeTips": "The number of items in the experience database reached the limit. Please remove some items to import new ones.", "ivs.MarkTargetTips": "Please select the items you want to mark on the left.", "ivs.MarkTarget": "Mark Target of False Alarm", "net.RegistNum": "Registered Images", "ivs.FeatureManage": "Feature Database Management", "net.TLSContent": "Encrypt data transmission using TLS tunnel.", "com.ViewAll": "View All", "ivs.TrafficEvent": "Traffic Event", "ivs.NormalLane": "General Lane", "ivs.EmergencyLane": "Emergency Lane", "ivs.RetrogradeTimeThreshold": "Duration Threshold for Wrong-way Driving", "ivs.NormalDrivingDirection": "Normal Driving Direction", "ivs.RetrogradeDistanceThreshold": "Deviation Threshold for Wrong-way Driving", "ivs.OverlapRatioThreshold": "Threshold for Overlapped Area Ratio", "ivs.CopyRuleTip": "Are you sure you want to copy the configuration to all the presets and areas that contain this rule?", "com.NeedSDCardTip": "Please insert the SD card to use the recording function.", "ivs.AlarmTriggerDuration": "Alarm Duration Threshold", "ivs.PedestrianTriggerThreshold": "Pedestrian Stay Time Threshold", "ivs.ParkingTriggerThreshold": "Parking Duration Threshold", "ivs.CaptureRepeatViolation": "Repeatedly Capture Multiple Illegal Parking ", "ivs.FilterStaticVehicle": "Filter Static Vehicles", "ivs.SuppressDuplicateTargetAlarm": "Suppress Repeated Alarms for the Same Target", "ivs.ParkingThreshold": "Congestion Threshold for Parking Vehicles", "ivs.ParkingDuration": "Parking Duration", "ivs.SuppressMissingReport": "Suppress Missed Alarms", "ivs.EffectTargetDisappearDuration": "Monitoring Duration after Target Disappears", "ivs.QueueLengthThreshold": "Queue Length Threshold", "med.BrightnessLevel": "Brightness Level", "ivs.DiscontinousTimeThreshold": "Discontinuous Time Threshold", "ivs.CopyRuleTip2": "Are you sure you want to copy the cofiguration to all the presets and lanes that include this rule?", "ivs.CrossLimitLine": "Crossing Warning Line", "ivs.CrossLimitRegion": "Warning Area Intrusion", "ivs.ModeCopyToAllScheme": "The current mode will apply to all packages. Continue?", "ivs.DetailSnap": "Details", "com.DepthFocusSetTip4": "Please select another target to focus on and keep it in the center of the square grid.", "com.EnvironmentChange": "Environment Self-adaptation", "com.MomentChange": "Time Self-adaptation", "ivs.PltSnapHC": "Plate Snapshot Enhancement", "ModuleLost": "Wireless Device Status", "AlarmAccessory": "Wireless Device Detection Alarm", "SensorAbnormal": "Abnormal Wireless Device Alarm", "com.CertPasswordUnmatch": "The information on the imported certificate does not match the password module.", "com.IdNotAllowed": "The number is too long or too short.", "sys.RemoteCertTip": "It is required for two-way authentication.", "sys.OptionalCert": "Optional Certificate", "pfm.ClosePINTip": "To delete the user certificate, disable PIN Login.", "com.ImageResolution": "Image Resolution", "com.MosaicChangeTip": "It can only draw standard rectangles for privacy masking.", "med.RednessLevel": "Redness Level", "com.ConnectOveretimeTip": "Connection timeout.", "med.FocusGear": "Focus Compensation", "sys.ClearInfo": "Clear Subscription Info", "sys.ClearInfoConfirm": "Are you sure you want to clear the subscription information?", "sys.ClearInfoTip": "After the subscription information is cleared, your phone will not receive alarms and event information. You will have to subscribe again.", "com.ExportConfigEncrypt": "Encrypt and Export Config File", "com.ImportConfigDecrypt": "Decrypt and Import Config File", "sys.BuildingNo": "Building No.", "sys.UnitNo": "Unit No.", "net.SameSegment": "IP segment conflict between network cards.", "com.UpgradeErrDownloadToolTip": "If update exception occurs, download \"ConfigTool\" to fix. Download site: Dahua Official Website or Dahua ToolBox.", "com.Pair": "Pair", "com.Pairing": "Pairing in progress. Please wait.", "com.SmokSensor": "Smoke Sensor", "com.WaterSensor": "Water Leak Sensor", "com.GasSensor": "Gas Sensor", "com.PanicButton": "Emergency Button", "com.DeviceChassisIntruded": "Device Tamper Alarm", "med.Modeswitch": "Mode Switch", "com.DelayAlarm": "Delay Alarm", "com.HistoryData": "History", "ivs.TrashWithoutLid": "Uncovered Garbage Can ", "sto.Detecttime": "Check Time", "com.PowerOutput": "Power Output", "net.OfflineReconnected": "Reconnected", "net.OfflineReconnectedTip": "Helps detect the cellular status and automatically reconnects when the network is unstable.", "net.NetTypeTip": "For better service when the network is unstable, we recommend enabling Ping in Reconnected.", "ivs.FaceYawLeftRight": "Snapshot Angle Filter-Left and Right", "ivs.FaceYawUpDown": "Snapshot Angle Filter-Up and Down", "com.Hei": "HEI", "ivs.PersonRiseDetection": "Getting up Detection", "ivs.AnimalDetect": "Animal Detection", "ivs.RadarLink": "Radar Linkage", "ivs.FaceAngleFilterLeftRight": "Filter Face Angles-Left and Right", "ivs.FaceAngleFilterUpDown": "Filter Face Angles-Up and Down", "per.StateLight": "Status Indicator", "med.ChannelSwitch": "Channel Switch", "ivs.VerifyAgainPixel": "Second Verification Pixels", "ivs.VerifyAgain": "Second Verification", "com.exceptionTasks_exceptionTasksVII": "Device Self-check", "com.ImportAccomplish": "Successfully Imported", "ivs.RunDetectionTip": "Running Detection is only supported by  inclined mount cameras.", "ivs.ParRemDup": "Deduplication for Multi-space Parking", "ivs.RemDupTimRan": "Deduplication Interval", "ivs.ParDisTimRan": "Re-entry Interval", "ivs.ParPaiTimRan": "Entry-Exit Pairing Interval", "com.Animal": "Animal", "ivs.ParkingChange": "Parking Space Changing", "ivs.ParkingChangeTips": "After enabling this function, the system will report an entry or exit event when a vehicle move between the parking space of the same camera.", "ivs.HeadShoulderSnap": "Report Head and Shoulders", "sys.ReservedMemoryNotEnough": "Insufficient reserved resources.", "com.PtzMaxAngleTip": "The PTZ has reached its maximum angle.", "com.PtzHasLock": "Locked the PTZ.", "com.PtzHasUnLock": "Unlocked the PTZ. ", "com.PtzHasLockTip": "The PTZ is locked. Please unlock it first.", "com.AngleSetOver": "Successfully adjusted the angle.", "com.AngleSet": "Rotation Angle", "com.AngleInput": "Angle", "com.MoveContinuous": "Continuous Rotation ", "com.AngleSelectTips": "Click the direction buttons to adjust the angle.", "sys.TimeZone21Greenland": "(UTC-02:00) Greenland", "com.SleepBattery": "Battery Level in Sleep Mode", "ivs.CalibrateAreaTip": "Auto: Draw the calibration area on a flat ground and then click Calibrate.", "ivs.CalibrateAreaTip2": "Manual: Enter the height and angle of camera installation and then click Calibrate.", "ivs.CalibrateAreaTip3": "After calibration is complete, you can check the effect of the calibration through calibration verification.", "com.Calibrate": "Calibrate", "com.LowBattery": "Low Battery", "net.FileUpload": "Upload File", "com.TemperatureHumidity": "Temperature and Humidity", "med.LowPower": "Low Power", "per.SleepBatteryIncrease": "Battery Level in Sleep Mode Increased", "per.SleepBatteryDecrease": "Battery Level in Sleep Mode Decreased", "com.DewaterLightConflictTip": "When water removal is enabled for %s , its illuminators will be automatically disabled.", "com.LightDewaterConflictTip": "When the illuminators are enabled, water removal will be automatically disabled.", "ivs.ReferenceArea": "Reference Area", "med.RodMode": "Pole Mount", "com.CellularDetectionTip": "Check whether the cellular network function of the device is normal.", "com.CellularFile": "ID of Locally Stored Files", "com.CellularLogStorage": "Store Cellular Network Running Logs Locally", "com.CellularLog": "Cellular Network Running Logs", "com.CellularLogAlertTip": "After you enable Store Cellular Network Running Logs Locally, if the system detects the ID of a locally stored file on the SD card, it will generate a record of the cellular network error and save it to the SD card for diagnosis. If you do not need the function, disable it.", "net.CellNeighbour": "Neighboring Cell", "net.CellService": "Serving Cell", "net.CellType": "Cell Type", "net.CellularFluctuation": "Cellular Parameter Fluctuation", "com.CellularNetcard": "Cellular NIC", "ivs.PanoramaCameraLinkDetailCamera": "Panoramic Camera Linked to Detail Camera", "ivs.PanoramaCameraLinkPTZCamera": "Panoramic Camera Linked to PTZ Camera", "ivs.PanoramaCameraLinkDetailCameraAndPTZCamera": "Panoramic Camera Linked to Detail and PTZ Camera", "com.CheckChannelAuthFailed": "Channel authentication failed.", "com.PasswdUninitFailed": "Access prohibited. The password was not initialized.", "com.AEWBState": "Image Condition", "com.BrightnessDetection": "Brightness Detection", "com.BrightnessDetectionTip": "Checks if the device brightness is normal.", "com.PositiveSample": "Positive Sample", "com.VideoChannel": "Video Channel", "ivs.PatrolLinkage": "Auto Patrol", "com.WhiteBackgroundBlackBorder": "White Background with Black Border", "com.BlackBackgroundWhiteBorder": "Black Background with White Border", "com.ElevatorDoorStatus": "Lift Door Status", "com.Floor": "Floor", "speed": "Speed", "com.ImageSizeKB": "Reference Image Size Limit (KB)", "com.Employee": "Employee", "ivs.WorkSuit": "Workwear", "sys.LicenseFailTip2": "Authorization failed. Please import the license.", "ivs.FaceExposureSetting": "Face Exposure Settings", "ivs.TargetBrightness": "Target Brightness", "ivs.IntervalMode": "Mode of Detection in Intervals", "ivs.IntervalDetect": "Detection Interval", "com.NotInit": "Uninitialized", "net.FlowStatTip": "The device collects statistics on the data traffic used by all applications. The calculation method may be different from the carrier's. The actual usage depends on the carrier's bill", "com.GyroImageStabilization": "Gyroscope EIS", "com.EncryCert": "Encryption Certificate", "sys.HighFpsTips": "After you enable high frame rate, AI SSA, AFSA, WDR, SSA and manual exposure will be turned off. Continue?", "med.FPSAndAISSATips": "AI SSA cannot be set when HDMI high frame rate is enabled.", "med.FPSAndAntiFlickerTips": "AFSA cannot be set when HDMI high frame rate is enabled.", "med.FPSAndWDRTips": "WDR cannot be set when HDMI high frame rate is enabled.", "med.FPSAndSSATips": "SSA cannot be set when HDMI high frame rate is enabled.", "med.FPSAndExposeTips": "Manual exposure cannot be set when HDMI high frame rate is enabled.", "com.Hdmiout": "HDMI Output", "gui.EnvTemperAuto": "Automatic Mode", "ivs.ImportRecord": "Import Videos", "com.SearchCondition": "Search Condition", "ivs.EventSearch": "Search for events", "ivs.RecordCut": "Clip videos", "ivs.TargetSample": "Take target samples", "ivs.ExperTips": "The experience database is not applicable to crowd gathering, missing object, and abandoned object rules.", "ivs.SelExperIips": "Please select the linked experience database.", "ivs.SelTarget": "Select Target", "ivs.SampleInterval": "Sampling Interval", "com.MoveIens": "Moving Lens", "com.FixedIens": "Fixed Lens", "com.TemperatureAbnormal": "Abnormal Temperature", "sys.VideoOut": "Video Outputs", "com.ReLockIn": "Re-register", "com.ReLockInTip": "If you re-register, the device will disconnect for a short time, but will reconnect to the network in about 2 minutes.", "com.ExternalCellular": "External SIM Card", "com.BuildInCard": "Built-in Card", "com.CurrentNetCard": "NIC In Use", "com.NetworkSwitchCellularTip": "Enable for the device to prioritize connecting to the Internet through the wired network. If the network cable is disconnected or the device is not connected to the Internet, it will use the cellular NIC for dial-up.", "com.NetworkSwitchBuildInTip": "Enable for the device to prioritize connecting to the Internet through the wired network. If the network cable is disconnected or the device is not connected to the Internet, it will prioritize dial-up through the external SIM card, and then use the eSIM card.", "com.NetworkSwitch": "Switch Network", "ivs.GyroImageStabilizationConflictSmart": "After Gyroscope EIS is enabled, AI functions will be affected such as tracking.", "med.Snapstream": "Snapshot Stream", "ivs.VersionException": "Version Exception", "com.OutlineBold": "Bold Border", "ivs.Fire": "Fire", "com.SmokingSensor": "Smoke", "ivs.FaceDbAF": "Afghanistan", "ivs.FaceDbAX": "Åland Islands", "ivs.FaceDbAL": "Albania", "ivs.FaceDbDZ": "Algeria", "ivs.FaceDbAS": "American Samoa", "ivs.FaceDbAD": "Andorra", "ivs.FaceDbAO": "Angola", "ivs.FaceDbAI": "Anguilla", "ivs.FaceDbAG": "Antigua & Barbuda", "ivs.FaceDbAR": "Argentina", "ivs.FaceDbAM": "Armenia", "ivs.FaceDbAW": "Aruba", "ivs.FaceDbAU": "Australia", "ivs.FaceDbAT": "Austria", "ivs.FaceDbAZ": "Azerbaijan", "ivs.FaceDbBS": "Bahamas", "ivs.FaceDbBH": "Bahrain", "ivs.FaceDbBD": "Bangladesh", "ivs.FaceDbBB": "Barbados", "ivs.FaceDbBY": "Belarus", "ivs.FaceDbBE": "Belgium", "ivs.FaceDbBZ": "Belize", "ivs.FaceDbBJ": "Benin", "ivs.FaceDbBM": "Bermuda", "ivs.FaceDbBT": "Bhutan", "ivs.FaceDbBO": "Bolivia", "ivs.FaceDbBA": "Bosnia & Herzegovina", "ivs.FaceDbBW": "Botswana", "ivs.FaceDbBV": "Bouvet Island", "ivs.FaceDbBR": "Brazil", "ivs.FaceDbIO": "British Indian Ocean Territory", "ivs.FaceDbVG": "British Virgin Islands", "ivs.FaceDbBN": "Brunei", "ivs.FaceDbBG": "Bulgaria", "ivs.FaceDbBF": "Burkina Faso", "ivs.FaceDbBI": "Burundi", "ivs.FaceDbKH": "Cambodia", "ivs.FaceDbCM": "Cameroon", "ivs.FaceDbCA": "Canada", "ivs.FaceDbIC": "Canary Islands", "ivs.FaceDbCV": "Cape Verde", "ivs.FaceDbBQ": "Caribbean Netherlands", "ivs.FaceDbKY": "Cayman Islands", "ivs.FaceDbCF": "Central African Republic", "ivs.FaceDbTD": "Chad", "ivs.FaceDbCL": "Chile", "ivs.FaceDbCN": "China", "ivs.FaceDbCX": "Christmas Island", "ivs.FaceDbCC": "Cocos (Keeling) Islands", "ivs.FaceDbCO": "Colombia", "ivs.FaceDbKM": "Comoros", "ivs.FaceDbCD": "Congo-Kinshasa", "ivs.FaceDbCG": "Congo-Brazzaville", "ivs.FaceDbCK": "Cook Islands", "ivs.FaceDbCR": "Costa Rica", "ivs.FaceDbCI": "Côte d'lvoire", "ivs.FaceDbHR": "Croatia", "ivs.FaceDbCU": "Cuba", "ivs.FaceDbCW": "Curaçao", "ivs.FaceDbCY": "Cyprus", "ivs.FaceDbCZ": "Czechia", "ivs.FaceDbDK": "Denmark", "ivs.FaceDbDJ": "Djibouti", "ivs.FaceDbDM": "Dominica", "ivs.FaceDbDO": "Dominican Republic", "ivs.FaceDbEC": "Ecuador", "ivs.FaceDbEG": "Egypt", "ivs.FaceDbSV": "El Salvador", "ivs.FaceDbGQ": "Equatorial Guinea", "ivs.FaceDbER": "Eritrea", "ivs.FaceDbEE": "Estonia", "ivs.FaceDbET": "Ethiopia", "ivs.FaceDbFO": "Faroe Islands", "ivs.FaceDbFJ": "Fiji", "ivs.FaceDbFI": "Finland", "ivs.FaceDbFR": "France", "ivs.FaceDbGF": "French Guiana", "ivs.FaceDbPF": "French polynesia", "ivs.FaceDbTF": "French Southern Territories", "ivs.FaceDbGA": "Gabon", "ivs.FaceDbGM": "Gambia", "ivs.FaceDbGE": "Georgia", "ivs.FaceDbDE": "Germany", "ivs.FaceDbGH": "Ghana", "ivs.FaceDbGI": "Gibraltar", "ivs.FaceDbGR": "Greece", "ivs.FaceDbGL": "Greenland", "ivs.FaceDbGD": "Grenada", "ivs.FaceDbGP": "Guadeloupe", "ivs.FaceDbGU": "Guam", "ivs.FaceDbGT": "Guatemala", "ivs.FaceDbGG": "Guernsey", "ivs.FaceDbGN": "Guinea", "ivs.FaceDbGW": "Guinea-Bissau", "ivs.FaceDbGY": "Guyana", "ivs.FaceDbHT": "Haiti", "ivs.FaceDbHM": "Heard & McDonald Islands", "ivs.FaceDbHN": "Honduras", "ivs.FaceDbHK": "Hong Kong, China", "ivs.FaceDbHU": "Hungary", "ivs.FaceDbIS": "Iceland", "ivs.FaceDbIN": "India", "ivs.FaceDbID": "Indonesia", "ivs.FaceDbIR": "Iran", "ivs.FaceDbIQ": "Iraq", "ivs.FaceDbIE": "Ireland", "ivs.FaceDbIM": "Isle of Man", "ivs.FaceDbIL": "Israel", "ivs.FaceDbIT": "Italy", "ivs.FaceDbJM": "Jamaica", "ivs.FaceDbJP": "Japan", "ivs.FaceDbJE": "Jersey", "ivs.FaceDbJO": "Jordan", "ivs.FaceDbKZ": "Kazakhstan", "ivs.FaceDbKE": "Kenya", "ivs.FaceDbKI": "Kiribati", "ivs.FaceDbXK": "Kosovo", "ivs.FaceDbKW": "Kuwait", "ivs.FaceDbKG": "Kyrgyzstan", "ivs.FaceDbLA": "Laos", "ivs.FaceDbLV": "Latvia", "ivs.FaceDbLB": "Lebanon", "ivs.FaceDbLS": "Lesotho", "ivs.FaceDbLR": "Liberia", "ivs.FaceDbLY": "Libya", "ivs.FaceDbLI": "Liechtenstein", "ivs.FaceDbLT": "Lithuania", "ivs.FaceDbLU": "Luxembourg", "ivs.FaceDbMO": "Macao, China", "ivs.FaceDbMK": "Macedonia", "ivs.FaceDbMG": "Madagascar", "ivs.FaceDbMW": "Malawi", "ivs.FaceDbMY": "Malaysia", "ivs.FaceDbMV": "Maldives", "ivs.FaceDbML": "Mali", "ivs.FaceDbMT": "Malta", "ivs.FaceDbMH": "Marshall Islands", "ivs.FaceDbMQ": "Martinique", "ivs.FaceDbMR": "Mauritania", "ivs.FaceDbMU": "Mauritius", "ivs.FaceDbYT": "Mayotte", "ivs.FaceDbMX": "Mexico", "ivs.FaceDbFM": "Micronesia", "ivs.FaceDbMD": "Moldova", "ivs.FaceDbMC": "Monaco", "ivs.FaceDbMN": "Mongolia", "ivs.FaceDbME": "Montenegro", "ivs.FaceDbMS": "Montserrat", "ivs.FaceDbMA": "Morocco", "ivs.FaceDbMZ": "Mozambique", "ivs.FaceDbMM": "Myanmar (Burma)", "ivs.FaceDbNA": "Namibia", "ivs.FaceDbNR": "Nauru", "ivs.FaceDbNP": "Nepal", "ivs.FaceDbNL": "Netherlands", "ivs.FaceDbNC": "New Caledonia", "ivs.FaceDbNZ": "New Zealand", "ivs.FaceDbNI": "Nicaragua", "ivs.FaceDbNE": "Niger", "ivs.FaceDbNG": "Nigeria", "ivs.FaceDbNU": "Niue", "ivs.FaceDbNF": "Norfolk Island", "ivs.FaceDbMP": "Northern Mariana Islands", "ivs.FaceDbNO": "Norway", "ivs.FaceDbOM": "Oman", "ivs.FaceDbPK": "Pakistan", "ivs.FaceDbPW": "Palau", "ivs.FaceDbPS": "Palestinian Territories", "ivs.FaceDbPA": "Panama", "ivs.FaceDbPG": "Papua New Guinea", "ivs.FaceDbPY": "Paraguay", "ivs.FaceDbPE": "Peru", "ivs.FaceDbPH": "Philippines", "ivs.FaceDbPN": "Pitcairn Islands", "ivs.FaceDbPL": "Poland", "ivs.FaceDbPT": "Portugal", "ivs.FaceDbPR": "Puerto Rico", "ivs.FaceDbQA": "Qatar", "ivs.FaceDbRE": "Réunion", "ivs.FaceDbRO": "Romania", "ivs.FaceDbRU": "Russia", "ivs.FaceDbRW": "Rwanda", "ivs.FaceDbWS": "Samoa", "ivs.FaceDbSM": "San Marino", "ivs.FaceDbST": "São Tomé & Príncipe", "ivs.FaceDbSA": "Saudi Arabia", "ivs.FaceDbSN": "Senegal", "ivs.FaceDbRS": "Serbia", "ivs.FaceDbSC": "Seychelles", "ivs.FaceDbSL": "Sierra Leone", "ivs.FaceDbSG": "Singapore", "ivs.FaceDbSX": "Sint Maarten", "ivs.FaceDbSK": "Slovakia", "ivs.FaceDbSI": "Slovenia", "ivs.FaceDbGS": "So. Georigia & So. Sandwich Isl.", "ivs.FaceDbSB": "Solomon Islands", "ivs.FaceDbSO": "Somalia", "ivs.FaceDbZA": "South Africa", "ivs.FaceDbKR": "Republic of Korea", "ivs.FaceDbSS": "South Sudan", "ivs.FaceDbES": "Spain", "ivs.FaceDbLK": "Sri Lanka", "ivs.FaceDbSH": "St. Helena", "ivs.FaceDbKN": "St. Kitts & Nevis", "ivs.FaceDbLC": "St. Lucia", "ivs.FaceDbBL": "St. Barthélemy", "ivs.FaceDbMF": "St. Martin", "ivs.FaceDbPM": "St. Pierre & Miquelon", "ivs.FaceDbVC": "St. Vincent & Grenadines", "ivs.FaceDbSD": "Sudan", "ivs.FaceDbSR": "Suriname", "ivs.FaceDbSJ": "Svalbard & Jan Mayen", "ivs.FaceDbSZ": "Swaziland", "ivs.FaceDbSE": "Sweden", "ivs.FaceDbCH": "Switzerland", "ivs.FaceDbSY": "Syria", "ivs.FaceDbTW": "Taiwan, China", "ivs.FaceDbTJ": "Tajikistan", "ivs.FaceDbTZ": "Tanzania", "ivs.FaceDbTH": "Thailand", "ivs.FaceDbTG": "Togo", "ivs.FaceDbTK": "Tokelau", "ivs.FaceDbTO": "Tonga", "ivs.FaceDbTT": "Trinidad & Tobago", "ivs.FaceDbTN": "Tunisia", "ivs.FaceDbTR": "Türkiye", "ivs.FaceDbTM": "Turkmenistan", "ivs.FaceDbTC": "Turks & Caicos Islands", "ivs.FaceDbTV": "Tuvalu", "ivs.FaceDbUM": "U.S. Outlying Islands", "ivs.FaceDbVI": "U.S. Virgin Islands", "ivs.FaceDbUG": "Uganda", "ivs.FaceDbUA": "Ukraine", "ivs.FaceDbAE": "United Arab Emirates", "ivs.FaceDbGB": "United Kingdom", "ivs.FaceDbUS": "United States", "ivs.FaceDbUY": "Uruguay", "ivs.FaceDbUZ": "Uzbekistan", "ivs.FaceDbVU": "Vanuatu", "ivs.FaceDbVA": "Vatican City", "ivs.FaceDbVE": "Venezuela", "ivs.FaceDbVN": "Vietnam", "ivs.FaceDbWF": "Wallis & Futuna", "ivs.FaceDbYE": "Yemen", "ivs.FaceDbZM": "Zambia", "ivs.FaceDbZW": "Zimbabwe", "ivs.FaceDbTL": "Timor-Leste", "ivs.FaceDbKP": "Democratic People’s Republic of Korea", "med.GyroStableOrDigital": "Digital zoom cannot be set when Gyroscope EIS is enabled.", "med.DigitalOrGyroStable": "Gyroscope EIS cannot be set when Digital Zoom is enabled.", "ivs.WrongFloorNameTip": "Floor name must only include numbers and letters.", "ivs.AnythingDetect": "Targets Detection", "com.TimeSwitch": "Schedule", "com.PresetList": "Preset List", "com.ClearZeroAll": "Clear All", "com.Used": "Used", "com.Supply": "Available", "com.PreAllocation": "Pre-applied", "sto.CDbasicInfo": "Basic Info", "com.PerMan": "License Management", "com.PreOsMem": "Pre-applied System Memory", "com.PreMediaMem": "Pre-applied Multimedia Memory", "com.PreCPUUsage": "Pre-applied CPU Rate", "com.PreNPUUsage": "Pre-applied NPU Rate", "com.OnlySupportInputAlp": "You can only enter letters and numbers.", "ivs.OverSpeed": "Moving Too Fast Detection", "ivs.Turn": "Turning", "com.OSDFontFeature": "OSD Character Style", "com.SignedCert": "Signing Certificate", "net.LocalSignedCert": "Local Signing Certificate", "net.LocalEncryCert": "Local Encryption Certificate", "net.RemoteSignedCert": "Remote Signing Certificate", "net.RemoteEncryCert": "Remote Encryption Certificate", "com.FileFolderSelect": "Select Folder", "com.UpgradePackageNotSupportTip": "The update package does not support update by folder.", "sys.TimeZone7Qyzylorda": "(UTC+05:00) Qyzylorda", "com.AcuPickHuman": "AcuPick (Human Body)", "com.AcuPickVehicle": "AcuPick (Motor Vehicle)", "ivs.NoTargetImage": "No valid target is detected.", "ivs.ElevatorAlarm": "Abnormal Elevator Alarm", "com.ZoomLinkLight": "Zoom Rate Triggers Illuminator", "ivs.SnapCount": "Number of Times for Snapshots", "ivs.SnapInfinite": "Unlimited", "ivs.SnapLimited": "Limited", "per.PrecisionOptimize": "Precision Optimize", "PowerStatistics": "Voltage and Power Consumption Statistics", "alarm_smtp.StartUTCTime": "Alarm Start Time (UTC D/M/Y H:M:S)", "SceneModeManager": "Scene Mode", "PassOver": "Persons that Passed", "CellularFlux": "Data Traffic", "Alarm": "Alarm", "AlarmIn": "Alarm-in Port", "appEventCrossLineDetection": "Tripwire", "appEventCrossRegionDetection": "Intrusion", "appEventLeftDetection": "Abandoned Object", "appEventMoveDetection": "Fast Moving", "appEventParkingDetection": "Parking Detection", "appEventRioterDetection": "Crowd Gathering", "appEventTakenAwayDetection": "Missing Object", "appEventWanderDetection": "Loitering Detection", "NumberStat": "People Counting", "appEventNumberStat": "People Counting", "PtzNumberStat": "People Counting", "w_flowrate": "People Counting", "Health_Test": "Health_Test", "InsideOver": "Stay", "EnterOver": "Enters", "com_str.alarminname": "Alarm Name", "alarm_smtp.matter": "Alarm Event", "alarm_smtp.Host_Address": "Illegal Access IP", "alarm_smtp.inchannel": "Alarm Input Channel No.", "alarm_smtp.senderIP": "Sender IP Address", "alarm_smtp.starttime": "Alarm Start Time (D/M/Y H:M:S)", "alarm_smtp.stoptime": "Alarm Stop Time(D/M/Y H:M:S)", "alarm_smtp.devicename": "Alarm Device Name", "alarm_smtp.end": "Clear", "Calm": "Calm", "com.Leave": "Exit", "com.State": "Status", "com.Teenager": "Teenager", "conf_ivs.face.glassBlack": "Black-framed", "conf_ivs.face.haveHat": "Cap", "conf_out.videolosstitle": "No Video", "conf_tim.weekday": "Sun|Mon|Tue|Wed|Thu|Fri|Sat|All", "Expression": "Expression", "itc.CarSeries": "Model", "itc.CarType": "Vehicle Type", "itc.LicenseColor": "Plate Color", "ivs.BagStatus": "Bag", "ivs.Goatee": "Beard", "ivs.Pendant": "Pendant", "ivs_osd.TitleBit55": "Seatbelt", "ivs_osd.TitleBit56": "Sun Visor", "ivs_osd.TitleBit59": "Smoking", "ivs_osd.TitleBit60": "Calling", "ivs_traffic.vehicle_sign": "Logo", "pfm.Country": "Country", "traffic_title.car_color": "White|Black|Red|Yellow|Grey|Blue|Green|Pink|Purple|Dull Red|Brown|Maroon|Silver|Dark|White Smoke|Dark Orange|Light Rose|Tomato Red|Olive|Golden|Dark Olive|Yellow Green |Green Yellow|Forest Green|Ocean Green|Dark Sky Blue|Cyan|Orange|Green Gradient|Yellow-Green Combination|Unknown|Other", "traffic_title.plate_sign": "Unknown|Audi|Honda|Buick|Volkswagen|Toyota|BMW|Peugeot|Ford|Mazda|Nissan|Hawtai|Suzuki|Citroen|Benz|BYD|Geely|Lexus|Chevrolet|Chery|Kia|Xiali|DongFeng|Iveco|SGMW|JinBei|JAC|Emgrand|Changan|Great Wall|Skoda|BaoJun|Subaru|Land 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Samsung|VAUXHALL|VENTURI|Morgan|HINO|PONTIAC|ABARTH|Saturn|Tianma|DAIHATSU|Oldsmobile|Saibao|Moskvich|DS|Venucia|MITSUOKA|Gumpert|Polonez|Zotye|LADA|Scion|DAF|Enranger|Xinkai|Dadi|Tata|KAMAZ|Datsun|Foden|Austin|Ginetta|CHTC|DENZA|Zinoro|Fornasari|Keyton|Qoros|Huasong|Cowin|Levdeo|LEAHEAD|Green Wheel|King Long|RUF|Tong Jia|Ciimo|Yogomo|ZD|Shenlong|BAC|Borgward|Conquest|DMC|Elemental|GAZ|GMC|KTM|nanoflowcell|noble|ssc|Tramontana|Zenvo|Brabus|G.PATTON|Melkus|BAIC Huansu|Anyuan|Riich|Haima|Yema|Hafei|CHMC|Hua Ling|Sinotruck|C&C|Sany|kama|Beiben|YTC|Hongyan|T.King|YangZi|Sinocars|AsiaStar|Youyi|Elfin|Joss|MAN|Alpino|Alvis|ASCARI|Allard|Bitter|Bizzarrini|Pininfarina|PGO|Bertone|Bristol|De Tomaso|Delage|Delahaye|Diatto|NSU|VABIS|Farboud|Ford|GAZ|Horch|Caterham|Chevrolet|Lagonda|Leyland|RUF|Roewe|Rochet-Schneider|Marcos|Mack|Meilu|Metropolitan|Meiya|Plymouth|Italdisign||TATRA|Trabant|Trevor|Wartburg|Cizeta|SSC TUATARA|Cisitalia|Siata|DKW|EDAG|Ikarus|UAZ|JMC|Kandi|Saab|Shifeng|WAW|Yaolon|Dongfanghong|Tri-ring Sitom|XCMG |Wangpai|Sinotruck|Speed|Granton|Mudan|Sunwin|Sunwin|Sunwin|Silver|Wuzhoulong|Tongxin|Haval|Jionggong|Jianghuan|Chunlan|Dayun|Lifan|Shacman|Iveco|Suzuki|Changan|Changan|Equus| Coupe|Hyundai|GAC|GAC|JAC|JAC|JMC|Borgward|UD Trucks|Yangtse|WAW|Dongyu|Kawei|Horki|Kasheng|Lynk&Co|Bisu|Ranz|Kombat|La Joya|NIO|Hanteng|Byvin|HengTong|SWM|WEY|Singulato|Yudo|BAIC DaoDa|Changan |AsiaStar|ShaoRao|Shuchi|ChuFeng|HanTang|Forta|Fuhuan|Hyundai|Foton|JMC|Traum|Dearcc|Xpeng|Weltmeister|Ruichi|Shineray|Leapmotor|Baolong|Jetour|Neoplan|Yuancheng|Boloda|BiaoMa|Skywell|Ruiyi|Sowar|Shuangfu|Hyundai|Wanda|Zonda|Sinogold|Dahan|Alfa Bus|Yixing|Red Star|Shudu|Hengshan|Wanxiang Auto|XDBS|Dojo|TXDDC|Yuexi|UD|Dayang|Bobang|Fulu|Guilin|Hongri|Lewei|Lichi|Supaq|Verong|Yuesun|TEG|AVIC|Dahe|Henghe|Jihai|Ora|Wanxiang|Weikerui|ChangjiangEV|CORE|Zhongxin|Oushan|LITE|Qiantu|SOL|Dorcen|Lixiang|Link 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"conf_img.channel1": "IPC", "conf_img.channel2": "IPC2", "conf_img.channel3": "IPC3", "conf_img.channel4": "IPC4", "w_success": "Succeed", "Security.SessionBlasting": "Session Brute Force Attack", "Security.SessionHijacking": "Session Hijacking", "Storage.ClearWorkDir": "Format", "Storage.HotPlug": "Hot Swap", "Storage.SetWorkDirGroup": "Modify Storage Group", "Storage.Unmount": "Unload SD Card", "Operation": "Operation", "Before": "Time Before Modification", "CfgIndex": "Config Index", "HotPlugAdd": "Insert Device", "HotPlugRemove": "Remove Device", "NewGroup": "New Directory Property", "OldGroup": "Old Directory Property", "FaceDetection": "Face Detection", "FaceAnalysis": "Face Recognition", "TrafficParkingSpaceNoParking": "(Parking Space) Available", "TrafficParkingSpaceParking": "(Parking Space) Occupied", "appEventTrafficParkingSpaceNoParking": "(Parking Space) Available", "appEventTrafficParkingSpaceParking": "(Parking Space) Occupied", "w_noFlipEx": "0°", "w_Flip180Ex": "180°", "Original": "1O", "OriginalPlusThreeEPtzRegion": "1O+3R", "Panorama": "1P", "Single": "1R", "snfLevel": "2D NR Level", "DoublePanorama": "2P", "TwoEPtzRegion": "2R", "tnfLevel": "3D NR Level", "FourEPtzRegion": "4R", "Wire802_1X": "802.1x", "Abort": "Abort", "ExitAbnormal": "Abort", "appEventExTrafficAccident": "Accident", "Account": "Account", "AuthUserMag": "Account", "User": "Account", "AccountType": "Account Type", "AddUser": "Add", "AddGroup": "Add Group", "Address": "Address", "w_Address": "Address", "EncodeAddress": "Address Code", "advanceDenoise": "Advanced NR", "recoveryTime": "AE Recovery", "Age": "Age", "IntelliConf": "AI", "IntelliKeepAlive": "AI Auto Maintenance", "appEventIntellDetect": "AI Detection", "appEventIntelliShelf": "AI Replenishment", "IntelliShelf": "AI Replenishment", "atmo_airpress": "Air Pressure", "lightMode": "Airlight Mode", "COM_EXALARM": "Alarm Box", "AlarmOut": "Alarm I/O", "AlarmLowerLimit": "Alarm Lower Limit", "AlarmRule": "Alarm Mode", "AlarmUpperLimit": "Alarm Upper Limit", "AlarmOutEnable": "Alarm-out Port", "StandbyIP": "Alternate IP", "StandbyPort": "Alternate Port", "VideoOut": "Analog Output", "PtzDevice": "Analog PTZ", "Rage": "Angry", "AnimalDetection": "Animal Detection", "appEventAnimalDetection": "Animal Detection", "appEventExTrafficTollGate": "ANPR", "appEventTrafficJunction": "ANPR", "Gate": "ANPR", "TrafficJunction": "ANPR", "TrafficTollGate": "ANPR", "TrafficSnapshotNew": "ANPR Picture Overlay", "Appear": "Appear", "Restart": "Application Reboot", "StartUp": "Application started up", "Window": "Area", "Region": "Region", "RegionName": "Region Name", "ArmMode": "Arm/Disarm Config", "PreviewBlend": "Associated Preview", "track": "ATW", "Audio_Channel": "Audio Channel", "appEventAlarmAudio": "Audio Detection", "appEventAudioDetect": "Audio Detection", "AudioDetect": "Audio Detection", "alarmAudio": "Audio Detection", "AnomalyDetect": "Audio Exception", "appEventAudioAnomaly": "Audio Exception", "AudioAnomaly": "Audio Exception", "AudioInput": "Audio Input", "AudioInDenoise": "Audio NR", "AudioOutput": "Audio Output", "AuthMode": "Authentication Mode", "LoginAuthCtrl": "Authentication Mode", "m_security": "Authentication Mode", "Auto": "Auto", "Mode0": "Auto", "w_Auto": "Auto", "AutoFocus": "Auto Focus", "IrisAuto": "Auto Iris", "Autumn": "Autumn", "BlackWhite": "B/W", "Back": "Back", "VideoInBacklight": "Backlight", "AuthBackup": "Backup", "Backup": "Backup", "appEventBannerDetection": "Banner Detection", "BannerDetection": "Banner Detection", "appEventExTrafficRoadBlock": "Barrier", "TrafficStrobe": "Barrier Config", "GeneralConf": "Basic", "Locales": "Basic", "VideoWidgetSolarCellStat": "Battery Level", "Beard": "Beard", "Black": "Black", "Black Hot": "Black Hot", "BannedList": "Blocklist", "w_Backlight": "BLC", "GainBlue": "Blue Gain", "BoatDetection": "Boat Alarm", "appEventBoatDetection": "Boat Detection", "Both": "Both", "Ground": "Bottom", "BottomCenter": "Bottom 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"Classroom Behavior Analysis", "ClearLog": "Clear Log", "ClearWorkDir": "Clear Log", "DelLog": "Clear Log", "IntellMutexTVOut": "Click \"Apply\" and analog output will be disabled.", "Defaultsuccess": "Click Apply to take effect.", "appEventClimbDetection": "Climbing Detection", "ClimbDetection": "Climbing Detection", "Disable": "Close", "disable": "Close", "_DHCloudUpgradeRecord_": "Cloud Update Record", "HotColdSpotWarning": "Cold Hot Spot", "appEventColdSpotWarning": "Cold Spot", "ColdSpotWarning": "Cold Spot", "Colorful": "Color", "Color1": "Color1", "Color2": "Color2", "ECompass": "Compass Config", "correction": "Compensation", "TrafficSnapMosaic2": "Composite Picture Parameter", "Confused": "Confused", "m_connecting": "Connect", "m_connecto": "Connect to", "m_connected": "Connected", "Connectmode": "Connection Mode", "appEventExTrafficRoadConstruction": "Construction", "w_Connection": "Contact Mode", "Content": "Contents", "Contrast": "Contrast", "CoordinatesSwitch": "Coordinate 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"Distance Exception Detection", "DnsServerEnable": "DNS Service", "Domain": "Domain", "HostName": "Domain Name", "Bottom": "Down Limit", "Drawing is completed!": "Drawing is completed.", "appEventExTrafficWithoutSafeBelt": "Driver Not Wearing Seatbelt", "PtzPowerSaving": "Eco Mode", "electron": "Electronic", "Email": "Email Config", "appEventRCEmergencyCall": "Emergency Call", "EmergencyRecordForPull": "Emergency Video Storage", "enable": "Enable", "on": "Enable", "Encode": "Encode", "DownloadEncrypt": "Encrypted Download", "StoreEncrypt": "Encrypted Storage", "Encryption": "Encryption", "End": "End", "EventStop": "End Event", "EndTime": "End Time", "English": "English", "Enter": "Enter", "Even": "Even", "AuthEventCfg": "Event", "EventPulse": "Event Occurrence", "Code": "Event Type", "AlarmConf": "Exception", "OSDSysAbnormal": "Exception Overlay", "Exclude Region": "Exclusion Area", "ExcludeRegion": "Exclusion Area", "Exit": "Exit", "ExitNormal": "Exit", "ExitOver": "Exit", "Leave": "Exit", "Config.exportPackConfig": "Export", "Export": "Export", "VideoInExposure": "Exposure", "slowAutoExposure": "Exposure Adjustment", "compensation": "Exposure Compensation", "Emotion": "Expression", "ExAlarmOut": "Extend Alarm Output", "ExAlarm": "Extended Siren", "FaceAnalysisAlarm": "Face Comparison Alarm", "appEventFaceDetection": "Face Detection", "VideoInFaceAutoExposure": "Face Exposure", "appEventFaceOverHeating": "Face Overtemperature", "FaceOverHeating": "Face Overtemperature", "appEventFaceRecognition": "Face Recognition", "FaceRecognition": "Face Recognition", "FaceRecognitionAlarm": "Face Recognition Alarm", "FaceRecognitionEventHandler": "Face Recognition Event Linkage", "FaceSnapshot": "Face Snapshot", "FaceFlowStat": "Face Statistics", "FaceRadiometry": "Face Temperature Monitoring", "RecallConfig": "Factory Defaults", "Fail!": "Failed", "w_failure": "Failure", "NFS connect failed": "Failed to connect to NFS.", "FTPNotAcess": "Failed to connect to server.", 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"Heavy Truck", "appEventExTrafficYellowInRoute": "Heavy vehicle in lane", "HelmetDetection": "Helmet Detection", "WorkClothesDetection": "Helmet Detection", "HighVoltageUnusual": "High Voltage Abnormity", "History": "History", "w_GlareInhibition": "HLC", "Holiday": "Holiday", "appEventHotSpotWarning": "Hot Spot", "HotSpotWarning": "Hot Spot", "HotPlug": "Hot Swap", "Hour": "hr", "hours": "hr", "Web": "HTTP Port", "Https": "HTTPS", "HumanTrait": "Human", "HumanDetect": "Human Detection", "atmo_humiti": "Humidity", "QuickFocusSchedule": "Hybrid Linkage Plan", "IceFire": "Icefire", "ICR": "ICR", "IC": "ID Card", "IdleMotion": "Idle Motion", "idleMotion": "Idle Motion", "appEventExTrafficCrossLane": "Illegal Lane Change", "appEventTrafficCrossLane": "Illegal Lane Change", "appEventLoginFailure": "Illegal Login", "LoginFailure": "Illegal Login", "LoginFailureAlarm": "Illegal Login", "appEventExTrafficParking": "Illegal Parking", "appEventTrafficParking": "Illegal Parking", 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Please make sure the vertical rulers are drawn as a triangle or IVS is enabled.", "Operateingsuccess": "Operation succeeded.", "SnapOSD": "OSD Overlay Parameter", "Other": "Other", "w_outdoor": "Outdoor", "outdoorAutomatic": "Outdoor Auto", "appEventShopPresence": "Out-of-Store Operation", "appEventTemperatureHigh": "Over Temperature", "VideoWidget": "Overlay", "VideoWidget2": "Overlay", "OverlayTooLong": "Overlay info too long.", "EncodeBlend": "Overlay Relevant Functions", "appEventExTrafficOverSpeed": "Speeding", "OverWriteYes": "Overwrite", "T2Userver": "P2P", "VSP_PaaS": "P2P", "T2UServer": "P2P", "AutoPan": "Pan", "autoPan": "Pan", "_PtzPanGroup_": "Pan Group", "PanoramaCamera1": "Panoramic Camera1", "PanoramaCamera2": "Panoramic Camera2", "WideViewControl": "Panoramic Control", "WideView": "Panoramic PTZ", "FullScene": "Panoramic Tracking", "PanoramicTrace": "Panoramic Tracking", "ParkingTime": "Parking Duration", "appEventVehicleLimitDetection": "Parking Upper Limit", "VehicleLimitDetection": "Parking Upper Limit", "Partition": "Partition No.", "Passport": "Passport", "m_password": "Password", "Password": "Password", "m_keyindex": "Password Index", "Account.PwdReset": "Password Reset", "PwdReset": "Password Reset", "Path": "Path", "AutoPattern": "Pattern", "Pattern": "Pattern", "patternNumber": "Pattern No.", "Pause": "Pause", "Passerby": "Pedestrian", "appEventDistanceDetection": "People Approaching Detection", "StereoApproachDetection": "People Approaching Detection", "VideoWidgetNumberPlan": "People Counting Overlay", "VideoWidgetNumberStat": "People Counting Overlay", "appEventHumanTrait": "People Detection", "OCX_MainDirection": "People Flow Direction", "appEventManNumDetection": "Abnormal Number of People", "StereoManStayDetection": "People Stay Detection", "TimeSection": "Period", "AuthPeripheral": "Peripheral", "DHRS": "Peripheral Config", "FTPLoginFailure": "Permission verification failed.", "autoFocusTrace": "PFA", "PhysicNo": "Physical 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"VideoAnalyseEffects": "Privacy Protection", "NotAllowedIPLogin": "Prohibited IP Access Device", "Protocol": "Protocol Type", "AuthPTZ": "PTZ", "Ptz": "PTZ", "PtzConfig": "PTZ", "HighZoomPtzMoveAdaptor": "PTZ Adaptation", "PtzLink": "PTZ Config", "SDTrafficSnapshot": "PTZ Dome Traffic Snapshot Config", "PtzStarting": "PTZ initializing…", "PtzIntelliTrack": "PTZ Intelligence", "PtzLinkEnable": "PTZ Linkage", "PtzPresetId": "PTZ Preset No.", "ptzRestart": "PTZ Reboot", "PtzLimit": "PTZ Rotation Limit", "ptzSpeed": "PTZ Speed", "PtzSpeed": "PTZ Speed", "PtzReset": "Restored to default settings of PTZ", "PtzVolAbnormal": "PTZ Voltage Exception", "PU_address": "PU Address Code", "appEventQueueNumDetection": "Abnormal Number of People in Queue", "appEventQueueStayDetection": "Queue Stay Time", "RadarAnalyseRule": "Radar Alarm", "RadarRegionDetection": "Radar Alarm", "RadarCalibration": "Radar Calibration", "RemoteSDLink": "Radar Linkage", "RadarLinkDevice": "Radar Linkage Device", "RadarTrackGlobal": "Radar Linkage Track", "MapPara": "Radar Map Config", "RadarGuardLine": "Radar Protection Zone", "Rain": "Rain", "Rainbow": "Rainbow", "MeasureDistance": "Ranging", "ReadOnly": "Read Only", "ReadWrite": "Read/Write", "V3RWUser": "Read/Write Username", "V3ReadAuthPwd": "Read-only User Authentication Password", "V3ReadEncryPwd": "Read-only User Encryption Password", "Flag": "Reboot Flag", "RecordEnable": "Record Channel", "MultiSceneRecord": "Record Config", "Record": "Record Control", "RecordMode": "Record Mode", "GainRed": "Red Gain", "Red Hot": "Red Hot", "SensorMaintain": "Refrigeration Detector Auto Maintenance", "Syslog": "Remote Log", "Focus&ZoomReset": "Reset", "Resolution": "Resolution", "LoginRestriction": "Restricted Login", "Security.LoginRestriction": "Restricted Login", "Result": "Results", "w_lineRight": "Right", "RightCenter": "Right Center", "Right": "Right Limit", "RightToLeft": "Right to Left", "VideoWidgetRoadInfo": "Road Info", "VideoEncodeROI": "ROI", "RTMP_NVR": "RTMP", "StreamAuthority": "RTSP Authentication Config", "ThermometryRule": "Rule", "Config": "Rule Config", "Rule isn't enable!": "Rule is not enabled.", "Russian": "Russian", "Sadness": "Sad", "Satu": "Sat", "Saturation": "Saturation", "SaveConfig": "Save Config", "AutoScan": "Scan", "scanNumber": "Scan No.", "Fear": "Scared", "Scene": "Scene", "appEventSceneChange": "Scene Changing", "MovedDetect": "Scene Changing", "SceneChange": "Scene Changing", "VideoInSceneMode": "Scene Config", "PresetID": "Scene Preset No.", "SceneSnapShotWithRule": "Scene Snapshot Config", "RecordConf": "Schedule/Storage", "AutoSnapSchedule": "Scheduled Snapshot", "timeTask": "Scheduled Task", "PtzAutoMovement": "Scheduled Task Config", "Scream": "Scream", "appEventStorageHealthAlarm": "SD Card Durability Warning", "Storage.HealthAlarm": "SD Card Durability Warning", "StorageHealthAlarm": "SD Card Durability Warning", "StorageFailure": "Storage Error", "ThermoIntelliVideoFilter": "Sea 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"Shop No.", "appEventShopWindowPost": "Shop Window Display", "ShutDown": "Shut down/Reboot Device", "shutter": "Shutter", "ShutterAbnormal": "Shutter Exception", "shutterFirst": "Shutter Priority", "appEventShopSignAbnormal": "Unauthorized Signboard Changing", "Signalqality": "Signal Strength", "SimpChinese": "Simplified Chinese", "appEventStayAloneDetection": "Single Person", "Slow": "Slow", "slowShutter": "Slow Shutter", "slowSpeed": "Slow Shutter Lower Limit", "SmartEncode": "Smart Codec", "VideoInIRExposure": "Smart IR Setting", "SmartKitchenClothesDetection": "Smart Kitchen", "appEventSmartKitchenClothesDetection": "Smart Kitchen", "SmartMotionDetect": "Smart Motion Detection", "IntelliTour": "Smart Tour Plan Config", "IntelliSchemeTour": "AI Time Plan Config", "TrackerPolicy": "Smart Tracking", "IntelliTrackScene": "Smart Tracking Scene Config", "TrackerPolicySchedule": "Smart Tracking Strategy Plan", "SMB connect failed": "SMB connection failed.", "SMB connect successed": "SMB 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"Splicing Mode", "FreeSplice": "Splicing Setting", "MultiVideoSensor": "Splicing Setting", "Spring": "Spring", "SSHD": "SSH", "SSIDTooLong": "SSID name is too long.", "appEventManStandDetection": "Stand Detection", "standard": "Standard", "Start": "Start", "EventStart": "Start Event", "pt_Start Record": "Start Record", "AudioTalk": "Start Talk", "StartTime": "Start Time", "State": "Status", "Status": "Status", "duration": "Stay Time", "appEventStayDetection": "Stay Detection", "StereoStayDetection": "Stay Detection", "CalibratePoints": "Stereo Calibration", "OverWriteNo": "Stop", "Stop": "Stop", "pt_Stop Record": "Stop Record", "StopTalk": "Stop Talk", "AuthStoreCfg": "Storage", "MHardisk": "Storage", "StorageGlobal": "Storage Component Global Config", "StorageGroup": "Storage Group Info", "RecordStoragePoint": "Storage Spot Config", "MediaEncrypt": "Stream Encryption", "streetLamp": "Street Lamp", "ExtraFormat": "Sub Stream", "Succeed!": "Succeed", "Success": "Succeed", "Summer": "Summer", "SunGlasses": "Sunglasses", "Sunny": "Sunny", "SunTimeError": "Sunrise time and sunset time cannot be the same.", "Surprise": "Surprised", "SuvMpv": "suv-mpv", "NightOptionsSwitchMode": "Switch Mode", "AuthSysCfg": "System", "System": "System", "AuthSysInfo": "System Info", "Reboot": "System Reboot", "appEventTailDetection": "Tailing Detection", "StereoTailDetection": "Tail Detection", "appEventShakeDetection": "Tampering Detection", "ShakeDetection": "Tampering Detection", "TargetStack": "Target Box Overlay", "TrafficFlowStat": "Target Traffic Flow Statistics", "ThermoAlgo": "Temp Measurement Mode", "appEventHeatImagingTemper": "Temperature", "atmo_temper": "Temperature", "HeatImagingTemper": "Temperature", "appEventBetweenRulesTemperDiffAlarm": "Temperature Contrast", "BetweenRulesTemperDiffAlarm": "Temperature Contrast", "TemperatureDifferenceOSD": "Temperature Contrast", "Mail_Test": "Test Email", "FTPNoDeleteDirAuth": "Test failed. The user has no permission to delete directory.", "FTPNoDeleteFileAuth": "Test failed. The user has no permission to delete Files.", "FTPNoListAuth": "Test failed. The user has no permission to read list.", "FTPReadOnly": "Test failed. The user has no write permission.", "FTPReadWrite": "Test successful.", "Region borders can't be crossing! R-click then Redraw!": "The area limit cannot be intersected. Please draw again.", "PtzPowerLevelOn": "The device is in eco mode. Some peripheral functions cannot be enabled.", "Time": "Time", "Sky": "Top", "TopCenter": "Top Center", "UpstairsLine": "Top Fence", "appEventHddNumber": "Total Disk", "PtzTour": "Tour Group", "Tour": "Tour Group", "tourName": "Tour Name", "tourNumber": "Tour No.", "appEventTrafficTollGate": "Traffic ANPR", "appEventCongestionDetection": "Traffic Congestion", "appEventExTrafficJam": "Traffic Congestion", "CongestionDetection": "Traffic Congestion", "TrafficGlobal": "Traffic Global Config", "SignalLight": "Traffic Light Configuration", "TrafficRecognition": "Traffic Scene", "ObjectDetectSnapshot": "Traffic Snapshot", "TrafficSnapshot": "Traffic Snapshot", "Tricycle": "Tricycle", "ExceptionProgramRun": "Invalid executable programs attempting to run", "Type": "Type", "appEventExTrafficUnderSpeed": "Underspeed", "Unit": "Unit", "Unknown": "Unknown", "appEventFlowBusiness": "Unlicensed Stall Vendor", "Top": "Up Limit", "SysUpdate": "Update", "Upgrade": "Update", "Config.OverlayPicture": "Upload Overlay Picture", "GroupName": "User Group Name", "UserName": "Username", "VideoInFocusOptions": "Vari-focal Lens Parameter", "VehiclesDistri": "Vehicle Density", "VehicleDetect": "Vehicle Detection", "appEventExTrafficVehicleInRoute": "Vehicle in Lane", "appEventExTrafficQueueJump": "Vehicle Queue Jumping", "EncodeConf": "Video", "VideoAnalyseModule": "Video Analytics Detection Module Config", "VideoAnalyseCalibrate": "Video Analytics Global Config", "VideoAnalyseGlobal": "Video Analytics Global Config", "VideoAnalyseRule": "Video Analytics Rule Config", "FreeEncodeCrop": "Video Clip", "EncodeCrop": "Video Clip", "VideoColor": "Video Color", "VideoSubColor": "Video Color Assistance", "videoDetect": "Video Detection", "NvrEncrypt": "Video Encryption", "appEventVideoAbnormalDetection": "Video Exception", "VideoAbnormalDetection": "Video Exception", "Height": "Video Height", "appEventVideoLoss": "Video Loss", "LossDetect": "Video Loss", "VideoStandard": "Video Standard", "appEventVideoBlind": "Video Tampering", "BlindDetect": "Video Tampering", "VideoBlind": "Video Tampering", "Width": "Video Width", "VideoConfig": "Video/Audio Detection", "VSP_GAVI": "View Database", "TrafficViolationCode": "Violation Code Config", "IllegalPlace": "Violation Location", "IllegalTime": "Violation Time", "appEventFightDetection": "Violence Detection", "VisualRadiometry": "Visible Temp Measurement Config", "flamboyant": "Vivid", "VoiceEnable": "Voice (Device Associated Config)", "VoltageDetection": "Voltage Exception", "Sound": "Volume", "WHRate": "W:H", "WallMode": "Wall", "DetectLine": "Warning Line", "WaterLevelDetection": "Water Level Detection", "WaterMonitorTitle": "Water Monitoring Title", "VideoWaterMark": "Watermark", "String": "Watermark String", "VideoInWhiteBalance": "WB", "WideDynamicRange": "WDR", "ThermWideDynamic": "WDR", "AtmosphereOSD": "Weather Info Overlay", "URLErrorOverLimit": "Web directory bruteforcing", "White": "White", "White Hot": "White Hot", "TrustList": "Allowlist", "AroudWifiSearch": "Wi-Fi", "WLan": "Wi-Fi Config", "AroudWifiDevInfo": "Wi-Fi Device Basic Info Config", "AroudWifiFactoryInfo": "Wi-Fi Manufacturer Basic Info Config", "AroudWifiLocationInfo": "Wi-Fi Site Basic Info Config", "APConfilctWIFI": "Wi-Fi will be unavailable when soft AP function is enabled", "atmo_dierction": "Wind Direction", "atmo_speed": "Wind Speed", "Winter": "Winter", "RainBrush": "Wiper", "RainBrushConfig": "Wiper", "RainBrushMode": "Wiper Mode", "WirelessAlarm": "Wireless Alarm", "appEventAlarmExtended": "Wireless Alarm", "appEventAlarmInfrared": "Wireless Alarm", "Wireless": "Wireless Config", "Group": "Working Group Name", "V3RWAuthPwd": "Write-only User Authentication Password", "V3RWEncryPwd": "Write-only User Encryption Password", "appEventExTrafficRetrograde": "Wrong-way Driving", "appEventTrafficRetrograde": "Wrong-way Driving", "appEventRetrogradeDetection": "Wrong-way Driving Detection", "RetrogradeDetection": "Wrong-way Driving Detection", "Yellow": "Yellow", "Glasses_Y": "Yes", "Zoom": "Zoom", "Focus&Zoom": "Zoom & Focus", "zoomPrio": "Zoom Priority", "VideoInZoom": "Zoom Setting", "zfZoomSpeed": "Zoom Speed", "Ushield.verifyFail": "Failed to verify USB key.", "Ushield.verifySuccess": "Verified USB key successfully.", "sys.NewContact": "New Contact", "sys.OldContact": "Old Contact", "sys.ResetSystemAuthentication": "Confirm to restore factory defaults", "GB35114.CertNotFound": "All certificates will be deleted. Continue?", "app.Disabled": "Disabled", "app.StopActionTip": "It is recommended to stop PTZ action.", "app.RunningSpinTip": "Some functions will be locked", "Dahua3.0-Web3.0": "CGI", "com.ReSearchTip": "Operation too frequent. Please search again.", "com.TaskSnap": "Linkage Snapshot", "com.BurnWarning": "Risk of burns. Shutter closed.", "ActiveServerCert": "Activated server certificate", "sys.ChangePwd": "Change Password", "GPSE": "E", "GPSW": "W", "GPSN": "N", "GPSS": "S", "GPSSpeed": "V", "itc.CarLogo": "Car Logo", "ivs.UpClothesType": "Top", "ivs.UpperBodyColor": "Top Color", "ivs.CarrierBagStatus": "Handbag", "med.NetRecovery": "Network Recovery", "med.AppEventIPNormal": "IP Normal", "com.SDErrorTip": "SD card error", "med.SDCardSpaceNormal": "SD Card Capacity Normal", "PtzVoltageUnusual": "Voltage Unusual", "med.OutputOvercurrent": "Output Current Overload", "w_Second": "s", "bkup_data.start": "Start", "bkup_data.stop": "Stop", "w_User": "Username", "AbnormalTime": "Abnormal Time", "ExceptionType": "Exception Type", "TimeScheduleList": "Time Schedule List", "Create": "Create", "OnvifUserLock": "ONVIF User Lock", "DSTEnd": "DST End", "DSTOff": "DST Disable", "DSTStart": "DST Start", "appEventBackToDetection": "Back Detection", "appEventWalkDetection": "Walking Detection", "appEventWriteOnTheBoardDetection": "Blackboard Writing Detection", "AVSAutoFineTuning": "Auto Fine Tuning", "ParkingLotStatusDetection": "Parking Space Status", "DisableLightingLinkage": "Disarm and Disable Warning Light", "DisableVoiceLinkage": "Disarm and Disable Audio Output", "DisableEmailLinkage": "Disarm and Disable Sending Emails", "DisableAlarmOutLinkage": "Disarm and Disable Alarm Output", "DisableLinkage": "Disarm with One Click", "DisableLinkageTimeSection": "Disarm by Period", "appEventActivityAnalyse": "Activation Analysis", "appEventFloatingObjectDetection": "Floating Debris Detection", "appEventWaterLevelDetection": "Water Level Detection", "WeatherMonitorTitle": "Weather Monitoring OSD Overlay Config", "SleepingControl": "Sleep Config", "BurnWarning2": "Risk of lens burns. PTZ turns away.", "LaserWarnTip": "Caution! Laser is enabled.", "DayWarnStopTip": "It is recommended to stop relevant actions.", "DayWarnTip": "Focus and zoom are too frequent, which will shorten the service life of the lens.", "ZoomRatioCalibrate": "Zoom Calibration", "HeaterRunTimeRemain": "Manually heating. Time left:", "DhopCustom": "Opened up the custom event function on Dhop.", "LogOnlineBackup": "Online Log Backup", "AbnormalError": "PTZ rotation exception detected. Please maintain the PTZ.", "AbnormalDetecting": "Detecting PTZ rotation exception.", "PTZAbnormalDetect": "Detect PTZ Exception", "SingleWorker": "Lone Working", "NoWorker": "Absence Detection", "Clothes": "Workwear", "Helmet": "Safety Helmet", "appEventWorkStatDetection": "Construction Monitoring", "VideoWidgetBatteryFullCharge": "Fully charged.", "VideoWidgetBatteryLowPower": "Low battery.", "VideoWidgetBatteryCharging": "Charging.", "FocusTraining": "Do not operate the camera during focusing training.", "FocusTrainOver": "Focusing training ended.", "FocusExpert": "Expert Mode", "FocusCalibrationScene": "Focusing Scene Info", "grassland": "Grassland", "bluesky": "Sky", "AbnormalShutDown": "Abnormal shutdown.", "LowPowerShutDown": "Shut down because of low battery.", "ManualShutDown": "Manual shutdown.", "BatteryOverHeating": "Battery overtemperature.", "PtzAbnormal": "PTZ Expection", "appEventBatteryOverHeating": "Battery overtemperature.", "PtzSerial": "PTZ Prioirty Config", "FlexStream": "FlexStream", "AccuracySnapImage": "Precise Snapshot Parameter Config", "ParkingSpaceSplice": "Composite Picture", "LifePercent": "Abrasion", "FileType": "File Type", "w_Camera Setup": "Camera", "w_Sysmanager": "System", "W_FocusZoom": "Focus & Zoom", "PtzPresetInvalid": "Invalid preset.", "PtzRestartFin": "PTZ is restarted.", "PtzStartFin": "The PTZ was started.", "w_IRLight": "Illuminator", "WebSvr.Abnormal": "Network Service Exception", "MobilePhoneApplication": "Mobile Push Notifications", "appEventPowerLineForeignDetection": "Foreign Objects on the Transmission Line", "PtzRestart": "PTZ restarting...", "w_OutdeviceManage": "Peripheral", "w_RainBrush": "Wiper", "w_Once": "Once", "ReportHttpUpload": "Report Auto Upload to HTTP", "ReportEmailUpload": "Report Auto Upload to Email", "ReportFtpUpload": "Report Auto Upload to FTP", "ReportSftpUpload": "Report Auto Upload to SFTP", "PictureHttpUpload": "Image Auto Upload to HTTP", "DeicingAndDefogging": "Removing ice and fog", "DewateringRemain": "Removing water. Remaining", "Reason": "Reason", "Port Abnormal": "Port Exception", "AccountOrPwdErrorOverLimit": "Brute force attack of the account.", "appEventHumanTraitPortraitDetect": "Face & Body Detection", "AICoding": "AI Codec", "appEventPreParking": "Imminent Illegal Parking", "w_beginTime": "Start Time", "w_endTime": "End Time", "ivs_PlateNumber": "Plate No.", "appEventParkingLimitDetection": "Parking Space Detection", "appEventTrafficTrustCar": "Allowlist", "appEventTrafficSuspiciousCar": "Blocklist", "HeatImagingThermometry": "Thermal Config", "DebugInfoRedir": "Stores logs to devices", "ParkingSpaceDebugInfoRedir": "Stores logs to devices", "VideoInPlateAutoExposure": "Plate Exposure", "Fontmanager.FontMaintenance": "Font Pack", "Event": "Event", "Level": "Level", "Remark": "Remarks", "DisposalResult": "Result", "DetailInfo": "Details", "HighLevel": "Severe", "MiddleLevel": "Moderate", "LowLevel": "Low", "AttackInvasion": "Intrusion", "IntrusionDetectDispose": "Event Processing", "Unfinished": "Further Action Required (Restart Needed)", "ExceptionProgramRunInBackground": "Malicious program %s is trying to run in the background.", "ClearUnknownExceptionProgram": "Clear unknown malicious program files", "HostTryToGetSessionID": "Host %s is attempting to illegally get online session credentials.", "CheckHostLegal": "Check whether the host is unauthorized. If the host is unauthorized, we recommend enabling the firewall to block the host.", "HostTryToGetWEBBackgroundPath": "Host %s is attempting to get the web background path.", "UserTriedToLoginAtInvalidTime": "User %s attempted to log in to the device at the unauthorized time (%s).", "CheckMisoperationOrNot": "Check whether the behavior or the operation is abnormal.", "SessionLoginTips": " %d connected sessions: [%ip]. %d queued sessions: [%ip]", "CheckHostOneByOneTips": "Please check whether the target host is behaving abnormally. If the host is unauthorized, we recommend enabling the firewall to block the host.", "HostTryingToBruteForceAttackOnPassword": "Host %s is attempting a brute-force attack to crack the password of user %s.", "AccountOrPwdErrorOverLimitAdvice": "Check whether the behavior or the operation is abnormal. If the host is unauthorized, we recommend enabling the firewall to block the host. Change your password regularly and make sure it is complex.", "ClearHideProcess": "Clear hidden processes", "ClearHideModule": "Clear hidden modules", "HideModuleExist": "Hidden module %s was detected.", "HideProcessExist": "Hidden process %s was detected.", "BatchDisposedResult": "Processed: %d. Further action required: %d.", "PatternPlayDetail": "Pattern", "appEventNonMotorEntrying": "Moped in Elevator", "appEventOutdoorAD": "Outdoor Advertising Light Box", "appEventHuddleMaterial": "Untidy Sidewalk", "appEventStreetSuncure": "Drying on the Street", "VideoAnalyseBoatCalibrate": "Boat Calibration", "w_measureDistanceCannotMeasure": "Ranging Unavailable", "w_Gamma": "Gamma", "w_FlipEx": "Flip", "w_ImageStabilization": "EIS", "w_Exposure Mode": "Exposure Mode", "w_Automatic": "Auto", "w_Minute": "min", "w_Mode": "Mode", "w_DefogMode": "Defog Mode", "w_Pattern": "Pattern", "w_3DdepressNoise": "3D NR", "w_3DdepressLevel": "3D NR Level", "w_Sensitivity": "Sensitivity", "w_Middle": "Medium", "W_focus": "Focus", "w_Preset": "Preset", "w_Auto-Tour": "Tour Group", "w_Auto-Scan": "Scan", "w_title": "Title", "w_Set": "Settings", "w_Goto Preset": "View", "w_Delete": "Delete", "w_simulate485PtzSet": "Analog PTZ", "w_Default Setting": "Default", "w_Software Version": "Software Version", "w_Ptz Version": "PTZ Version", "w_Baudrate": "Baud Rate", "w_Parity": "Parity", "irisScope": "Iris", "w_KmScope": "Shutter", "w_GainScope": "Gain", "MinValue": "Min", "MaxValue": "Max", "w_high": "High", "w_low": "Low", "w_Intensity": "Intensity", "MeasureDistanceOutOfRange": "Beyond Range", "w_measureDistanceOutViewRange": "Beyond 500 m", "appEventObjectPlacementDetection": "Smart Abandoned Object", "appEventObjectRemovalDetection": "Smart Missing Object", "VideoInAntiFillLightOverExposure": "Illumination Overexposure Remover", "PwdUpdatePolicy": "Password Expiration Policy", "FlickerClearMulti": "Flicker Removal", "McuName": "PTZ Program", "PTZMCUUpdate": "PTZ Update", "Peripheral": "Peripheral Update", "MobileNetwork": "Mobile Network Update", "Algorithm": "Algorithm Update", "ErrorReason": "Error Reason", "CurrentVersion": "Current Software Version", "PreviousVersion": "Previous Software Version", "BurnPartitionFailed": "Unmatched PTZ Program Package", "InvalidSecBlineVer": "Security Baseline Version Not Up to Date", "CheckHwidFailed": "HWID Verification Failure", "ErrorMsg": "Update Failure Reason", "ErrorCode": "Error Code", "app.SpinLess": "Insufficient PTZ lifespan.", "appEventSleepDetect": "Sleep Detection", "appEventSewageDetection": "Drainage Detection", "WaterQualityDetection": "Water Quality Detection", "appEventWaterQualityDetection": "Water Quality Detection", "FireSmokeDetect": "Smoke and Heat Detection Mode", "ManualTrack": "Manual Track", "GotoHomePosition": "Go to Home Position", "AddTourPoint": "Add Tour Preset", "DeleteTourPoint": "Delete Tour Preset", "StartPattern": "Start Pattern", "MoveDirectly": "Position", "PtzOperType": "PTZ Operation Type", "RelativeMove": "Relative Move", "StopScan": "Stop Scan", "StopPatternRecord": "Stop Recording Pattern", "StopMove": "Stop Move", "SetPreset": "Add Preset", "StopPattern": "Stop Pattern", "DeletePattern": "Delete Pattern", "DeletePreset": "Delete Preset", "StopContinuousMove": "Stop Continuous Move", "SetScanLimit": "Set Scan", "AutoMovement": "Scheduled Task", "StartPatternRecord": "Start Recording Pattern", "GotoLastPostion": "Go to Previous Position", "MoveContinuously": "Continuous Move", "StartScan": "Start Scan", "StartTour": "Start Tour", "PtzTaskName": "PTZ Function", "SetTour": "Add Tour Group", "DeleteTour": "Delete Tour Group", "GotoPreset": "Go to Preset", "StopTour": "Stop Tour", "PTZOper": "PTZ Operation", "com.TemporaryUser": "Temporary Account", "HeadLiftDetection": "Head-up Detection", "appEventHeadLiftDetection": "Head-up Detection", "AISSA": "AI SSA", "VideoInAntiRollingshutter": "AFSA", "appEventGenealAttitude": "Exam Behavior Analysis", "appEventPIRAlarm": "PIR", "appEventBatteryLowPower": "Low Battery Alarm", "PowerMonitor": "Real-time Power Consumption", "WaterLevel": "Water Level", "WaterRadar": "Water Level Detection", "WaterLevelTitle": "Water Level Detection", "Error": "Error Type", "LLDPGlobal": "LLDP Config", "WriteData": "Error writing the data.", "appEventPackOpenDetection": "Unpacked & Inspected Package Detection", "appEventPackLandDetection": "Fallen Package Detection", "appEventPackBrokenDetection": "Damaged Package Detection", "appEventTrafficFlowStat": "Target Traffic Flow Statistics", "appEventRoadObstacleDetection": "Road Obstacle Detection", "appEventAnythingDetect": "Targets Detection", "appEventDhopCustom": "Enabled the custom event function on DHOP.", "appEventDhopCustomOnce": "Enabled the custom event function on DHOP.", "com.TempunitC": "℃", "DustClean": "Removed the dust and fog", "appEventFishingDetection": "Fishing Detection", "w_temperature": "Temperature", "RingPtRestartFin": "The rotational PT was restarted", "RingPtStartFin": "The rotational PT was started", "RingPtRestart": "Restarting the rotational PT…", "RingPtStarting": "Starting the rotational PT…", "GlobalDeviceParam": "Installation Info", "DoNotOperateCamera": "Do not operate the camera", "Storage.RemoveFiles": "Deleted the files", "net.TrafficOverThreshold": "Dear Customer, the used data traffic of the device reached the defined threshold. Please contact the carrier for the actual data usage.", "TrafficTransferOffline": "Configuration of Offline File Transfer", "appEventCrowdLevelDetection": "Crowd Detection", "ResourceManage": "Resource Management", "AudioScream": "Scream", "AudioAlarm": "Alarm", "SmartSoundDetect": "Smart Sound Detection", "AudioCry": "Cry", "AudioGunshot": "Gunshot", "AudioExplosion": "Explosion", "AudioCrashingGlass": "Glass Breaking", "traffic_title.direction_type": "South to North|Southwest to Northeast|West to East|Northwest to Southeast|North to South|Northeast to Southwest|East to West|Southeast to Northwest", "appEventStereoDistanceDetection": "People Approach Detection", "ConfigFile": "Configuration", "DebugInfo.OneClickExport": "Export", "ImportFailCfg": "Failed to import the configuration", "RestoreFailConfig": "Failed to restore the configuration", "EmailReset": "Reserved Email Address", "ChangeNumReset": "Changed the phone number", "ReservedNumReset": "Reserved Phone No.", "PwdResetType": "Reset Method", "PowerExceedWaitingPTZstop": "Exceeded the power consumption limit. Enable it after the PTZ operations stop.", "OnvifAccountFile": "ONVIF Account", "AccountFile": "Account", "CheckResult": "Check Result", "Security.FileIntegrityCheck": "Integrity Check", "EventHttpUpload": "Event Auto Upload to HTTP", "PTZSet": "PTZ Config", "SafeBelt": "Seatbelt", "Vest": "Safety Vest ", "appEventPlayMobilephone": "Using Mobile Phone", "DisableEventNotify": "Disarming Event Notification", "ptz.PresetImportingTip": "The presets are being imported or exported. Please do not perform any operations at this time.", "Apron": "Apron", "Glove": "Gloves", "ShoesCover": "Shoe Covers", "Boot": "Boots", "ComponentStartupParam": "Parameters used to enable components", "appEventBubbleDetection": "Foam Detection", "BubbleDetection": "Foam Detection", "PtzPatrolStrategy": "Patrol policy", "appEventTrafficOverSpeed": "Speed Detection", "WirelessExpert": "Advanced Parameters of Cellular Network", "HardReset": "Hard Reset", "SoftReset": "Soft Reset", "ResetType": "Reset Type", "CellularNetcard": "Cellular NIC", "CellularReset": "The cellular module was automatically reset\n", "CellularNetOffline": "The cellular network was offline", "NoHat": "Not Wearing Hat", "pullUpWake": "Pulled streams to wake up the device", "HighTossDetection": "High-rise Littering", "WirelessOfflineDetect": "Offline Detection", "appEventHighTossDetection": "High-rise Littering", "appEventHighTossDetectionStop": "High-rise Littering", "SetElevatorFloorInfo": "Please configure the current floor", "EthernetIOT": "Ethernet IoT", "VideoWidgetBatteryNormalPower": "Normal battery.", "_Pir_": "PIR", "CalibrateGPS": "Calibrated by GPS ", "_AudioAnalyse_": "Audio Analysis Configuration", "CoveringDetection": "Obstacle Detection", "appEventCoveringDetection": "Obstacle Detection", "appEventCoveringDetectionStop": "Obstacle Detection", "RemoteDevice": "Remote Device Config", "DistrictPrefecture": "Plate Algorithm Config", "ParkingSpaceTitle": "Parking Space Picture Overlay", "TrafficParkingStatistics": "Parking Space Counting", "PresetSnap": "Snapshot Presets", "appEventPositionSnap": "Snapshot by Location", "OfflineTransfer": "ANR (Automatic Network Recovery)", "OfflineTransferTip": "ANR was performed too frequently and the network signal was poor.", "TrigerHttpUserList": "Send Command Server Config", "MagCorrectTilt": "Vertical Adjustment of Magnetic Encoder", "MagCorrectPan": "Horizontal Adjustment of Magnetic Encoder", "0x13100103_reason": "%s are on the same network segment.", "0x13100103_advice": "The currently valid NIC is %s.", "0x13100210_reason": "%s failed to get the IP address through DHCP.", "0x13100210_advice": "Please check if the DHCP configuration of the router is normal.", "0x13100220_reason": "Failed to get the IP address through DHCP.", "0x13100220_advice": "Please select another Wi-Fi hotspot and try again.", "0x13100240_reason": "Failed to get the IP address through DHCP.", "0x13100240_advice": "Please check if the SIM card data plan has run out or enable the cellular network function again.", "0x13100410_reason": "The gateway of %s is abnormal.", "0x13100410_advice": "Please reconfigure the gateway address.", "0x13100411_reason": "The gateway of %s is abnormal.", "0x13100411_advice": "Please check if the DHCP configuration of the router is normal.", "0x13100420_reason": "The gateway is abnormal.", "0x13100420_advice": "Please select another Wi-Fi hotspot and try again.", "0x13100430_reason": "The gateway is abnormal.", "0x13100430_advice": "Please try PPPoE dial-up again.", "0x13100440_reason": "The gateway is abnormal.", "0x13100440_advice": "Please enable the cellular network function again.", "0x13100450_reason": "The router detected that there is no NIC online.", "0x13100450_advice": "Please check the network connection.", "0x13100510_reason": "IPv4 address conflict exists on %s.", "0x13100510_advice": "Please modify the IP address of the corresponding NIC.", "0x13100511_reason": "IPv4 address conflict exists on %s.", "0x13100511_advice": "Please log in to the background of the router and check for conflicting IP addresses.", "0x13100520_reason": "IPv4 address conflict exists on %s.", "0x13100520_advice": "Please log in to the background of the router and check for conflicting IP addresses.", "0x13100530_reason": "IPv4 address conflict exists.", "0x13100530_advice": "Please try PPPoE dial-up again.", "0x13100540_reason": "IPv4 address conflict exists.", "0x13100540_advice": "Please enable the cellular network function again.", "0x13100550_reason": "MAC address conflict exists.", "0x13100550_advice": "The conflicting MAC address is %s.", "0x13110002_reason": "The power supply of the device might behave abnormally. Please check if the power supply is stable. ", "0x30010001_reason": "Failed to visit the DNS server that the DHCP server allocated.", "0x30010001_advice": "1. Please check whether there is an error with the network environment.\n2. Reconfigure the DNS server address for the DHCP server.\n3. Try to modify the testing domain to parse again.", "0x30010002_reason": "The configured DNS server failed to parse the file normally.", "0x30010002_advice": "1. Please check whether there is an error with the network environment.\n2. Try to modify the testing domain to parse again.\n3. Try to modify the DNS server address of the device.", "0x13100312_reason": "%s failed to get the IP address of the DNS sever.", "0x13100312_advice": "Please modify the DNS address.", "0x13100313_reason": "%s failed to get the IP address of the DNS sever.", "0x13100313_advice": "Please modify the DNS address of the DHCP configuration that is on the router.", "0x13100321_reason": "Failed to get the IP address of the DNS sever.", "0x13100321_advice": "Please select another Wi-Fi hotspot and try again.", "0x13100331_reason": "Failed to get the IP address of the DNS sever.", "0x13100331_advice": "Please try PPPoE dial-up again.", "0x13100341_reason": "Failed to get the IP address of the DNS sever.", "0x13100341_advice": "Please enable the cellular network function again.", "0x13110003_reason": "The power supply does not have any issues this time. But it might have behaved abnormally before.", "alarm_smtp.StopUTCTime": "Alarm End Time (UTC D/M/Y H:M:S)", "appEventTrashWithoutCoverDetection": "Uncovered Garbage Can", "TemperatureAlarm": "Device Temperature Alarm", "w_IntervalTime": "Interval", "InteractiveAutoMaintain": "Interactive Auto Maintenance", "MainChip": "Main Chip", "SubChip": "Sub Chip", "appEventTemperatureAlarm": "Device Temperature Alarm", "FloorCalibrationGlobal": "Global Configuration of Floor Calibration", "ivs_osd.TitleBit40": "Custom", "appEventClimbDetectionStop": "Climbing Detection", "appEventStereoManNumDetection": "Abnormal Number of People Detection", "Hygrothermograph": "Temperature and Humidity Sensor", "PowerSwitcher": "Battery Sensor", "FloorCalibrationRule": "Floor Calibration", "appEventStereoStayDetection": "People Stay Detection", "LeafDetection": "Leaves Detection", "VPTZAngleAjust": "Mini PT", "DevStateLight": "Status Indicator", "ChannelSwitch": "Channel Switch", "Security.SecurityException": "Security Error", "MobilePushNotification": "Mobile Subscription Info", "MobilePushNotificationCfg": "Mobile Subscription Info", "BatteryIdle": "Battery Uncharged", "OverDischarge": "Overdischarged", "OverVolt": "Overvoltage", "UnderVolt": "Undervoltage", "EQU": "Equalizing Charging", "FloatCharge": "Float Charging", "BST": "Constant Voltage Charging", "CHG": "Battery Charging Status", "Soc": "Remaining Battery Level", "CHGPower": "Charging Power", "com.NotOnline": "Offline", "com.Camera": "Camera", "appEventTrafficPedestrain": "Pedestrian", "SouthwestDirection": "SW", "NorthwestDirection": "NW", "SoutheastDirection": "SE", "NortheastDirection": "NE", "NorthDirection": "N", "WestDirection": "W", "SouthDirection": "S", "EastDirection": "E", "adv.NotNormal": "Abnormal", "w_laserLightAngle": "Laser Angle", "w_laserLightIntensity": "Laser Intensity", "AngleAdjustLock": "PTZ Lock Configuration", "ProtocolType": "Protocol Type", "PRIVATE_2ND": "Private Protocol", "ONVIF": "ONVIF", "CGI": "CGI", "GB": "GB28181", "RTSP_Private": "RTSP (Private)", "RTSP_ONVIF": "RTSP (ONVIF)", "PRIVATE_3ND_HTTP": "Web Protocol", "PRIVATE_3ND_DHIP": "Private Client Protocol", "UpOnline": "Online", "NorthEast": "Northeast", "NorthWest": "Northwest", "SouthEast": "Southeast", "SouthWest": "Southwest", "GB35114.CertManage": "GB35114 Certificate Management", "0x30020001_reason": "%s failed to connect to the base station. Cell signals cannot be found", "0x30020001_advice": "Please check whether the antenna is working abnormally and whether the device is within the valid signal coverage of the cellular network.", "0x30020004_reason": "%s failed to register to the core network", "0x30020004_advice": "Please check whether the SIM card is in arrears or contact the cellular provider to check whether the card activation status is abnormal.", "0x30020005_reason": "%s failed to establish a dial-up connection", "0x30020005_advice": "Please check whether the dial-up parameters are correct.", "0x30020006_reason": "The SIM status of %s is abnormal", "0x30020006_advice": "Please check whether the SIM card is correctly inserted or loose.", "0x30020007_reason": "The serving cell of %s was frequently changed", "0x30020007_advice": "Please try to lock the frequency or contact the cellular provider to optimize the network.", "0x30070001_reason": "The exposure configuration does not match the ambient lighting conditions", "0x30070001_advice": "Please configure the exposure parameters again.", "ARPBinding": "Bound to APR", "per.Bad": "Low", "DisableSendCommandLinkage": "Sent command to disarm", "System.SetCurrentTime": "Set System Time", "Config.Save": "Save Config", "appEventDoorStateDetection": "Abnormal Door Closing", "appEventOpenCloseDoorDetection": "Repeated Opening and Closing", "appEventTrappedInLiftDetection": "People Trapped Detection", "ElevatorFloorCounter": "Floor Config", "SoftReboot": "The cellular module was soft restarted", "DepthField": "Extended Depth of Field", "appEventRunDetection": "Running Detection", "adv.LowTemp": "Low Temperature", "adv.HighTemp": "High Temperature", "IntegrityCheck": "Stream Integrity", "appEventOpenIntelli": "Open AI Event", "appEventBreakRuleBuildingDetection": "Unapproved Buildings", "ElevatorAlarm": "Abnormal Elevator Alarm", "med.PrimeLens": "Fixed-focal Camera" }